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Buying forest land, implementing solar

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Okay, I got the trees removed (mostly, at least the biggest ones; the rest should be easy peasy when I get to it.) from the driveway, next comes removal of the topsoil and filling in with sand. I've already identified where I'm going to put the pond so it looks good on the property, but there's trees in the way! lol. Oh well, I suppose that'll be a longterm term project, right now just need to get the soil I need. (And, it seems that the sandy subsoil indeed does compact very well for driving on.)

Also, today, one of the largest trees I tried to remove was relentless, I dug at least a good two feet down (Removing roots along the way) and that tree root still was going straight down into the ground and being a bugger to remove. So, I tried pulling it out using my cheapo come-along (Problem with that come-along is that it doesn't like to release if there's tension on the line; that's a serious issue, lol. Because, what if you can't release the tension? Well, that just sucks, lol. I was lucky in that I could easily release the tension by driving my van backwards. If I had anchored the come-along to a tree, let's say, I don't think I would've been so lucky, lol.), and it bent, but it still didn't want to come out. So, I used the 'alternate plan', cut the tree root as low underground as possible with my chainsaw and it looks like it'll work, since it's below sand and I'm going to put more sand ontop.

Anyway, a trio of people (property owner and two mexican workers) were coming down the road, and they had marked trees for removal so they can put up signs that read "No hunting No trespassing Property leased by Louis Voutin" (They actually had MY TREES marked for removal, and I kindly let them know that was my property. It's bad enough they spray painted my trees! Kind of ruins the natural look I was going for, lol. Time to sue for damages, lol.). Huh, it's getting leased out, huh? Well, that's interesting. Because... this property doesn't exactly look like a prime commercial area, so I'm curious what else he might intend to do with the property. Something tells me he's not intending on putting a house down; I'm suspecting possible industrial developments, and I just don't know of what nature. I sure hope it's not a gas plant, lol. The property owner (Or leaser?), let me know that this is a neighborhood with lots of suspicious/clandenstine things going. Drugs, etc.; Bunch of crackheads/meth-heads according to him. Well, I can certainly believe that drugs might be grown somewhere in this area, it's pretty good soil for growing things! Like my future fruit/nut trees. And the dense forests make it pretty easy to hide something. That might explain that plain-clothes agent speeding through the neighborhood as if he was chasing someone; could've been a DEA agent or somesuch. Anyway, the neighbors on my particular street don't really strike me a druglords... but, there's no doubt there's drug-dealers/growers in the area somewhere. Doesn't every neighborhood have one of those?]

I left after 4 hours because I was starting to feel out-of-whack. I actually think my bloodsugar was probably getting low from all the hardwork, because I quickly felt better after eating 3 bananas.

Okay, let's recap on my /complete/ understanding of diet/bacteria/mortal-illness in a compact flow diagram.

Carbs get converted into glucose/fructose -> Staph Aureus colonies grow (Especially true of refined carbs; don't have pesky fiber or other non-carby plant material getting in the way of using all those carbs up in one sitting for maximum bacteria population growth.) -> Wheat is consumed -> Gliadin binds to the CXCR3 receptor which is normally used by the body to expand the intenstinal epithemilium for antibody T-cell passage (on average, 700 nm across) -> Staph Aureus at 500 nm across gains entry to the bloodstream that it didn't have before -> Attacks the van-willongraf surface known as the blood vessel walls with Protein A -> antibodies attack and entomb the infection with calcium/cholesterol to contain it (Otherwise, we get classical sepsis, worst case scenario) -> Arthesclerosis (And, apparently a whole lot of other problems. I'm guessing staph aureus might get access to the nerve cells if it can avoid the immune system, and possibly cause nerve related damage, like MS.)

This explains the unusually high correlation between wheat consumption and CVD in countries with diverse diets (I.e., wheat growing chinese in north China vs. rice growing chinese in south China.), as detailed in The China Study. [It's interesting to hear their used to be rice farmers in the Houston area. Supports my strong suspicion tropical fruits have no problem growing here.]

Now I'm wondering about the connection between anxiety and the CXCR3 receptor... if there's any... Can't find much research on this possible association, but perhaps it hasn't been looked into by the research community. [I wonder if anxiety could also cause expansion of the epithelium junction gaps and allow bacteria entry to the bloodstream, and this might help explain anxiety's higher mortality risks.]

It's interesting that staph aureus at 500 nm is just above the smallest bacteria possible, at 200-300nm. Tells me if can fit through passages that most bacteria can't, which probably means it's among the few kinds of bacteria that can enter the bloodstream when the CXCR3 receptor is triggered. It just happens to be also the most virulent/proficient bacteria in existence, with Protein A, and many advanced evasion/defeat mechanisms.

Anyway... I think I'll quickly look up the county records just to make doubly sure I own this property... lol.

