liveforphysics said:
If the real cost of sustainably powering an operation is more costly than the benefit the operation provides, then it's time to conclude that process. Using non-sustainable energy sources to power processes is a false economy, as no process is worth trading the quality/function of this shared spaceships life support system.
Yes but that is exactly how I feel about windfarms because of the millions of tons of radioactive waste they cause to get created for their huge multi-ton rare earth neodymium magnets for each 3MW average size windturbine.
For example the Macarthur Wind Farm in Victoria is the largest in the southern hemisphere.
It created as listed by Wikipedia for 2015 about 1TWh (977.9 GWh exactly) of power for that year, so lets say 35TWh in total lifetime over 35years, but because these things are relatively new creations there is no history of windfarms of such size actually lasting this long but lets give it the benefit of the doubt.
The winfarmd was created at a cost of $1billion dollars (as quoted on wikipedia) and provides about 1/50th of Victorias power capacity needs.
To work out its average annual MW output take 977,900(MWh) / 8760(hours in a year) = 111.6MW average power generation (And that's before grid syncing/distribution losses which some articles claim can be significant).
The article above says "4,400lb" of rare earth neodymium magnets go into a 3MW windturbine but lets just say 2Tons and we get 50Tons of radioactive waste from the production of the magnets, the video says 75tons of waste per ton of RE, some articles say its worse (2000tons per RE ton) which makes sense since radioactive Thorium has about the same natural abundance as RE neodymium in the earths crust, so logically when you concentrate these elements you don't need to have much-combined Thorium and other radioactive particles concentrated together to create a truly sick environmental disaster such as the 10square kilometre radioactive mining tailings dam that now exists in China. This google maps link provided from this BBC article below you can use the distance measure tool and see it really is 10km2 lake of radioactive sludge, created to help people think they're saving the planet or really just to push sway of political agenda or political power.
Also if you look around the vicinity of that master radioactive sludge lake there appear to be some smaller ones nearby.
So for the Macarthur Wind Farm of 140 turbines total that's 280tons of rare earth magnets created, for the 35TWh of 35years of operation.
The average a single nuclear reactor (most plants have 4-8 reactors) creates about 8TWh of power per year with about 20tons of uranium fuel (lets not even bother with clean modern "Reprocessing technology" for older generation plants or the fact the Bill Gates reactor just consumes nuclear waste altogether), so the 35TWh of total power created by the whole 35 year life time of a massive windfarm creates vs 8TWh of a single nuclear reactor is (35TWh / 8TWh) = "4.3 single nuclear reactor years" for equivalent power produced.
So another way to put it the windfarm creates (280magnet-tons x 50tons-of-waste =) 14,000tons of radioactive waste and because its Thorium which has the longest half-life that radioactive lake in China will be radioactive for the next 14billion years..
That is vs (20 x 4.3) = 86 tons of waste from a nuclear reactor for the same amount of energy created if were deliberately trying to be as wasteful as conceivably possible for the nuclear reactor.
*Edit/Add. I recently found an article that talks about wind turbines create more radioactive waste then the nuclear industry in the US here ->
Now I understand why windfarms are popular because of the easily absorbable renewable facebook memes that float around on the internet with pictures of windturbines with the words under them "this could power the whole world etc" but its not true and the "free energy" they create comes at a far bigger cost then anything nuclear.
Here is a video on radioactive waste from neodymium magnet production, its not as easily absorbable as renewable facebook memes but its a start.