Guys,,, you know all that i have great experience with these dewalt packs 8)
There is something i discovered that impressed me alot about these low cells that we easyly declare: dead ....
I had many of them that i kept for me instead of selling them that i tested again.
I was surprized to see that many cells clos eto zero V was still good with capacity and RI !!
I mean... these famous 1 or 2 "bad"... or even low cells that had 0.9V or 0.2V still gaved me 2150mAh and 10 mohm !! ..
and same results with 5 cycles after that!!
I also had a pack that i kept for me that measured 0.8V with every cells between 0.1 and 0.2V that i successfully charged using individual charger/cell and that gaved me 2100mAh ! with Ri between 10 and 13mohm /cell !!
since the last full charge of that pack i let ist to sit for 2 month on my desk and it still measure 34.75V of SOC !
That's why i say these cells are like buletproof and so incredible!
i'm not saying that everybody should keep these to match with their ebike batt project.. but for something like boostpack they are excellent!
If you try to recharge these lower cells, you will see quickly if they survived or not... the really BAD/DEAD cells will just heat up and will not keep their voltage when you remove the current
The best solution to revive low cells is to begin the charging process at 500mA and when they reach 3.0V you can increase the current.
The DEAD cells will never reach more than 1.5V durin g the 500mA charge process.. the rest should succed.