Hey guys. Maybe some one has already posted this. I took the manual Released by FarDriver and used DeepL to translate it to English. I also included the original chinese document as the source. Have not read through it yet to see if it makes any sense, but I thought I'd share it.
Ok so I read through it and it seems like a lot of the parameters use a range of unsigned 8 bit or 16 bit values, so something like 0-255 or 0-1023. And then they add a table of explanation for what those values mean, but it is still hard to understand exactly what it means with the translation.
7.2.3 Tempurature coefficient looks like a bitfield. I'm not sure if changing this manually is allowed, never tried, it would be so easy to mess this up by putting in random numbers.
I unfortunatly changed my battery full and battery 0 coefficients to something that made the gauge match my battery level. That was probably a mistake.
Changing some of these values without knowing exactly what Far Driver is doing seems like a bad idea.
For example, it says that Slow Start is default to 255, which is the maximum value of an unsigned 8 bit integer. This is definetly not in units of RPMs. I have no idea what this value does, I wish there was better documentation, or that Far Driver would remove this option from the app completly if they arent going to offer a more detailed explanation.