1 kW
Ok I opened that file in bacdoor using the "analyze" option, so no controller hooked up.
For me it shows motor inductance as -44uH. Yes negative! Under the controller debug tab -> control loops and tuning, I can see current regulator ki is set to 160 and current regulator kp at 0. I'm thinking the negative inductance value has resulted in these nonsense PI values. If you set current regulator bandwidth to 0, you can manually set the Kp and Ki. Try Ki of 2 and Kp of 0.3. You can probably leave pll Kp and Ki alone.
The other values that stuck out were the rpm and pole count values. If this motor really has 16 pole pairs, the 12:1 reduction spinning a hub at 450rpm gives an erpm of ~90000. That's very fast and probably outside what the controller is capable of. It seems much more likely that there are 8 pole pairs. Have you tried setting pole pairs at 8 and rated rpm at around 6000 instead?
For me it shows motor inductance as -44uH. Yes negative! Under the controller debug tab -> control loops and tuning, I can see current regulator ki is set to 160 and current regulator kp at 0. I'm thinking the negative inductance value has resulted in these nonsense PI values. If you set current regulator bandwidth to 0, you can manually set the Kp and Ki. Try Ki of 2 and Kp of 0.3. You can probably leave pll Kp and Ki alone.
The other values that stuck out were the rpm and pole count values. If this motor really has 16 pole pairs, the 12:1 reduction spinning a hub at 450rpm gives an erpm of ~90000. That's very fast and probably outside what the controller is capable of. It seems much more likely that there are 8 pole pairs. Have you tried setting pole pairs at 8 and rated rpm at around 6000 instead?