1 MW
As I have primary ridden rear IGH hub bicycles, I have always used a standard 1/8x1/2 inch chain. Now I am looking at the 48 sprocket for the BBS02B and the hyper glide 8 speed cassette.
The existing chain measures 7.11 mm outside the wide links and 2.31 mm inside the narrow links.
The existing front sprocket teeth measures 2.30 mm thick.
The bottom of the BBS02B 48 tooth sprocket teeth measures 2.49 mm thick.
Gusset Double Six Convertor that I ordered:
1. For the BBS02B should one be running a 3/32 inch chain?
2. Is it acceptable to use 1/8 inch chain with the BBS02B and the 5/64 single speed rear sprocket ?
.... (put in other terms: Does it really matter what chain width is used)
3. Why are ALL half-link chains 1/8 inch ?
The existing chain measures 7.11 mm outside the wide links and 2.31 mm inside the narrow links.
The existing front sprocket teeth measures 2.30 mm thick.
The bottom of the BBS02B 48 tooth sprocket teeth measures 2.49 mm thick.
Gusset Double Six Convertor that I ordered:
https://bike.bikegremlin.com/3555/bicycle-drive-chain-dimension-standards/The supplied 12t cog is suitable for narrow 5/64' (9 speed) chains.
Stupid Questions:For inner chain width there are the following standard dimensions:
Single speed chains have inner width of 1/8″ (3.175 mm).
Multi speed chains, from 5 to 8 have inner width of 3/32″ (2.38 mm).
Multi speed chains from 9 to 12 speeds have inner width of 11/128″ (2.18 mm).
“Exotic” standard for freight bicycles is 5/32″ (4 mm).
1. For the BBS02B should one be running a 3/32 inch chain?
2. Is it acceptable to use 1/8 inch chain with the BBS02B and the 5/64 single speed rear sprocket ?
.... (put in other terms: Does it really matter what chain width is used)
3. Why are ALL half-link chains 1/8 inch ?