What kit to buy next?


1 W
Jul 14, 2008
Ok I have an amped kit the motor is fine after umteen miles but the bike itself is a bit dodgy, so I think I'll sell it off to my neighbor :D , I am on the waiting list for the rear disk brake geared version. BUT..

There are alot of new kits out there and I really want to explore my options. I have pulled the trigger with the geared motor bc I know its what I want on my new Towny.

But I was thinking about one of the new kits out there for a second (buddy bike). Oh and I would like to explore passed the NC resellers as these are old news. Im looking for something fresh for a comfort bike, not too pricey but well built and possibly a Lithium battery option..

Soo watcha GOT????? There are so many new kits I am a bit confused. :shock:
well, you said you aren't interested in the Nine Continent but I personally like the new NC 2805. It's a carbon copy of the crystalyte 5303 but about 300 dollars cheaper. It's probably very fast. My 5303 is really fast and fun to ride.
Hmm, not too pricy, but good, disk brakes,,,, Sure comes up Ebikekit, or if you want faster, the 2805 to me.

Still in the good but affordable category is my old fave, the aotema from High Tech bikes. A tad faster than the ebikekit, and has the nice feature of no halls wires. That means a bit neater looking install without so many wires from the controller. Front hub, no disk.

Not many other really good choices after that. But my third motor, from world wide electric bikes is a nice kit in a front gearmotor. No disk, but the kit comes with some nice features like built in headlight, 3 tourqe/speed levels to select, and the only led light battery meter that acutally works well. Pretty affordable too. A really good choice for situations where riding slow may be desired. The low speed setting is great for a crowded setting like a beach boardwalk or outdoor market.

All three of these motors are passing the Dogman couldn't break it test. If it can break, I will break it.

I'd save the pie for the family holiday dinners.
Thx Dogman Ill check out the world wide bike's kit..
Im on a limited income at the moment, alot of layoffs etc. Besides Im not too keen on the thread on disk brakes. I hear they never really work and always have to be adjusted.

Ill stick with caliper brakes for now.
I tested only the motor, not the battery in the kit. I belive you can order the motor /controller only.