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Stop Geoengineering Chemtrails

Sep 14, 2015
Is crazy, total implausible, and this a Protest E-Bike of the frock Geoengineering in EU and complett World.
Every Day spraying in the Air.
This Picture are not Download, I myself ge these Images....
Location NRW-Germany.....

Look her in the sky ........... Only for 10sec
Yes Germany is Katastrophe really bad, when the sun is shining is sprayed every day...
And these Images I made in Moscow Airport Sheremetewa 2... I was there I thought of Putin does not do that...... 25.08.2015
Thanks for posting this.

Most people never realize that there are many 'persistant contrails' that stay in the sky and fan out into artificial clouds.

There are actual patents describing the particulates necessary to do this, but no one admits to it happening, even though science doesn't allow for normal jet trail condensation to do this.

The reasons and side effects can only be guessed at, but one thing is definite-
if it's really real, it's widespread across every un/nato country, and the blatant obviousness of it signifies the way this world REALLY works.

I've noticed ridiculous amounts of trails here on the east coast of the US since I was made aware a few years ago. Some days nothing- you can see jets still flying high, and other days they leave trails from horizon to horizon. Doesn't matter summer or winter etc.

There's alot of coverage online, and a few documentaries the attempt to establish logical evidence.
Are there any particular docus you would refer people to?

I've snapped a few photos and video- here's one of the more ridiculous days-
Typical 'dirty' sky and 6 plus trails within a few minutes before they fan out and join the rest of the pollution.

This has been my biggest issue, along with viral and bacterial gene splicing in food (GMO), and the deeper you look, it all just seems to coincide and make sense, and although the picture it paints is not that pretty, there is a silver lining and a comfort that backs up my underlying beliefs about this life and world.
Op, if you're interested in this, you most likely are aware of the pletheral of other notable potential issues/lies/coverups.
I'd like to recommend looking into flat earth theory, as I've just come across it this year and it is mind blowing how it could fit with everything else that's going on. Mark Sargent and Eric Dubay are a good place to start on that.

Best of luck, thanks for being vocal and out there. More people need to look at this stuff objectively and form their own opinions so we as a group (humankind) can have responsible actions/reactions to these things around us.
nutspecial said:
There are actual patents describing the particulates necessary to do this, but no one admits to it happening, even though science doesn't allow for normal jet trail condensation to do this.

oh. you're serious. I thought you were all joking.

I suppose your username is accurate then.
nutspecial said:
Thanks for posting this.

Most people never realize that there are many 'persistant contrails' that stay in the sky and fan out into artificial clouds.

There are actual patents describing the particulates necessary to do this, but no one admits to it happening, even though science doesn't allow for normal jet trail condensation to do this.

The reasons and side effects can only be guessed at, but one thing is definite-
if it's really real, it's widespread across every un/nato country, and the blatant obviousness of it signifies the way this world REALLY works.

I've noticed ridiculous amounts of trails here on the east coast of the US since I was made aware a few years ago. Some days nothing- you can see jets still flying high, and other days they leave trails from horizon to horizon. Doesn't matter summer or winter etc.

There's alot of coverage online, and a few documentaries the attempt to establish logical evidence.
Are there any particular docus you would refer people to?

I've snapped a few photos and video- here's one of the more ridiculous days-

Typical 'dirty' sky and 6 plus trails within a few minutes before they fan out and join the rest of the pollution.

This has been my biggest issue, along with viral and bacterial gene splicing in food (GMO), and the deeper you look, it all just seems to coincide and make sense, and although the picture it paints is not that pretty, there is a silver lining and a comfort that backs up my underlying beliefs about this life and world.
Op, if you're interested in this, you most likely are aware of the pletheral of other notable potential issues/lies/coverups.
I'd like to recommend looking into flat earth theory, as I've just come across it this year and it is mind blowing how it could fit with everything else that's going on. Mark Sargent and Eric Dubay are a good place to start on that.

Best of luck, thanks for being vocal and out there. More people need to look at this stuff objectively and form their own opinions so we as a group (humankind) can have responsible actions/reactions to these things around us.

Thanks for the text, most people do not have a plan...... unfortunately !!!
So are you claiming they're putting additives in the fuel, or sprayer tanks in the wings or something? With the way airlines watch every penny on weight and fight for dollars, they wouldn't be doing anything theyre not getting paid for, so wheres the money trail? Its hard to picture a global conspiracy that any disgruntled baggage handler or flight mechanic or airline accountant could blow the lid off of. On the other hand, the effects of spraying out hot fuel vapor and tiny particulates into the freezing upper atmosphere is well documented, as is the increase in 24 hour activity at airports.

Basing it on the weather you're feeling down at ground level just doesn't correlate to the conditions at 35000 feet. I've spent a lot of time at medium altitude (8000 to 14000ish) hang gliding, and you fly around in layers of pollution and temperature inversions that you can't see by the time you're back on the ground looking up. Or look at footage of WW2 prop driven bombers leaving huge contrails. Were they in on it back then too?

There have definitely been small scale tests of cloud seeding and whatnot, but the idea the every jet on every airline around the world is in on something just doesn't add up. Maybe if you had documented video of the sprayer tanks or piles of secret additives, but a picture of some passenger loading gantrys and a bunch of vertical tubes in a guys yard aren't very convincing.
edit... but that one guy does keep his BBQ nice and clean.
Ah, man, who opened the lid on this can of turds again?

