Wattage display good or not


10 mW
Nov 19, 2020
Hi! I just bought and installed a 52v 40A ebike hub motor kit: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000836440793.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.77b94c4dpxrRYM

It works awesome, but something seems not right. Normally it should peak at 2000 watts, but on my display(KT LCD8H) it shows me only 1000 to 1100 peak on a full charge, I tried to modify the settings but no luck.

The motor pulls quite hard, I don`t really know if it actually pulls 2000 or only what the display says.

My settings: https://drive.google.com/file/d/106RcRIBuQ8Wx270IDkyjr1mUeBScIY7O/view?usp=sharing

The battery is a 15.5 Ah 14s 5p with Samsung 33g.

Thanks in advance!
Remember that to pull full power you'd have to put that high a physical load on the wheel. Your riding style or terrain or situations might not be able to draw that much power.
I climbed a steep hill with full throttle, my pedal assist is not installed yet, maybe that should have some importance.