Please help, why dont post pic attachments open ?


10 W
Apr 26, 2011
I come across post which have links to pics that people put in their posts, most of the time when I click on them I see nothing.
Can some one please explain.

A moderator may chime in here and give more details, but the short answer is that a month or so ago there was a server switch or some such thing like that and in the transfer many of the picture files were either corrupted or lost. To my knowledge no one has said for certain whether this is going to be able to be repaired in the future or if the pictures are lost forever.
mhm, that's my understanding also.
If you see something with a link to the image, it's a goner.
If you see any image pre-2011, it's probably corrupted.

It has been broken like this for a while, no word of it ever being fixed.
Essentially, what was said above.

Until the primary IT administrator has the time from his regular job(s) and life and whatnot to attempt to restore the pictures from a backup, which will probably be a laborious manual effort (so as not to wipe out any new attachments), the old pics and attachments of various types will remain in whatever state they are currently in.

The only way that can change other than the above is if each person that posted such pics and attachments has saved their stuff and goes thru the laborious process of deleting the broken version and re-uploading the original again, for every post they made, one at a time.

I myself would have hundreds of images to fix, at least, and I am not going to put that effort into it unless I have a guarantee of some sort that it is not going to be able to happen again (meaning that multiple people have local copies of the entire databases both forum and attachments, and a way of easily restoring them individually or globally).

Well, actually, in theory, the other board administrator could get hold of the primary, get a physical copy of the uncorrupted backup(s), and then perform the restore, but I doubt he has any time available to do it, either. No one else I am aware of has admin access to the database to do such file-by-file replacements.

In theory it could also be scripted, if anyone knows how, but that would replace every attachement with whatever was in teh backup (even if the current one is uncorrupted and the one in the backup is not).

It's a lot of work no matter how you look at it, unless the backup/restore functions happen to be automated enough to allow this kind of thing easily, which I doubt. I fully expect the functions would be made only to backup and restore the *entire* database at once, and I have no idea what havoc that would cause with attachments and images added *after* the backup was created.
I found that on some of my posts, so uploaded the pics to photobucket and reposted them so they would show up again. A pain it was.
They're probably either in a database table..
Or as files in a folder..

For the latter, you could do a export and overwrite the current database entries, this would be easy to do in something like phpadmin. The new entries wouldn't be rewritten, just the old ones that are corrupt.

For the former, you could copy the files over again and rewrite. they will have unique IDs / filenames.

It sounds like file system corruption happened and there was no backup.

Also if you look at .... the homepage for the parent company or whatever is broken too.
I host all my images on my own server and if i make an interesting post, i save it as a text file.

I created the ES facebook because i wanted a place for people to go if this board goes belly up. It does worry me that the community i spend hours on every day could just disappear..
Wish I had copies of a few of my pics. Lost em when a laptop died, hadn't backed it up.
Please, not another crash today 5/2/2011... many threads will not open with sql error...

There is too much good, engineering information on this board to be lost!
Good news! The files I tried to access earlier with sql errors are OK and back up.
amberwolf said:
I myself would have hundreds of images to fix, at least, and I am not going to put that effort into it unless I have a guarantee of some sort that it is not going to be able to happen again (meaning that multiple people have local copies of the entire databases both forum and attachments, and a way of easily restoring them individually or globally).
I don't have as many images to fix, I have copies of all the pictures, grouped for each thread, and I backed up all my threads just before the crash. I am also hesistant to put in the effort to repair the damage until I have some reassurances. I don't think I've even bothered to take any pictures lately, let alone post them. I also tend to avoid reading old threads, even when a link is posted in a new thread, too frustrating.
Not giving up hope yet, i know this has been a long wait, but knightmb has not quit on us ! lol.. we got a short update this morning, servers were impacted by the bad weather... and .. uhm.... waiting for more info and will pass along as it's available !.. :wink:

We may have an upgrade in the near future, there are a few patches that need to be applied as well etc .. I do pray my 1000's of images come back, i have a backup copy of it all but no way am i going to edit all those posts... thank god a fair portion of it is on my projects page..
To bad all thoes old pics are gone, from the many times I have been reading posts here and I have only been doing this for a week or so, and wanted to open up pics that I couldn't, seems like alot of posters put some nice effort to add pics to illustrate their explanations with pictures that that for some one who has never seen some of this stuff, really would have been worth a thousand words. Well I can't complain. This forum is great! I remember like 30 years ago I sent away for a skinny book about how to put a starter motor on your bike, and that was probally the extent of the information available.
amberwolf said:
Until the primary IT administrator has the time from his regular job(s) and life and whatnot to attempt to restore the pictures from a backup, which will probably be a laborious manual effort (so as not to wipe out any new attachments), the old pics and attachments of various types will remain in whatever state they are currently in.

Perhaps we could have an open thread asking for help with the scripting? If full details are given such as the forum software's version then other details like the database structure can be derived. A lot of the time these types of scripting jobs are pretty straightfoward. The final script could be checked by peer review without any security issues I'd imagine.

I think it's a worthy cause because the images are so valuable in some of the threads.