How-to for the Watt Meter n00b?


10 MW
Aug 29, 2009
Oregon City Oregon
Heya all, I hope this isn't TOO stupid of a question, but I am trying to read my Turnigy Watt/Power meter, and I'm not feeling very smart! :oops: :lol:


If I understand, the first screen has (left to right, top to bottom ...) Amps, then Volts, Amp Hours (used?) and finally watts in the bottom right corner of the screen.

My initial understanding was that this meter would be able to show how many watts I have on tap? Or is it just able to tell me my present rate of consumption of said watts?

I'm sure there is a good guide that would explain it all, but I already looked at a description of a "Watts-up" meter, and I still don't get it :roll: :lol: :oops:

Help! :?:
"Amp Hours (used?) and finally watts in the bottom right corner of the screen.

My initial understanding was that this meter would be able to show how many watts I have on tap? Or is it just able to tell me my present rate of consumption of said watts?"

Amp hours left is the gas tank;

One knows the rated amphours advertised for their pack.. and mentally compares to the "amp hours used" on the meter.

As the differnce gets smaller and smaller, the user knows how much is left.

ie I have a 12 amphour pack, and as i see 1, 2, , 4, 7, amp hours use, I know that its time to start being frugal with my measely 5ah left, depending on how far from home or a charging stop.

that is a major use to many of us.

As far as watts used versus watts available, i will leave that for another to describe, as it is dinner time I AM TOLD (time for me to fix dinner).

I'm also concerned because when I see Dr Bass's review of this meter, I see he gets an immediate watt reading under load, I,m pretty sure I don't get that, might have to double-check to confirm. :?
The top left is the amps being used right now.

The top right is the voltage right now.

On the lower left display you will see alternating readings.
Fisrt you will see xx.xxxAh = Total amps used since connected
Next xxx.xxWh=total watts used since conneect Next xx.xxxAp= highest or peak amp reading since
Next xxx.xxWp= highest or peak watts reading
since connected.
Next xx.xxVm= lowest volt reading (voltage drop}
since connected

lower right reading is the watt usage right now.

Hope this helps.
Yes! thank you for explaining that to me, I felt lost with all those abbreviations :oops: :lol: