Hit car door in NYC, guy blamed me and wanted to fight

I was thinking more about this incident and I was really stupid not filing the police report. It may be nothing but I am worried about a rotator cuff tear which does not heal by itself. A good amount of the impact was from pushing back on the handlebars when I hit and that jolt went right through my chest and shoulders. It is probably similar to a benchpress injury.

The worst outcome I would have by filing a police report would be if I was held liable to fix his door. The most probable outcome would have been me getting medical attention that is reimbursed from his insurance company.
Since I do not have health insurance I am stuck with a possible rotator cuff surgery if it is torn. So it was well worth it for me to make a claim with the potential loss on my side very low and the potential gain for me very huge here.Plus it would have potentially shown that moron whos fault it was for swinging the door open into traffic.

Anyway at the time I did not think my shoulder would hurt so badly, it stung a bit at the time but that was all, this is similar to what happened when I fell on Ice and walked away only to later find out that I really damaged my shoulder in the fall.

So for you people on here who get hurt always file a claim no matter if you seem OK in the accident.

Another thing I was thinking about was the fact that I rarely drive by the door range of parked cars. Mostly I drive in Staten Island where I stay in the middle of the street and there is hardly areas where I have to drive in the door range of cars. Staten Island is just not so populated like Manhattan and I tend to avoid the very busy streets. This being said, it did not take long for me to hit a car door considering how little I drive in the car door range of cars. This means that if you do it often your going to get doored very often.
Plus you didn't even make a point for the idiot driver to learn his lesson either. It doesn't matter what vehicle hit his door, he's always supposed to check the mirror before opening. It took me a while, but I finally got my wife to check the mirror first when opening a passenger side door, and the driver has the responsibility for checking both mirrors when there are rear passengers since they don't have a mirror to check.

Going to extra safety steps like those are even more important on our bikes where we're so exposed. It's just part of being a safe operator of any vehicle, and on an ebike riding accident free on the street is the only acceptable result for me.

Yeah, now you might be screwed by the lack of universal health insurance. Now go vote right today.

The guys insurance would have at least tried to blame you anyway, in any case done now. Next time, get the guys info at least, so you can complain to his insurance company later. Once you exchange info, you haven't "fled the scene".

A camera can be cheap, if you do have to fight lawyers on a future incident video of it can help. That is, if the vid shows you ride legal.

Definitely true that you need to heighten your situational awareness to the very top level to ride urban and survive. They really really are hell bent on killing you. Too bad your enviroment doesn't allow you to blow steam safely off road. That's how I do it. I may ride like grandpa on the street, then have lunch and go out again in the afternoon and get my thrills dirt trail riding. Lucky me. You have to do your hooning around in the street, but you can choose which street, and it sounds like you do. Just ride more aware and more precictable when you go to the war zone.

Body armor, helmets, etc help. Nice when it's cold and you can wear a lot. But the fact is, armor or not getting doored is gonna suck. Armor is great in a laydown, but hitting a solid car is still going to tweak yer joints.
Go back and see if there are any cameras in the area. If there are see if you can get a license plate. Then file a police report. You weren't thinking properly due to bumping your head and adrenaline. After leaving in fear of your life you realized you didn't have a license plate # thus didn't file.
Many of us who've been thrown from our bikes at speed wind up with one of these -photo.GIF

Do you have a noticeable bump on top of the affected shoulder/clavical? My Ortho told me practically every pro Hockey player has one on each shoulder.

There are surgical solutions but since I don't model or play pro sports I opted to leave it alone and heal on it's own. Looks like hell and feels weird 2 years later but it's a good reminder of how easy it is to do stupid shit on a bike.
I dislocated my arm roundabout 20years ago from a skateboarding mishap. I waited for about an hour for my mom (who's an RN) to come home to see if she could remedy it. She immediately called her friend (who's an ER nurse and avid backpacker). Did the ol' "yank the arm using 2 feet propped up against my body" to see if it would twist back in trick. Nope. Hurt like hell. I ended up going to the ER to have a orthopedic surgeon put it back in. You know whats funny, he told me to relax the muscles around the dislocation and he gently twisted the arm back into the socket. No yanking or pulling. To this day, I have more mobility and am able to flex my dislocated arm than my regular arm has.

FWIW: I opted to rehab my arm myself vs. a physical rehab facility. A few rotational exercises to keep scar tissue from forming helps. As well as not sleeping on the affected shoulder. Also, having an apartment near me that had a small swimming pool helped dramatically. :mrgreen:

Good luck on the recovery!
Ykick said:
Many of us who've been thrown from our bikes at speed wind up with one of these -

Do you have a noticeable bump on top of the affected shoulder/clavical? My Ortho told me practically every pro Hockey player has one on each shoulder.

There are surgical solutions but since I don't model or play pro sports I opted to leave it alone and heal on it's own. Looks like hell and feels weird 2 years later but it's a good reminder of how easy it is to do stupid shit on a bike.

Ahh, so that's what it is, I have one of those from going over a car hood...

Today was the first day I can mostly painfully lift my arm over my head. Chest still hurts a bit from the impact.
Still hoping that I didn't tear my rotator cuff or labrum. These tears do not heal on their own and surgery for the most part is not really worth it and could make your shoulder worse. Not that I have insurance to even mess around with doctors who I find mostly can't do anything anyway.
I went through all this when I fell on ice some years ago when I had insurance and an MRI didn't find anything conclusive. After a year my shoulder was 98%.

I'm hoping I just mostly bruised my shoulder from the impact and nothing tore inside.