It looks like the county records, according to what's available online, still has the previous owner on file. I guess they might be a little slow... might want to call them...

Oh, looks like the guy I was talking to is actually the guy who owns all the nearby land for his cattle operation. And, he apparently owns that secluded mansion on his home-made pond property as can be seen from satellite imagery. Okay, I feel a little better now, it seems more than likely he's going to use the property for his cattle... though, I wonder how he intends on bridging the street that separates those properties from the rest of his property. Is he going to subsume ownership of the street? Maybe that's what the cop was for 2 days ago...

Well, if he takes over that street, that kind of sucks. That road took me down by the clearing with the religious-experience opening in the forest canopy. I doubt that's even legal... but... it's whatever the cop says, right? lol. Apparently in this county. At least if you're wealthy enough?

Maybe he's intending on making an offer for my property... maybe that's why he was asking me what I paid for it and he's trying to convince this was a completely awful neighborhood... lol.
Man, staph aureus is evil.

Staphylococcus aureus is known as a food-poisoning agent and a common cause of infections including serious antibiotic-resistant hospital infections6,7. In addition it has been implicated in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

Killing the older and young alike. It almost seems like Staph Aureus is responsible for at least 50% of the "mortal/serious diseases" outside of cancer.

This snippet also makes me wonder if SIDS is caused by cardiovascular issues, which staph aureus is known to harm.

It's interesting, reading an article on how breastmilk inhibits staph aureus due to network affects, and then canada health advising drinking breastmilk may help prevent SIDS. Oh ho, there's a connection there, yes.

Full article on the SIDS/Staph-aureus connection: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/staph-infections-linked-to-sids-1.696375

Now looking at the wikiedia article on staph aureus.


Furthermore, for differentiation on the species level, catalase (positive for all Staphylococcus species), coagulase (fibrin clot formation, positive for S. aureus), DNAse (zone of clearance on DNase agar), lipase (a yellow color and rancid odor smell), and phosphatase (a pink color) tests are all done.

So, you're telling me, staph aureus causes both arthersclerosis AND it clots up the blood (via coagulase)? It's like it's /trying/ to kill us and it knows exactly how to do it, lol.
Now, I still need to figure out where to get macadamia and hazelnut trees in this area. I would think with a city the size of houston and the kind of climate here, you could find just about anything... but I swear no-one has limes, hazelnut or macadamia. (Not that I'm looking to plant limes, they seem to be cheap enough at the grocery. Macadamias on the otherhand... $20/lb.... lol.); and I can't buy lime trees online because of Texas agricultural policy, and Louisiana bans them too.

I think I might just have to buy the macadamia/hazelnut trees online. Just that... they don't have the theta filbert trees on fast-growing-trees.com, lol. They do on other sites, but those are only 1 ft. tall.; Oh well, will 1 ft. work for pollination purposes for the 4 ft. jefferson filbert trees?

I'm looking at the Blue Java Bananas. They fruit many times in their lifespan, they apparently taste great (Also called the Ice Cream Banana plant), and they're cold hardy down to Zone 8 so it doesn't require greenhouse care in this area. (Though, a greenhouse probably wouldn't hurt.) And the coldest part of the year averages 62 degrees during the day, so they should be growing year round in this area.

Looks like I'm in talks with a producer of the Today Show. Getting my product featured on the show, woohoo, lol.

This also means, if this goes through, I'll probably spend tomorrow working on my orders instead of working on the property. I sure hope I can get the driveway done in one day on the 30th, lol. Either that, or just really hope I don't get cited for still being in the NF on the 31st. Nevermind, the driveway work is commencing tomorrow, I'll just work on my orders at night.

Update; Oh man, fast growing trees sold out the Blue Java bananas, lol.Guess I'm looking at greenhousing them now, lol.
swbluto said:
Looks like I'm in talks with a producer of the Today Show. Getting my product featured on the show, woohoo, lol.
WHAT is your product??????

Is it 3D printed business cards? I have bought many houses. First thing I do when I buy a house is give the neighbors my phone number. Tell then to call me if something goes wrong with the house. Don't be afraid of neighbors. Good neighbors watch out for each other.

swbluto said:
Hmmm... I'm noticing something peculiar. I haven't washed my feet in a month
Are ya bathing? Water! wash! soap! Might want to wash up before you go on TV :shock:
Hehe, you know that girl that keeps trying to harm me but I knew how to silence her? Well, once again, she tries to harm me but little does she know, it's absolutelyof NO effect. I love it when I prevent a desperate psychopath from harming my business, and they still are under the impression they're doing something of some effect, lol. Oh jeez. I did good quality work, I refunded her, and she keeps trying to harm me left and right. That girl just needs to stop trying. If only I could ban her from purchasing from me again, she might get the bright idea to do just that. (But, I'll just leave her under the impression she's doing something... it's better to not try to incite her to get a more effective idea.)
Yeah, I'll be on there eventually, I just need to figure out how to safely extract the money to my account. Right now, not a top concern.

Anyhoo, I was working on the driveway today.

Got the top of the soil removed exposing the underside in the gulley. I'm not sure if it really has any affect since I plan on putting about 2-3 feet of material on this thing, and it seems the wet base layer is just about as "squishy" as the organic top layer. Anyway, started excavating my yard with all the sand and it seems to be going well. Got about 7 wheelbarrow loads done before calling it a day, will try to get /most/ of the rest done tomorrow, lol [Removing the top-layer was hard enough; the root networks were /dense/ and very thorny]. Looks like it'll take somewhere between 100-200 loads in to get it to the desired height.

Where I'm going with the RV morning after tomorrow is a good question. I would just park it deep on the road, but apparently this roscuitto guy (Apparently a multi-millionaire who owns a local steel factory. It's not hard to imagine that the local oil industry/companies have been ordering a lot from him, which explains his wealth.) keeps driving around the neighborhood in his 4 wheel go-cart and jeez, don't think I'd want to block him with my RV, lol. So, I'm thinking it might go on the side of the road up the way, but I don't like the fact the wheels dig into the ground. And, there's a noticeable tilt. So, yes, thinking about it..

Anyway, I think I might do something like... Do 5 loads, rest 10 minutes, Do 5 loads, rest 10 minutes, and so on for the rest of the day. Digging up sand and transporting it in the wheelbarrow is some hard work.

It was looking iffy if this soil would be effective as a base (Seemed a bit too goopy for my liking), but I think it's just not high enough yet - still saturated with the water in the gulley at its current low level, I think. My reasoning goes, if it was effective enough to solidly support the ground, then it's effective enough for the driveway as a base-layer (Which the 'proper driveway' would be built upon). So, it's just needs to be high enough above the water level. Which is going to be pretty high and many wheelbarrow loads later. I think I might just eventually call in some soil at some point, but probably only when I feel like my income/savings is solid enough to keep me fed. Calling in a $200 dump will make me feel insecure again, and I don't like feeling insecure. Maybe I'll eventually get a small loan after I give up, lol. Not giving up yet, though.

Anyway, I'm OK with the idea of filling in the gulley because I've seen the water around here. It doesn't flow anywhere. It just sits in the trenches. So, I don't think "flow" is going to take out a driveway on my particular property like might be true in a conventional culvert situation. So, I think filling it in is perfectably doable. It's really just a good idea to build it high, to make sure it is well above the current water levels, and to make sure there's some good trenching around it. The water levels get pretty high.

Anyway, the steel owner guy advised me to put in yellow clay as a base, and then sand on top, as sand will wash away when it rains. I looked more into this phenomenon of "washing away" and it didn't look like a huge problem to me. A simple bridge seems like it'd do the job.

Let's see if I can estimate some cubic yards here.


20 feet wide x 15 feet long x 3 feet high = 900 cubic feet = 33.3 cubic yards. Hmm... That's a lot of soil to be ordering, lol. I guess I'll keep on building it up using my own soil and it'll eventually get to the desired height. Eventually, lol. And with my wheelbarrow loaded at 3 cubic feet = 300 wheelbarrow loads, lol.

I can probably do about 50 wheelbarrow loads a day. And, there are 3 more days of no rain.

And... oh... I just thought about it. Let me guess, the police have been really cleaning up this neighborhood recently because this multimillionaire steel factory owner bought up like half the neighborhood, lol, that's too predictable.

Anyway... I caught my neighbor down the road outside... and I stopped the vehicle and went to talk to him. So, this guy being the guy I suspected who called the cops on me... he kept telling me, "I don't call the police. I don't bother them, they don't bother me" but just the fact he kept saying it over and over again unprompted... just made methink... perhaps he was trying to deny my unmentioned suspicion... and then when I told him of what happened the other day, he all of sudden looked all sheepish. Yeah, OK mister, he's not coming out and denying he didn't call the cops on me... but, jeez, he sure seems be trying hard to suggest it when I haven't even mentioned it yet, lol. Yeah, so, I think that's the guy. There's only one other neighbor on this road and I don't think he was walking by my encampment at the time, he would've been unmistakable. And, it was definitely not the mexican neigbhors down the way. Anyway, I just wanted to explain what I was doing... so hopefully he shouldn't feel like calling the cops on me again... lol. The fact he didn't know where my property was, told me he likely didn't know I owned property here, which would certainly give cause for alarm if he just happened to walk by my encampment, which I highly suspect he did ("There's some random guy parked right down the road from us! Call the cops!".). Anyway, i wasn't out to point fingers... I was trying to hopefully deter him from doing that again in the future. These oh-so 'random' cop visits are kind of unsettling [the last cop told me a neighbor reported a suspicious grey van, lol, so obviously not all that random, lol.].

Ok, so I think I'm going to do this. Tomorrow, keep working, at night, work on my orders. Once the orders are done, hook up the RV and go, go, go. I'll be arriving in the neighborhood at night, and I'll park in the middle of the street. It's complete darkness in this particular area, so no one should really see me and be too concerned. In fact, I have a feeling I probably wouldn't see cops for some time after my talk with the neighbor today. But, just in case, and because of that rich guy on the 4 wheeler, I'll situate the RV in the morning time on the side so that the road is passable so hopefully I won't get some police BS threats.

Maybe I'll start setting up my greenhouse in the backyard... so I have some place to conduct my business and sleep just in case my RV might have to be left somewhere for some time. Where it would be left, I don't know. It would seem there's plenty of pavement in the Houston area for it to go somewhere, but the cops seem to care little about that and it seems people are a little too eager to call the cops. I wonder if I could get some 'public street parking' somewhere 'safe' (Safe, as in, the police aren't getting called in and the police aren't looking out for specifically this kind of thing in this particular area, wherever it is.). I might have to look into RV storage.

How would I sleep in the greenhouse... hmmm.... set up the tent, sleep in a sleeping bag? Or, I could lay down a 4x8 and put the mattress on top. That's essentially what I'm doing now, but I'd prefer to be in a tent to keep out the bugs, so it'd probably be a larger tent.)
swbluto said:
Hehe, you know that girl that keeps trying to harm me but I knew how to silence her? Well, once again, she tries to harm me but little does she know, it's absolutelyof NO effect.

Not psychopath, SJW. It's a noble cause trying to destroy you, of course.

The "Girl" that comes after me from time to time I tried to date in college, but of course she was too good for me. I was warned by her high school classmates, but I didn't listen, of course. So I reconstruct from what I'm told that she had an affair with a guy at work, old enough to be her father, lost her job because his wife was HER BOSS, wound up letting the guy leave his wife for her, but was someone affronted by the fact that HE wasn't good enough for her either. So she took to vandalizing my house, I guess because I was closeby, eventually she starts trying to run me over when she catches me on foot. How much more their really is I'm not sure, it's not like I'm discussing any of this with her. Once she was out of that one job I no longer had friends among her coworkers to update me on matters. Somehow, I can't help but think she considers her some sort of SJW for doing this.

So someday when your girl there drives up the sidewalk at you we can compare notes. Until then, you're a piker.
Dauntless said:
swbluto said:
Hehe, you know that girl that keeps trying to harm me but I knew how to silence her? Well, once again, she tries to harm me but little does she know, it's absolutelyof NO effect.

Not psychopath, SJW. It's a noble cause trying to destroy you, of course.

The "Girl" that comes after me from time to time I tried to date in college, but of course she was too good for me. I was warned by her high school classmates, but I didn't listen, of course. So I reconstruct from what I'm told that she had an affair with a guy at work, old enough to be her father, lost her job because his wife was HER BOSS, wound up letting the guy leave his wife for her, but was someone affronted by the fact that HE wasn't good enough for her either. So she took to vandalizing my house, I guess because I was closeby, eventually she starts trying to run me over when she catches me on foot. How much more their really is I'm not sure, it's not like I'm discussing any of this with her. Once she was out of that one job I no longer had friends among her coworkers to update me on matters. Somehow, I can't help but think she considers her some sort of SJW for doing this.

So someday when your girl there drives up the sidewalk at you we can compare notes. Until then, you're a piker.

Yes, that girl and this girl are much alike. They're barely floating above water, frustrated you could say, so they're taking it out on anyone they feel like. Which happened to be me, because they overspent for the holidays and didn't realize it until mid-January, and they were perturbed by the fact they had to send something back to return it for a refund. What gall! :roll:
Dauntless said:
So is this girl of yours from Southern California or what?

She talks like a Southern California girl, but she's in Washington DC. The two places are alike in many ways. In terms of appearances, large part-time minimum-wage classes, unemployment rate, high rent, etc. [Washington DC probably has a higher murder/fraud rate than South Cal, though. DC is in the top 3% for murder rate, and I just experienced one of their presumably many fraudsters.]

It's kind of weird mentioning that. Because, the Houston area seems to be opposite in so many ways.
Okay, so getting the property ready, I tried to start digging but my muscles gave up before I could do, lol. Apparently digging out sand and transporting in the wheelbarrow is pretty hard work. So, I think my muscles need a day to rejuvenate.

Got some new measurements for the ditch, looks like the bottom is 6' long and all the way to the rocky part is 10', and 13' to the road. From the current level to the height of the road, it's about 1.5'. And the intended width for the start of it is 15'.

So, 10'x15'x1.5' = 225 cubic ft. = 8 cubic yards =74 wheelbarrow loads @ 3 ft^3 each

I think I got about 1 cubic yard in so far.

Anyway, it looks possible to get a 10 cubic yard delivery from somewhere to relatively quickly get that done. It's a question if a dump would spill off the side of this thin road (And, not on my side, lol.).

Today, the right temple has been hurting. Same place on the forehead it was hurting after my entire left half of my body went paralyzed one night. (This area was mapped to the temporal artery, which branches off the right external carotid artery.) I was wondering if it was my carotid or my neck causing nerve irritation, and eventually, I started getting a sharp recurrent pain in the middle of the front right of my neck, felt internal as opposed to 'external' like most neck muscle pain. Though it could have been a muscle, that seemed to be the exact location of the carotid artery shortly before it forks into the internal and external carotid, and I was feeling "weird" and my left arm started going numb about 3 days ago at walmart (But, it resolved in a seemingly short amount of time.). So, suspicion about the carotid artery fork (Stenosis or possible dissection) is relatively high right now. [It's probably more accurate to suspect the heart with the high work load yesterday, with existing structures near the right carotid fork exacerbating the issue.]

I think moving the driveway back instead of "wide" might be better; Wasting less material on filling the ditch. I think as I elongate the driveway, I can pull the trailer back and park my van on the property. But, right now, filling the ditch is the biggest priority, so I can get access to my property.
The medical stuff you wrote above happens to real old folks... I thought you were a lot younger. Am I off in guessing your age?
bigmoose said:
The medical stuff you wrote above happens to real old folks... I thought you were a lot younger. Am I off in guessing your age?

Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:11 am...... Would have quoted the whole post but did want to fill the internet with words.
swbluto said:
I'm like any normal 29 year old male

My wife told me that I am 56. I thought I was 56.
I am 55.
swbluto said:
Anyway, I'm OK with the idea of filling in the gulley because I've seen the water around here. It doesn't flow anywhere. It just sits in the trenches. So, I don't think "flow" is going to take out a driveway on my particular property like might be true in a conventional culvert situation. So, I think filling it in is perfectably doable. It's really just a good idea to build it high, to make sure it is well above the current water levels, and to make sure there's some good trenching around it. The water levels get pretty high.

Ditch slope can be 1 inch per mile and water will flow.

How are other driveways built? Do they use a pipe?

What did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall? "Dam"

Take a walk around and look at the other driveways. Walk don't drive. Ya see and smell more when walking.

Happy that you have talked to the neighbors.
Well, I guess I /should/ put one under but I'm the type that doesn't feel like doing something unless I know it needs it, and I want to give a chance to let me know if it needs it first (By taking out the driveway during a downpour, lol.). It seems like it should be a relatively simple manner to install one later if necessary.

Anyway, seems like the multimillionaire buying up all the properties and going around con sus dos amigos mexicano with his go-cart and front-loader in tow, is doing something. I suspect he's gone past the "putting up signs" stage and he's now moving into the "Clearing the property of trees" stage. But, I'll check it out later, assuming I'm still around, lol. (I was a bit wiser with moving the RV last time, by putting all the loose items in a box. My cocoa and my salt didn't spill this time, yay!)

I put my RV on the side in the intersection so I'm not technically blocking the street. Not that I suspect there's going to be cops (Because it seems like the last two were called in by the neighbor I talked to two days ago), but it seems like i've been pretty lucky recently, lol, Anyhow, I'm pretty sure "not blocking the street" is not going to stop them from harassing me, but I'm hoping that whatever they might threaten me with, it's not a Class B demeanor kind of threat (6 months jailtime), lol. The next cop visit, I'll just go back to the national forest and hope that the couple days I was away counts, lol. It doesn't exactly seem like the NF here is keep strict tract of the residents here. They must be "relaxed" like much of Houston. [As opposed to the military, kind of the opposite of relaxed.]

Anyway, I'm slowly adding to the driveway now. Got 6 wheelbarrow loads in, just 90-110 more, I think?

Anyhow, as to age. Yep, I guess I'm 'old'. It puzzles me (I don't know the underlying cause), but it seems that's been a common remark. As to strokes, they can strike at any age, though artery dissection and vessel disorders are a more common causes in younger folks. I'm guessing based on the location of the carotid pain, I might have a carotid dissection from the "Great Neck Sprain" that happened 6 months ago. Seems like it was happening a good 2-3 inches downstream from the carotid fork. Research is telling me that it normally heals up 80% in like 12 months, was it?

Though, it's a bit interesting I can elicit the right temple forehead pain by pressing on the right carotid fork, but not on the left one. Maybe it's just the scapula muscle, seems like it maps to the right forehead.
swbluto said:
Well, I guess I /should/ put one under but I'm the type that doesn't feel like doing something unless I know it needs it, and I want to give a chance to let me know if it needs it first (By taking out the driveway during a downpour, lol.). It seems like it should be a relatively simple manner to install one later if necessary.

Anyway, seems like the multimillionaire buying up all the properties and going around con sus dos amigos mexicano with his go-cart and front-loader in tow, is doing something. I suspect he's gone past the "putting up signs" stage and he's now moving into the "Clearing the property of trees" stage. But, I'll check it out later, assuming I'm still around, lol. (I was a bit wiser with moving the RV last time, by putting all the loose items in a box. My cocoa and my salt didn't spill this time, yay!)

I put my RV on the side in the intersection so I'm not technically blocking the street. Not that I suspect there's going to be cops (Because it seems like the last two were called in by the neighbor I talked to two days ago), but it seems like i've been pretty lucky recently, lol, Anyhow, I'm pretty sure "not blocking the street" is not going to stop them from harassing me, but I'm hoping that whatever they might threaten me with, it's not a Class B demeanor kind of threat (6 months jailtime), lol. The next cop visit, I'll just go back to the national forest and hope that the couple days I was away counts, lol. It doesn't exactly seem like the NF here is keep strict tract of the residents here. They must be "relaxed" like much of Houston. [As opposed to the military, kind of the opposite of relaxed.]

Anyway, I'm slowly adding to the driveway now. Got 6 wheelbarrow loads in, just 90-110 more, I think?

Anyhow, as to age. Yep, I guess I'm 'old'. It puzzles me (I don't know the underlying cause), but it seems that's been a common remark. As to strokes, they can strike at any age, though artery dissection and vessel disorders are a more common causes in younger folks. I'm guessing based on the location of the carotid pain, I might have a carotid dissection from the "Great Neck Sprain" that happened 6 months ago. Seems like it was happening a good 2-3 inches downstream from the carotid fork. Research is telling me that it normally heals up 80% in like 12 months, was it?

Though, it's a bit interesting I can elicit the right temple forehead pain by pressing on the right carotid fork, but not on the left one. Maybe it's just the scapula muscle, seems like it maps to the right forehead.
I sure hope you get this paradise done, before you have your stroke :mrgreen:

Why don't you flag down the guy with the loader and have him dig it out for you? Or maybe he will buy you out and you can buy another one with a driveway already done.

I hope so too. Anyway, I think I've figured out what to construct the driveway from. A driveway is essentially a road, so what's true for roads is true for driveways. I'm either going to go with large angular rocks or a sand-clay mixture, possibly with gravel mixed in, higher ratios of gravel towards the top is desireable. The large angular rocks "lock" together (Unlike the round smooth ones) and don't wash away during downpours like the smaller pea gravel does.

Seems like sand/clay was popular back in the day in the south.

Essentially, the clay gives the road "stability"(Keeps its shape and doesn't "wash away" during the downpours), while the sand hardens up the clay surface a bit reducing the stickiness of the clay when wet, making it suitable for driving in wet weather.


Sand-clay road construction was one of the common methods of providing a stable road surface in the early 20th century. The idea was that adding clay to sandy roads gave them stability; adding sand to clay surfaces prevented them from rutting and becoming sticky in wet weather. Historian Albert Rose explained the tricky part of construction was getting the proper proportions of sand and clay so that "the clay acted as a binder while the sand particles were permitted to bear upon each other and interlock so as to resist displacement by traffic."

With their economy depleted by the ravages of war, the South needed a road surface that could be built and maintained at a small cost from local materials in generous abundance. It was a logical development, therefore, that S. H. Owens, road supervisor of Richland County, South Carolina, because of his location and the thoroughness and efficiency of his work, should be acclaimed by his associates as "the father of the sand-clay road in America."

Mr. Owens wrote, "In January, 1889, I took charge of the roads in this county, which were then in deep sand in two-thirds of the county, the balance, being through sticky clay hills with the exception of about two miles of macadam road which had proven too expensive for our county to continue to build. I commenced covering the sand on the old Camden road with clay, to about 10 inches in depth. At first the people were displeased. It had rained a great deal and they were not accustomed to seeing muddy roads. I continued to throw sand on the clay until it quit bogging and sticking to the wheels, keeping it crowned with an ordinary road scraper. After I had built a few miles of the road and it became smooth and hard the people were delighted."
Looks like my product is going to be aired on the today show. Oh man! If I get flooded with orders, I'm going to have to get my machines fixed up to handle the volume. And, I probably should ascertain local sources for my supplies should I run out of those quicker than normal. I think a trip to Fry's Electronics is in order, lol. (Want to pick up a UPS anyways, seems like running off my battery is causing early death of the battery. My lead acid batteries are starting to noticeably decline after only 60 cycles, can't run my 900w stovetop anymore.)

Redirected my website to my platform page for purposes of the today show. I hope that doesn't earn it a permanent penalty in google if I do that for, like 2-3 weeks, lol. (Not that it really matters, my website only earned me like $20/month on average.)

