Hyena's e-bike builds (now with HD video)

I will resize the photos when I get home due to my phone being a pain in the butt.

The moto seat is the best thing I have done to it. I can corner so much faster and it made the bike feel like a light weight moto. One problem with it is that I can't really pedal unless I stand up due to my height.
I don't think I will be putting the bike seat back on anytime soon

Architectonic said:
So what was that surprise? Qulbix are naming their next frame the "Hyena"? :lol:
haha nope, that name is sacred and not so easily pimped out :p

Or they're selling motors now? Speculation abounds!
Maybe :p
But wait, there's more :p


The raptor 160 is looking good Lawsie. Way to rub it in to all the people who like that shape but can't get them any more. haha
Tell the boys and girls playing at home what happened with all that extra cornering speed you're able to carry with the moto seat :lol:
That sounds about right with the pedalling thing. I CAN still pedal but only because I'm fairly short so the moto seat and bicycle seats are at roughly the same height.
Hyena said:
Architectonic said:
So what was that surprise? Qulbix are naming their next frame the "Hyena"? :lol:
haha nope, that name is sacred and not so easily pimped out :p

Or they're selling motors now? Speculation abounds!
Maybe :p
But wait, there's more :p


The raptor 160 is looking good Lawsie. Way to rub it in to all the people who like that shape but can't get them any more. haha
Tell the boys and girls playing at home what happened with all that extra cornering speed you're able to carry with the moto seat :lol:
That sounds about right with the pedalling thing. I CAN still pedal but only because I'm fairly short so the moto seat and bicycle seats are at roughly the same height.
Jay, id like to try the moto seat. Do you have any available for the 140.
Not on hand Rod but I can order you one in. If you're in a rush I can send you the one I had on my bike. It's essentially brand new, I only had it bolted on for a few hours for a photo shoot. I liked it but considering where I typically ride I figure it's probably not a wise move as you're already pushing your luck on talking up the bicycle aspect of it.

On that note I've never had a run in with any mtb riders before (most stop to check out the bike and think it's cool) but recently I had one hurl abuse at me while I was stopped at the lights. He was existing a national park onto the road 100m away and rightly assumed that a few hundred metres away in the other direction I would be entering the trails. "keep that f*ng piece of sh*t off the trails you f*cking d*ckhead!" he shouted. I just laughed and pretended to pedal away (no chain at that stage, lol) Pity I didnt have the gopro on, I would have turned around and had a nice chat with him :twisted:
Hyena said:
Not on hand Rod but I can order you one in. If you're in a rush I can send you the one I had on my bike. It's essentially brand new, I only had it bolted on for a few hours for a photo shoot. I liked it but considering where I typically ride I figure it's probably not a wise move as you're already pushing your luck on talking up the bicycle aspect of it.

On that note I've never had a run in with any mtb riders before (most stop to check out the bike and think it's cool) but recently I had one hurl abuse at me while I was stopped at the lights. He was existing a national park onto the road 100m away and rightly assumed that a few hundred metres away in the other direction I would be entering the trails. "keep that f*ng piece of sh*t off the trails you f*cking d*ckhead!" he shouted. I just laughed and pretended to pedal away (no chain at that stage, lol) Pity I didnt have the gopro on, I would have turned around and had a nice chat with him :twisted:

Jay, should have went up to him, said go fug yourself, and sped off, he aint gonna catch you. I wish I could let stuff like that go, but I can't, not wired that way. Good on you.
I rode the bike with the moto seat to work today. Surprisingly I had more people looking when it had the bicycle seat fitted. Maybe the colour change has made it less noticable.

Also if anyone is interested I used a paint called plastidip. It is like a rubber paint that can be peeled off if you don't like it any more. I like the way it has given some grip to the side covers (has helped in the corners)
Plastidip is great fun. Especially if you change your mind - you just peel it off like a rubber glove and go again.
Hyena said:
I had one hurl abuse at me while I was stopped at the lights. He was existing a national park onto the road 100m away and rightly assumed that a few hundred metres away in the other direction I would be entering the trails. "keep that f*ng piece of sh*t off the trails you f*cking d*ckhead!" he shouted.:

Give it 1-2 years and that guy will be riding an ebike on the trails, I bet you!
Todays important life lesson: High powered bikes save lives!

Lawsie dropped in to see me Friday afternoon, sporting a hacked up leg and a battle damaged raptor.
He had been riding to work, minding his own business and pedalling along slowly. He entered a round about slowly with no other cars immediately near by when he heard the screech of tyres and saw a car coming right for him. He pinned the throttle and the instant acceleration got him just far enough in front that the car collected the back of the bike and didn't smash him square on. He was thrown from the bike in the impact so had relatively minor injuries as the car had no actual contact with him but the motor and swing arm copped it and the pedal was broken in half from the impact with the bumper. Had it have been a split second later on a lower powered ebike or regular push bike he wouldn't have been able to get out of the way and would have ended up with a crushed leg at the least. The driver said he'll pay for the repairs so we're hoping that's the case.

In unrelated news I took my own raptor out for a sneaky trail ride on the weekend. I limited the power to 2.5kw to keep me out of trouble and occasionally flicked into unlimited mode on wide open straights or steep uphill sections. Dayum, 10kw is an absolute BEAST on the trails. You couldn't begin to use the power on single track but the acceleration on big fire trails was phenomenal and such instant rush of acceleration meant you couldn't give it a fist full for more than a few seconds. This further reinforces what I've long said to this growing trend of everyone wanting to run huge voltage into the biggest possible motors - it's just not necessary. A TC80 on 80v and some high current sinewave goodness and you've got all the speed and torque even a seasoned offroad rider could use.

