got a few things done today and yesterday; pics and details below the lists and notes:
-- fixed a phase connector on the rightside motor
-- called it quits trying to test the sfoc5 controller (after wasting too many hours to get much else done)
-- got the shifter and cable installed for the sachs igh
--replaced the old turn signals in front
--added an led bar over the kia headlight
--moved the grin led headlight and disconnected it for now
--removed the failed left throttle after impossible repair attempt
--replaced the left brake-light-only lever with system to handle ebrake, brake light, and proportional regen
--removed the temporary rigged brake wire/tape system from the right brake lever (front disc)
--repaired the rear top-bar red led strip
--removed the dead white led strip under the left handlebar
-- am investigating (almost ready to buy stuff) using two lebowski brains from kiwifiat to run two honda ima inverters, to replace the rear wheel controllers. it should cost around $150-ish per controller, $200 max, and a few hours of work hooking them together, running thru their setup, and documenting the process in a thread here so anyone else can do this, too. disadvantages, they use igbts, so more lossy than fets at my 14s voltages, and rather large. advantages are the control options and whatnot are much better with the lebowski brains, and the honda ima's are reliable powerstages. (and cheap, as low as $50 or less shipped, each). there's some discussion of this over in the main lebowski chip thread:
with other options like volt or ampera or prius inverters (all of which are either too expensive or too physically large for me, or require too high a voltage, despite their other advantages over the honda ima).
--i'd love to keep using the 30a grinfineons, but they simply cannot produce enough regen current. i tried to ask grin tech if the next size up would produce enough more braking with my system details, compared to the lower power version, but coudln't get any answer at all for quite a long time, then was just told to look at the documents on the website. :/ that wasn't very helpful, and finalized my decision (that i'd been considering but was hopeful that being grin tech i'd get better help, and at least responses of some kind to my questions, much quicker than i finally did) to go ahead and send both of them back (one has to be repaired anyway, due to a wiring fault in one of their brake connectors (can't remember which one) that swaps the 5v and signal lines, iirc, which meant that becuase i had paralleled the brake connectors (a totally normal thing to do), every time i pulled the brake lever it was shorting the 5v for this controller to ground and eventually that killed the 7805, and possibly other stuff). the controller that still works works fine, but is insufficient braking to even slow me quickly, much less stop me (and of course the other one never gave any braking at all, because it was being completely disabled by having it's brainpower shorted out everytime i braked, but i had no idea this was happening until it died). it'll cost me shipping plus 15% of purchase price, but that's my problem.
details of yesterday:
last thing first so you can see some pics
it was relatively simple; teh hard part was getting teh old cable out of the shifter and chainpuller. after taht the hard part was getting the cable and sheath just the right length to use the adjuster i built into the system for the old igh to let me tension it enough for the shifter to work. swapping the old sturmey-archer shifter for the sachs shifter was kind of a pain, because i had to undo wiring tiedowns and such to get the one off and the new on. but it works, so now i cna use the two lower gears. if i leave it in the middle gear, it's *almost* easy to startup from a complete stop without using throttle to get going, with the pas engaging the motors shortly after i start moving the cranks...but not *quite* easy enough for my joints yet. it's really easy in the lowest gear...but then i'm literally jsut spinning loose on the pedals after the first few revolutions. the shifter is still not in the best position for accessibility, but there's not really a good place on the bars for it (that might be different now, today, see the next post).
next...i lost the melted phase connector parts after removing them, so didn't get a pic, but the contacts inside the pp45 andersons on the yellow phase of the rightside motor had somehow gotten misaligned during tiedown of cabling, so they had high resistance, and have been slowly failing since the tire repair in the previous post. easy enough to fix, just cut off the melted andersons, and replaced them with spares, then ensured the contacts were aligned and floating in the housings when tying down the wiring (which i failed to do after teh tire repair).
i had thought when it first started that it was a mechanical problem with the motor mounting, or another broken axle, but couldn't find anything. after a while it seemed like a controller problem...and when i came home from work tuesday night, it was really bad, intermittently acted like a fet failure sometimes (but not always), dragging the right side as if it were braking, etc.; seemed like it might be a motor problem with an intermittent phase wire short to stator or to axle, etc. just at the moment i pulled into the backyard and got the gate closed, it really really began dragging, but only under power, not just handpushing it when not riding.
checked it out the next morning (wed) and found the contact problem.
since i already had the trike on it's side, and was dealing with controller/motor stuff, next up was retrying the sfoc5. i had been trying to get it to work for the last several weeks, off and on when time permitted, but after having updated it's firmware successfully sometime early this year (while trying to work past peanutbutter's sudden death), it would no longer communicate with the outside world at all, not even status leds. i tried everything, even non-related steps, including everything i'd done before with it as noted in the sfoc5 thread, but it just did nothing.
it did have 12v, and 5v when switched on at the statusled panel, but since i coudln't put my system settings into it, i coudln't even do a spin test of the motor (because the default settings for it are always more than twice the battery voltage that my system uses, and you can't do *anything* with it outside of connecting to a computer if the lvc has been reached). i redid all these things again yesterday, but eventually just gave up on it--something is wrong inside, despite it reporting successful firmware flash. either the flash really didnt' work right, or there's a bug in the new firmware that prevents me from doing anything else (it wont' even talk to the firmware updater). either way....nothing i can do. so it's got to go back to incememed. since i have been unable to do much testing on it, between my own life-delays, and lack of responses from incememed when trying to ask questions about functions, updates, tests, etc., i think it's better if i just don't continue testing it at this point. maybe in the future someday when it's "better suited" for a trike like mine, and when it has a usable user interface (because the one it has now is...convoluted, at best). but probably not, because i'll have the lebowski/honda system working before then, and i don't imagine i'll need anything else at that point.
the rest of the stuff, for today, is in the next post: