Install Problems, fixed


10 mW
Jan 13, 2010
OK so I got everything. Charged battery. Wired up the Cycle Analyst, the throttle, controller, and motor. This is a 2806 kit from When I press the throttle I get nothing but a little click from the motor. Thats it just one click every time I press the throttle. I have a multimeter on the way so I can open up the controller and check voltage to throttle. Anyone have any other ideas what it might be?
I've had bad connections many times on the first install of a new motor. Check plugs etc, and particularly look for the most common cause, one contact that has been pushed back in the plug. They snap in, but sometimes don't stay put.
OK checked all of my plugs, nothing.
Then tried unpluging them one at a time to see if there was any difference.
When I got to the plug for the hall sensor(5 pin plug on hub) it was the only one that didnt make a difference. all the others made everything stop. When I unplugged it the clicking noise was still there. Yep loose wire. pushed it in, no difference. Wire had a nasty bend in it. Probably broken. I tried to gently pull it out and it came out without the pin. So I have new pins on the way.
well even with the broken wire (yellow hall wire) wired direct I still get nothing but a single solitary click when I press the throttle.
Edit: ok dumb question do I have to have an ebrake hooked up?
Disconnect everything from the controller except the switch to turn it on, the battery, the throttle, and the motor. Even the CA could be shutting you down, since it may not be calibrated yet, or set up for your pack, etc. has great customer support, so why are you even asking herem they're the experts, especially for that specific kit?
I tried disconnecting everything and tried one thing at a time. I have been in touch with just thought maybe someone here might have had same problem before. Justin has been very nice and is trying to figure out what is causing my problem. Am I having a problem, yes but customer service has been excellent thus far.
All done up and running.
Had a bad ground wire on the hall sensor.
1998 Trek 930 single track
2806 9c motor
36volt 15ah Ping
26 mph on flat with a 220lbs man in the seat.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply.
Justin at is great
Having similar problems with my wheel, how did you identify/fix the wire?
I used a multi meter and made sure I had power to throttle and ebrake. then I checked the positive on the hall sensor and the negative on the ebrake and I had voltage.
I just ran a wire from my negative pole of my ebrake plug (not using ebrake my motorcycle doesnt have one) to the negative wire for my hall sensor.
Ya that gave me one more wire to worry about but oh well. It works.