Lawsie test road it (just a quick squirt on the street) and coming from a dirt bike background he said the acceleration felt like his wr450 only it kept going. That's pretty good praise I reckon 8)
Of course it was naughty of me to offer him a ride at this power level, now his 5kw raptor feels like poo.
Heisenberg strikes again :lol:
Hyena said:
Todays important life lesson: High powered bikes save lives!

Lawsie dropped in to see me Friday afternoon, sporting a hacked up leg and a battle damaged raptor.
He had been riding to work, minding his own business and pedalling along slowly. He entered a round about slowly with no other cars immediately near by when he heard the screech of tyres and saw a car coming right for him. He pinned the throttle and the instant acceleration got him just far enough in front that the car collected the back of the bike and didn't smash him square on. He was thrown from the bike in the impact so had relatively minor injuries as the car had no actual contact with him but the motor and swing arm copped it and the pedal was broken in half from the impact with the bumper. Had it have been a split second later on a lower powered ebike or regular push bike he wouldn't have been able to get out of the way and would have ended up with a crushed leg at the least. The driver said he'll pay for the repairs so we're hoping that's the case.

In unrelated news I took my own raptor out for a sneaky trail ride on the weekend. I limited the power to 2.5kw to keep me out of trouble and occasionally flicked into unlimited mode on wide open straights or steep uphill sections. Dayum, 10kw is an absolute BEAST on the trails. You couldn't begin to use the power on single track but the acceleration on big fire trails was phenomenal and such instant rush of acceleration meant you couldn't give it a fist full for more than a few seconds. This further reinforces what I've long said to this growing trend of everyone wanting to run huge voltage into the biggest possible motors - it's just not necessary. A TC80 on 80v and some high current sinewave goodness and you've got all the speed and torque even a seasoned offroad rider could use.

Lawsie test road it (just a quick squirt on the street) and coming from a dirt bike background he said the acceleration felt like his wr450 only it kept going. That's pretty good praise I reckon 8)
Of course it was naughty of me to offer him a ride at this power level, now his 5kw raptor feels like poo.
Heisenberg strikes again :lol:

Great ride report Jay, yah, I belive the TC4080 will be the cat's meow in terms of power, durability, and light weight. I should hopefully have my hands on a few early next year. I would like some 450 accleration. I am thinking 16s at 115amps will be sweet. Not looking for tops speed, just want 40MPH and tons of acceleration getting there.
Hyena said:
Oh you wanted me to post this vid of my kids in their E-go karts ?


Got drift? That was awesome. I need one of those for my son, Jet.
I would describe my bike (5-6kw) as not having enough power to easily spin the rear wheel on a loose surface. Jay's on the other hand would probably do it up to 40km/h. His bike pulled so much harder than my bike. Those sine wave controllers do a great job
lawsie said:
I would describe my bike (5-6kw) as not having enough power to easily spin the rear wheel on a loose surface. Jay's on the other hand would probably do it up to 40km/h. His bike pulled so much harder than my bike. Those sine wave controllers do a great job
Wow thats interesting real life info there. How similar or diferent are the other components with your two raptors guys?

Jay your comment about not needing more than 10kw on single tracks is interesting. I think its a good point.
I'd still like to one day build a 18kw raptor one day though. with this controller.

btw, that ebay motor bizzo on the ozzy thread... LOL, i missed out on the fun.
Ah, the secret of the tramshed is out:

lawsie said:
I would describe my bike (5-6kw) as not having enough power to easily spin the rear wheel on a loose surface. Jay's on the other hand would probably do it up to 40km/h. His bike pulled so much harder than my bike. Those sine wave controllers do a great job
I must say after getting on your bike after I patched it up it DID feel a bit low powered but you quickly get used to high power and come to expect it. Many soil themselves over stealth fighters but my stock 3kw fighter feels like a toy now. It's all about expectation, if you're used to lugging around a heavy bike under pedal power only even 250w becomes a welcome boost.

pendragon8000 said:
Wow thats interesting real life info there. How similar or diferent are the other components with your two raptors guys?
Lawsie is running the suspension and other components from a new giant but the power train is similar - both running TC80s (though his in a bigger 26" wheel vs my 24" ) and 21S packs. The main difference is I'm running double the peak current with a sine controller.
I'll be testing some smaller sine controllers shortly though to see just how much of the extra performance is coming from the sinewave black magic and how much is just the extra bulk power coming from the sabvoton. I think it's more just the smoothness of the sinewave that makes it alot nice too.

Jay your comment about not needing more than 10kw on single tracks is interesting. I think its a good point.
I'd still like to one day build a 18kw raptor one day though. with this controller.
Heh, madness. On the street, sure, but for the trails total overkill. I need to resurrect the madass over the xmas break, a big ass croclone at ~130v in a 16" moto rim should go pretty nicely I imagine.
Architectonic said:
Ah, the secret of the tramshed is out:

Oh noes, my secret stomping ground made public.
I guess that means it's time for another photo from my last outing there :)

I had a bit of a garage clean up on the weekend. My wife says I have too many bikes. I don't know what she's talking about :lol:

Bigger pic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10750209_720628874691064_7847534129644492358_o.jpg

Is it wrong of me to see that picture and instead of thinking of what those bikes are like as they are, I think of which pieces of them I could use to build another (few) crazy contraption(s)? :oops:
Hey, nice collection Jay.

It seems impossible to keep up with your e-garage.....

If the black and gold one on the left is truly a commuter, then it surely must need some mudguards, for a comfortable commute in all conditions.

The blue bike on the far right is completely unfamiliar to me, even tho I try to keep up. Looks like something SamD might have come up with ?

Are U actually going to sell any ?