Anyway, looks like I have Clay Subsoil. I thought it was sand originally, but it's obviously holding its shape fairly well after being squeezed. This is bad news for my "tropical paradise", will likely have to mix in sand and organic matter. Maybe even dirt. Free dirt is being advertised around here, paying for it through the delivery fee. A minimum order of 10 dumps is not going to happen, unless it's spaced out as one dump per day, lol. (It kind of looks like I could use 10 dumps, yes.)

On growing in clay soil...


There are some plants however that don't seem to mind the clay that much. They are as follows: Persimon, ogechee lime, che grafted on osage orange, jujubee, mulberry, muscadine grapes, pear. I have over 100 fruit trees and wish I had better soil. I helped a friend plant a few trees about 4 years ago in good loamy soil. They grow twice as fast as the ones I have and are much healthier, but when given lemonds make lemonade.

I have had good growth with my Red Haven Peach tree in clay. I dug a big hole, and mixed in a bag of planting mix. Very good growth, but only 9 months old so far. I plan to dig in more mulch each year, and create "donut" shaped mounds around my trees. I have had good luck with peaches in many soils.

With all the caliche here in New Mexico I've discovered that I need to dig huge holes - ensuring I've got them very deep for drainage and then backfill the hole with caliche-free topsoil mixed with a really good compost, adding humus and Super-thrive as I water the new plant in.

The plants I want to grow, I've read, like sandy soils (Well draining soils), so a mixture of loam+sand seems ideal.

Seems like this girl recommends this for tropical plants. (makes sense, being closely related to palms, ubiquitious in the tropics.)


Around town the best product I have found is with a good mix of lava sand, lava rock, blood meal, organic matter and other good stuff is ORGANO PATIO MIX FOR PALMS AND CACTUS, packaged locally by GroWell Industries

I have a huge hole in "The front yard", now, that I could plant a walnut tree in, lol. (I intended for it to store water, but maybe I should dig a hole near the backyard for that purpose)

If I get a ton of orders... I might be able to get my driveway built soon. :shock:

And... I'm thinking... I'll repurpose one of my guys so that my feedback looks good to prospective buyers.

Hmmm.... why don't I do that like RIGHT NOW? lol.... jeez, never really think of these things when buyers are out to hurt me (Which only happened once, so far).

Jeez, what should I tell my parents?

"Yeah, I'm rubbing shoulders with multimillionaires and getting featured in the today show. You know, the usual, lol." [Why does it seem I'm inadvertently getting celebrity status? This is bizarre. I was not really a celebrity back in high school, though I was well known, and I was often recommended as "someone you should get to know" by other guys' girlfriends, lol.]

Hmm... during the winter time... I'm thinking... If I got a greenhouse going and I started storing water in buckets or some such, it'd be able to capture the heat of the sunny days getting into the 80s I'm guessing, and store for use during the colder days so that hopefully it should never get too cold, possibly even during the really cold days. Thinking like something of a "lake affect" or "coastal affect", where the water stabilizes local air temperatures and the greenhouse ups the average temperature. This way I could grow bananas and macadamias and other tropical plants pretty much at almost an ideal rate year round. [Not very ideal, there is a difference in solar power between 30 degrees north and 20 degrees north. 40 degree sun vs. 50 degree sun - wintertime solar power ratio of .76 vs. .64. It's better than 43 degrees north, solar power ratio of .64 vs .45. :shock: And, juneau alaska at 58 degrees north, winter solar power ratio of .64 vs. .2; juneau sounds like hell that hath frozen over, lol.)

Perhaps I should be getting aluminum/metal trashcans. For hauling soil/rock/dirt firstly, then to carry water inside the greenhouse during the winter, secondly. Metal seems like it'd be more effective in radiating the water's thermal energy than plastic trashcans, in keeping the greenhouse's air temperature stable. Digging holes seems like it'd work, but probably less effective than metal cans since it radiates less thermal energy, so it wouldn't be as well suited to drastic temperature changes, I think? I might have that wrong. Plus, digging holes takes away from the plantable area.

Boy, my next paycheck is looking like a whopper, lol. It's hard to know how much I can comfortably spend when my account balances fluctuates so much. It'd be easier if my balances was on average like $2000 (Fluctations matter less at higher values), whereas an expense in the sub-$500-savings category can easily put you at risk of going under $100, the "insecure zone", and I don't want to go there again. That's tow money, lol.

Nice, it looks like Fry's electronics has what I'm looking for locally at a good price. Now, I just need to verify quantities available, an in-store visit is in order... either tomorrow or Friday. It's a good thing I got out of my podunk hometown... this kind of "local supply capabilities" doesn't exist, so I wouldn't be able to handle surges easily. I really shouldn't be spending anything right now, lest I need to have a good amount of money available for sudden resupply needs.

