1 kW
Hi everyone,
I recently saw @DanGT86 posting about some connection issues on a Flipsky 75100 Pro. (VESC compatible)
Subsequently, he posted the controller for free+shipping(Thanks Dan!), and the condition of the buyer attempting repair, and posting the results.
I took the bait
I am going to approach this repair procedurally, roughly in the order of:
1. Disassembly, thorough visual inspection for loose solder bits or other foreign matter, solder bridging, PCB touching case,
PCB defects, components touching case or each other, sharp metal edges abrading wires, sufficient thermal paste, etc.
Note, I do the above to all controllers I buy. I have 3 other Flipsky controllers, all three had QC issues, loose solder blob, PCB touching case, component(inductor,capacitor) touching case, disaster averted, all three work to this day.
2. While disassembled, apply low voltage~30v EDIT: try 18v first, from a current limited supply,
check 5v and 3.3v rails, look for hot spots, attempt vesc-tool connection via usb and BT.
2a. If connection succeeds, attempt firmware upgrade to current 6.05 release, research if bluetooth firmware can be, or even needs to be, upgraded.
2b. If connection fails, apply 3lb sledge hammer vigorously.
Or, connect a vesc-express(esp32-c3) over canbus, cross fingers, attempt connection.
3. If the simple connection methods fail, use a spare vesc controller as an SWD(Serial Wire Debug, god mode) port programmer(yes, vesc can do this natively, ask me why I love the vesc platform so much!)
3a. Use ST-Link-v2 and STM32CubeProgamer and SWD port, if the above is unsuccessful.
4. This starts to get into uncharted territory for me, as I have used all the above methods before, so I am somewhat familiar.
If we make this far, I may have to get the 'ol Tektronix o-sillyscope running, and ping some of the big brains on ES for help.
Possibly use AI for debugging tips.
Some other things in this category(that I do have a little experience with):
a. Hotplate+hotair reflow the logic and/or power PCB's.
b. Hotplate+hotair remove the BT module, if it has failed and is tying up the com-port connection.
c. Hotplate+hotair replace the stmf405rgt6 cpu, I have couple spares around.
d. Etc.
That's it for now, will post some pics later, esp. if I find something juicy.
I recently saw @DanGT86 posting about some connection issues on a Flipsky 75100 Pro. (VESC compatible)
Subsequently, he posted the controller for free+shipping(Thanks Dan!), and the condition of the buyer attempting repair, and posting the results.
I took the bait
I am going to approach this repair procedurally, roughly in the order of:
1. Disassembly, thorough visual inspection for loose solder bits or other foreign matter, solder bridging, PCB touching case,
PCB defects, components touching case or each other, sharp metal edges abrading wires, sufficient thermal paste, etc.
Note, I do the above to all controllers I buy. I have 3 other Flipsky controllers, all three had QC issues, loose solder blob, PCB touching case, component(inductor,capacitor) touching case, disaster averted, all three work to this day.
2. While disassembled, apply low voltage
check 5v and 3.3v rails, look for hot spots, attempt vesc-tool connection via usb and BT.
2a. If connection succeeds, attempt firmware upgrade to current 6.05 release, research if bluetooth firmware can be, or even needs to be, upgraded.
2b. If connection fails, apply 3lb sledge hammer vigorously.
Or, connect a vesc-express(esp32-c3) over canbus, cross fingers, attempt connection.
3. If the simple connection methods fail, use a spare vesc controller as an SWD(Serial Wire Debug, god mode) port programmer(yes, vesc can do this natively, ask me why I love the vesc platform so much!)
3a. Use ST-Link-v2 and STM32CubeProgamer and SWD port, if the above is unsuccessful.
4. This starts to get into uncharted territory for me, as I have used all the above methods before, so I am somewhat familiar.
If we make this far, I may have to get the 'ol Tektronix o-sillyscope running, and ping some of the big brains on ES for help.
Possibly use AI for debugging tips.
Some other things in this category(that I do have a little experience with):
a. Hotplate+hotair reflow the logic and/or power PCB's.
b. Hotplate+hotair remove the BT module, if it has failed and is tying up the com-port connection.
c. Hotplate+hotair replace the stmf405rgt6 cpu, I have couple spares around.
d. Etc.
That's it for now, will post some pics later, esp. if I find something juicy.
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