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Common sense things to do to get ready for Coronavirus

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This is completely false to the point seems like intentional misinformation.

Really stop it, flat out dangerous.

The fatality rate from seasonal influenza is a tiny fraction of that of COVID-19.

Sure we lose 10-25K people each year to the former, and because it happens every year, considered normal.

When 500 million get the latter, or maybe only 100 million, a 2-3% fatality rate will be nothing to sneeze at.

The crisis is not "over" anywhere, the fact that the much more effective Asian societies have started to see a decline in the **acceleration rate** is due to their being so effective.

In the "freer democracies" that may well not happen for months or even years, and the exponential nature of the case count's growth could easily mean we lose well over 1% of our population within that timeframe.

You have no sources and no valid figures. You should be wiping your anus instead of pulling numbers out of it.
markz said:
Calm down formula

I'm calling him out for pulling those random numbers of out of his anus with no facts, sources or logic to back them up.

It reminds me of a joke Wayne Dyer told: he asked a friend of his how long he had the cold. His friend told him "13 days from now, it'll be two weeks." :roll:
How about us keeping to the topic suggested by the title for this one

and keep the toxic stuff to this one?

john61ct said:
How about us keeping to the topic suggested by the title for this one

and keep the toxic stuff to this one?

Delete them both and further the conspiracy. :pancake:
No conspiracy talk here, only facts. In line with CA governor's call for the elderly to "self quarantine," the UK is one step ahead, FORCING those 70 and older into quarantine for FOUR MONTHS.

Note that the UK is gearing up for full scale implementation of martial law, as I predicted two days ago.

If this doesn't lead to a boomer uprising, nothing will.


UK’s Health Secretary confirmed plans to isolate people aged over 70 for up to four months amid a coronavirus pandemic. The goal is to protect them, but critics say it may be a really bad idea.
Isolating the elderly is “clearly in the action plan” Health Secretary Matt Hancock has told Sky News, confirming earlier reports in the British media. “We will be setting it out with more detail when it's the right time to do,” he added, which may come within weeks.

“We absolutely appreciate that it is a very big ask of the elderly and the vulnerable, and it’s for their own self-protection,” Hancock told Sky News' Sophy Ridge.

Earlier ITV’s political editor Robert Peston said the British government was likely to enforce a “wartime-style” mobilization effort and other emergency measures, including isolation of elderly people.
I guess it would come down to whether or not they would forcibly confine the aged or not.

It's one thing to strongly suggest anyone over 70 stay indoors for the next year, for their own good. It's presumed that if they do happen to become infected the chances are good that it will be fatal, either because that's just the way the virus is or because the hospitals will be clogged with people with longer life expectancies and there just won't be enough room for the elderly.

But if granny and gramps decide that they don't care and feel like taking their chances, do you really think they're going to lock them up if they're otherwise healthy?

Big distinction.
I think in societies where they can trust their government to be (pretty much) looking out for their interests

citizens are largely happy to comply and help enforce such common-sense measures.

Those poisoned by well-financed anti-government and chaos-inducing propaganda for decades now, well not so much.

“Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
— Joseph de Maistre

Some practical self-quarantining advice

Ah, this is supposedly what the Hitchcock film is based on, but not really. This is a better story. I guess you'd say it's allegorical to the bombing of England in WWII and people going about their business in extraordinary circumstances.

The Birds


john61ct said:
“Every nation gets the government it deserves.”
— Joseph de Maistre

But not every citizen in that nation. Some of us deserve better. Yet there's the rest of you ruining things for us so we get stuck with YOUR bad government.


formula101 said:
No conspiracy talk here, only facts. In line with CA governor's call for the elderly to "self quarantine," the UK is one step ahead, FORCING those 70 and older into quarantine for FOUR MONTHS.

Note that the UK is gearing up for full scale implementation of martial law, as I predicted two days ago.

