Motorsport of any type is not a mainstream sport. Motorcycle racing is fringe motorsport. And electric motorcycle racing is the fringe of the fringe of the fringe

All fringe sports are competitor funded. Nothing will change that. If it wasn't for manufacturer involvement ASBK would be the same. One day ASBK will be electric bike racing, when Honda and Yamaha are selling electric superbikes (and maybe competing with Zero, Lightning etc..), but that is a long way off.
I think competing with ICE bikes, over their distance, is
almost mission impossible for the next 5 years. Among the electric bikes it will become the battle of the batteries. Nuking (BIG!) battery packs becomes prohibitively expensive very quickly.
The barriers to entry are already extremely high, even if you have a giant pile of cash to spend. Build/convert the bike, buy the right motor/controller (P.S. where can I buy an AFM???), design and build a bespoke battery pack with some sort of BMS, cobble together some sort of charger (yeah average Joe loves fiddling with 240V...), learn how to use all that stuff and engineer it into a reliable, ride-able high performance package. Getting a bike on the grid is a massive achievement. After doing all that who wants to get lapped by an ICE bike? Or destroy a $10k-$15k battery pack just trying to finish the race?
I'd rather be in an electric only race. There could be different classes for bikes of different spec. By racing with ICE bikes you instantly preclude any production electric motorcycle, only a prototype has any hope of going the distance.
I don't think you give yourself enough credit. Because you have done it, you think a lot of other people can do it too. I bet when you tell people to google it, they are thinking it's like brain surgery. Yes you can google brain surgery, but that doesn't make you a brain surgeon!
Best of luck, I hope you prove me wrong