With people prone to such levels of credulousness, paranoia and ignorance it's little wonder we live in world where people are prepared to commit atrocities in a fight against some perceived conspiracy or for some almighty being.
It seems that a certain percentage of people just absolutely need to believe in something demonstratively false in order to placate anxiety over an incomplete understanding of the world.

In my experience it's completely pointless to engage such people on their 'beliefs' as despite professing their open mindedness, they're usually the most close minded and judgmental people around. See: religious fundamentalists, climate deniers, moon landing skeptics, intelligent design hardliners etc etc

For anyone that legitimately hasn't made up their mind, these photos are of a long understood natural interaction of atmosphere with aircraft under certain conditions. There is no global conspiracy with hundreds of thousands of complicit underpaid airline personnel maintaining perfect secrecy. Just clouds.
Thanks sansander.

I hardly feel like responding to these last few comments, but Voltron, although not in agreement, at least tries to detail basic arguments.

I'm not sure the other three even know a thing about the subject :p
When a plane travels at high speed it creates a vacuum behind it. This vacuum based vortex causes the cold wet atmospheric air up there to get even colder and the moisture crystallises in the direct path behind of the plane.

You're looking at little clouds formed in nice long cigar shapes directly along the flightpath of passenger and freight jets. Some of those freight jets have my ebike parts in them. Nice.

There are no alien governments spraying you with buttjuice to warp your brain.

If you test the chemtrails you'll find a bit of jetfuel residue and that's that.

Reality is awesome. We live in good times. Isn't it enough to stand back and marvel at the garden that is nature without going looking for fairies at the bottom of the garden?
What is this, a tin foil hat stand?

2015-09-11 15.38.52 (1)_edited.jpg

edit: never mind I found it.
It is a Cloudbuster. It also neutralises the "negative mind controlling energies of cell phone towers".
And it contains quartz crystals, seems legit :D
Well let's say for one crackpot minute that its *not* ice formed using the very same thermodynamics in your freezer's pump at home.

What chemicals do you allege are being sprayed? Have you obtained samples of these chemicals?
Righto, I've had a look at two sites and the wikipedia entry.
So what NASA are saying in 2014 is that by putting some reflectives in the atmosphere we could improve the albedo of the earth and cool it down. Kinda like sunscreen for a the planet. Makes sense.

But what you kooks need to do is try to articulate what has been going on from 1970's up to 2014 before this.

It's the same bloody ice that forms on a snow blower - and the paths in the sky are commercial flight paths.

Surely any crackpot who wanted to prove this could simply sample and name the chemical, or shut the frock up.
Thermodynamics are kinda the dead giveaway imo. Opposite conditions are required for the formation of contrails and of clouds. One doesn't and can't turn into the other-
I only know of people testing water and soil for proposed geoengineering pollutants. It would be interesting if someone could test the clouds, but it's better to start with things you can test yourself.
You know, like nasa (and the world structure for hundreds of years come to think of it) vs common sense?


Ps, ahh I don't know. Maybe banana's and huskies fit the bill lol. Feel free to convice me that vortexes, passenger planes, jet fuel additives, and freezers somehow explain away persistent contrails.
The thing is I don't want your version of unconditional peace.
I want rigorous scientific (non-violent) debate in my life. It is precisely this that has condensed collective technologies across 60,000 years of human evolution. And closed down countless generations of bullshit shamans, predators and snake oil sellers.

So here are my points left standing naked for you to address:
1)Why are "opposite conditions" required to form ice? Can you explain that part? I have a B.Eng (Mech) degree that includes five years of thermodynamics and I call bullshit.

2) When a gas expands it cools rapidly. Thats how refrig cycles work. And snow blowers. You can observe it all day every day in your own home.
And ice crystals left behind in the vacuum of ~1000kph planes...

You say you want me to convince you its just ice. There's your rationale. Please accept it and don't be of closed mind. Don't reject it or you're being stubborn.
I guess it's from hearing it many times and not checking it out? :D

Jets compressing and decompressing moist air causes a temp drop that forms ice crystals. Clouds are similarly formed, from naturally rising warm moist air decompressing and cooling?
I guess what is meant by the statement I repeated of 'opposite' is that once a contrail is formed, it is no longer 'warmer rising moist air' and will not fan out and cover the sky with it's contrail brothers. It should dissapate back into normally tempered/compressed air, thus becoming invisable.
That's why my breath on a cold day isn't a half mile long :D

So what is going on when they span the sky, and fan out and cover it?


Ps, and yeah, unconditional peace, I like that.
But we can still debate, how else would truth ever come out?
nutspecial said:
So what is going on when they span the sky, and fan out and cover it?

Standard horizontal air shear when it happens. I live directly below the Melbourne to Adelaide flight path and watch the contrails form about every 70 minutes on days where the upper atmosphere permits.
On days where the north/south wind is low the patterns stay linear and fall.
One days where the north/south winds are high at high altitude the contrails simply flatten and fan out.

If the temperature at altitude contains air that is saturated from vapour they will start to condense the crytallisation of moisture that would otherwise happen several hours later. Like a catalyst to a chain reaction.

Inherent to our Darwinian urges it is normal to want to fight for a better position in life for us and kin. There are worthy causes to fight against.
But this isn't one of them.