Anyway, it's good being back in this dense forest (Unlike the national forest, it looks like they cleared out much of the smaller trees and underbrush.). It provides noticeable protection against two things: Wind and sun which are definitely noticeable in the national forest.

I'm thinking about planting seasonal food that seems to grow well in this area. And, I found out how I'm going to store them. A pressure canner! Seems like it retains about 90%-95% of the vitamin C, which is important, since the boiling method seems to destroy vitamin C. Vitamin C is important because it helps the body absorb nutrients. I think it's kind of pointless to eat nutrients if you're not absorbing them (Though, I'm sure you're absorbing to some degree absent vitamin C.).
swbkuto said:
Looks like my product is going to be aired on the today show.

Dang, I wonder how they'll do a story on something they don't even know what it is. Probably start off with something like:

"You're probably wondering what these bad line drawings have to do with this product. So are we. . . .
The show averages a viewership of 1.7 million. :shock:

Oh god, if the current conversion numbers hold up, I'm looking at 10,000-20,000 orders. Dear god, I hope it's not that bad. I don't have that kind of production capacity. On the positive side, if I do get 200 orders (Which is what I can reasonably fulfill), that's like $4000 profit. That's not too bad, lol. I might be able to get my driveway done and start planting some trees. :D [And get solar setup. It's been getting sunnier recently.]

[What I'm being pressured into... building a house...It's not that I don't want a house, but I don't want a house /here/. It's not really a bad area in terms of crime, noise and all those common inner city factors, I think, but I'm afraid the resale value would be pathetic because of the neighborhood. House construction dollars would be better suited for house neighborhoods, not mobile/modular/house neighborhoods.

You might ask... what form does this pressure take?

It comes in the form of the girl at the local grocery, "Are you going to build a house?"...
The local postman asks, "So what are you living in?"... and the kind of response I get when I reply.
Seems like a house is the standard expectation in these parts. On the west coast, an apartment was like the local standard/'expectation', which I frankly think is utterly pathetic. Not that the dwelling itself is pathetic, although I think it kind of is, but moreso "The Man" taking your money and the willing submission to"The man". It's inevitable, though, I guess with nature of the dependency on city services and "snow services". There's no "snow penalty" for living in the country down here. [There is, however, a rain 'penalty' in this particular area, lol. And, that actually does have some real life manifestation, like periodic pothole formation in the chert roads. And mud, if you're not careful with driving. And it floods in parts during certain times of the year. I would think my area would be susceptible to flooding with the clay subsoil, but I haven't seen flooded areas, really, though there are grooves in the forest floor where I think watertends to collect and sit after downpours.]

Wow, the platform was looking out for me! So, this fraudelent buyer was returning the product, I issued a complete refund, and then she proceeded to leave a scathing review in which case I exposed all her iniquity for the public to see, she then 'reported me' to the platform for defaming her character, in which case I deleted my response, then the platform looked into it and completely deleted her feedback! Woah! The platform was looking out for me. Wow, I don't usually expect that of most platforms. [Well, it better, I've already paid the platform some $3000 in fees over the last year, lol.]


You know...

This platform is based out of NYC.

The today show is based out of NYC.

I wonder if someone on the platform let someone at the today show know about it and that's why I'm now getting coverage....

The timing of when her feedback got deleted and this request from the today show seems a little uncanny.

Hmmm... well, it looks like someone thought it was a good idea to retaliate against this evil psychopath. She was trying to destroy my business, and the platform thought it was a good idea to do just the opposite. Amazing, I love this platform.

Anyway, it's kind of weird I'm now sleeping 4.5 hours and it appears I don't need anymore sleep if I eat when I get hungry. That might not be totally right, I'll see in about 30 minutes, lol. (I recently been goin back to bed for another 1.5 hours about 2 hours later, just in time for sunrise. So, about 6 hours total with a 2 hour break after 4.5 hours.)


Since the end of World War II, the US has gone from being a nation of canned beans and thousands of creamed vegetable recipes to being a country of fresh fruits and vegetables all year long.

These are nice things, and because of President Donald Trump, we may very well be about to have them taken away.

Not me, I'm going to be growing fruits and veggies year round.

Oh OK, they call them "short sleepers".


Because here's the thing about short sleepers: They're not people with insomnia, nor are they people with insane caffeine addictions that keep them from getting fully rested. Instead, short sleepers wake up after very little sleep well rested and ready for the day. They'll always wake up early — even on vacation, and they tend to have similar behavioral characteristics as well, like being physically active and optimistic

Yes, I've definitely been physically active recently! lol. That could actually entirely explain it, since I didn't have this 4 hour sleep habit before working on the driveway and all the shoveling up of clay that entailed.

For example, Aby Ross, subject of the article, whom is a marathoner. I think my physical workload has been pretty similar, in terms of joules, as a marathon. I definitely feel like the workload is some 10x higher than jogging.
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