I was hoping if somebody can help me understand what is going on with my Kelly KLS7218S controller. It was running fine for a couple of days after I've completed the build, however yesterday I've decided to reroute some wiring and having completed the reroute the controller now throws Hall Sensor error and fails to run. I've traced all wires, they seem to be intact. No connector changes or any other obvious wire damage.
I've started testing voltage and noticed something strange. With motor fully disconnected the hall sensors pins (16,17,18) from the controller measure ~12v all the time. Is this is an expected behavior for the controller?
I was hoping if somebody can help me understand what is going on with my Kelly KLS7218S controller. It was running fine for a couple of days after I've completed the build, however yesterday I've decided to reroute some wiring and having completed the reroute the controller now throws Hall Sensor error and fails to run. I've traced all wires, they seem to be intact. No connector changes or any other obvious wire damage.
I've started testing voltage and noticed something strange. With motor fully disconnected the hall sensors pins (16,17,18) from the controller measure ~12v all the time. Is this is an expected behavior for the controller?