Ironically you accuse others of talking nonsense. None of this is true. Absolute, paranoid rubbish.
Though not very active, I'm still a moderator here, and will edit shit that is just too inflammatory, or in my opinion, just fake news.

Pretty quick, you all are going to make me tired of editing. Quoting spew is not needed, just more work to delete it.

Easy solution is to just start locking threads.

Most of this is good discussion, so I'd like to leave the thread running. We do have good minds here compared to other forums. But try to keep it real, and helpful, rather than picking fights.
I encourage every moderator to err on the side of locking a thread that has any questionable posting that might go sideways.

Nip it in the bud, you can always unlock it a couple days later. Once I was swamped with work and family, and that was exactly when a mild argument snapped into a multi-page flame war. I felt I couldn't just delete every post in the last two pages, but....sorting through the muck takes up way too much time.

Don't let a brewing sh!t-storm explode into several pages. Lock ASAP, and then unlock a day or two later when everyone has calmed down.
If we're talking about bike related threads which someone might want to reference again at some point in the future perhaps. No one wants to wade through pages of inflammatory posts in an attempt to extrapolate what good information might actually be present.

In threads of more of a social nature, while you may see it as a cooling off period, really it's just heavy handed yet lazy method of censorship. Not that anyone is guaranteed freedom of speech on a message forum, but what's the point? Other than keeping up appearances and maintaining the illusion of civility where none exists.

I see where you're coming from through. Not that I have any negative feelings about whatever it was, but I see you're still catching flack over a previous editing spree.
It's really uncalled for to use the word lazy in any context related to what the mods do here.

Shortcuts are absolutely justified, whatever it takes to balance their community work and personal lives.

On behalf of everyone a big Thank You for trying to keep this place civil and sane!
john61ct said:
It's really uncalled for to use the word lazy in any context related to what the mods do here.

Shortcuts are absolutely justified, whatever it takes to balance their community work and personal lives.

On behalf of everyone a big Thank You for trying to keep this place civil and sane!
I never called them lazy, just that it was a lazy method of suppression.
These are the times when u can observe the difference between Collective-IQ and Individual-IQ :lol:
Dauntless said:
As for the guy hoping he'd already had it, there's a greater likely hood he's had something LIKE it, which would work just fine.
Nope. Ordinary flu does not confer resistance. If it did, the flu vaccine would work against Coronavirus. It does not.
I don't know if any of you have heard of chaga tea but ive been using it for years and harvest it myself, its good for the immune system and should be at your local health food stores and if youre in Canada you can probably find it on craigslist. its not well known so its probably not sold out yet. heres a link

\\/ampa said:
These are the times when u can observe the difference between Collective-IQ and Individual-IQ :lol:

More like third personality. Too much unrelated coming up when I search a link, but basically it refers to changes in behavior when you bring two certain people together.

JackFlorey said:
Nope. Ordinary flu does not confer resistance. If it did, the flu vaccine would work against Coronavirus. It does not.

What are you talking about? There's no such thing as "The" flu vaccine. In a given yeah they might be considering 200 or more strains of flu, but only the 3 most expected go into that years' vaccine. All the others aren't getting doses produced, unless occasionally they decide they need another one.

If there should turn out to be an already developed solution, they'll be up and running with it as soon as it's identified. Not terribly quick, but quicker than developing something new. No amount of ignorance on your part can change that.

But if you've already had something that matches, you're already safe.

Once again, you demonstrate a great love of the taste of foot. They should argue with you instead of each other.
Dauntless said:
If there should turn out to be an already developed solution, they'll be up and running with it as soon as it's identified. Not terribly quick, but quicker than developing something new. No amount of ignorance on your part can change that.

Perhaps I should restate something I posted on the first page of this thread: this particular corona virus has never before crossed from animals to humans. It is novel and NO ONE has ANY pre-existing immunity to it.

This is exactly why this pandemic is so potentially dangerous and is definitely not comparable to regular seasonal flu.
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