User profiles (BBS02B, BBSHD) for BBS-FW (Daniel Nilsson's Open Source Firmware)


10 mW
Mar 22, 2023
Anywhere in the Underwhere
Hi mates.

I'm making this thread just for sharing user profiles for BAFANG (or Luna or 8FUN mid-drives, it's the same but just rebranded) motors.

This post is oriented only for BBS02B (500/750w) and BBSHD (1000w) (and maybe the Tongsheng motor running this firmware), in essence every controller running Daniel Nilsson's Firmware, NOT OFFICIAL FIRMWARE, NOT ANOTHER MOTORS!

If you wanna share your profile, please specify:

  • Motor (BBS02B, BBSHD or maybe Tongsheng)
  • Battery voltage (36V/48V/52V/whatever)
  • Firmware version used (using a profile made for a newest firmware in old firmware may cause issues)
  • Description of your profile

At bottom you can download some profiles (each every version, I'd been improving it just by my way of riding it term of power-by-cadence, shift timings, more appropriated technical parameters about voltages, etc.), and 5 more profiles that I've adapted based on this strongly recommendable guide (all is for BBS02B, so can be used in BBSHD without problems but you may increase amps from 25 to 30 and adapt voltages, cadences and another parameters with config tool).

  • All my profiles were made for my BBS02B, 48V battery, FW 1.3.1 (works on 1.4.0), shift sensor and stock throttle (can be plugged off and still working) All can be tweaked by the tool prior to flash so I engage you to experiment and adapt yours. Bafang motors lack of torque sensor and if you want the best for your setup, you must tweak it fine just for yourself and your pedaling style, cadence and use. It's suggested to have 2 different profiles for use in the city or pedestrian zones (25km/h or 15mp/h limited), and another one more aggresive for off-road use
  • Normal and Sports mode switching lights in mode 0, in all profiles, normal mode is limited to 25KM/H, throttle disabled except in PAS0 where is used only if you are spinning as a real-time power selector. Power (%) is set just at half as Sport. All is for being likely as a 'legal' and bored ebike in appearance compliant with european weird, liberticide and stupid laws
  • If you have BBSHD, you must adapt not only max current; take in mind max cadence (RPM) is about 180?? (I'm not really sure, I guess is 150-120 for BBS02B depending on voltage), is not bad idea to adapt cadences in mid and low assist multiplying by 0.8 or 0.7
  • Kepler's profile doesn't reduce/cut power when you reach a certain cadence (it's limited by motor cadence which is surely higher than you can reach). I'm using this profile for months and is perfect for me
  • NEW: Created an excel table for power, cadence and level power, it may be useful if you wanna tweak your profile or just understand my last profiles


Now it's time to do some math in order to explain the power you will get depending on some things. I will not add cadence or friction lost because it would be an stubborn classroom:

Power (Watts) = current battery voltage * max amps * current level percentage (number / 100) + cyclist power

There's an example:

We had:
-48v battery at 100% - 54.6V (search for ebike battery charge table in Google)
-BBS02 set at 25A maximum
-Using level 3 (22%)

Power will be:

54.6V * 25A * 22 / 100 = 300.3W (plus the power you make by pedaling)

Another example:

We had:
-52v battery at 60% - 52.1V
-BBSHD set at 30A maximum
-Using level 6 (49%)

Power will be:

52.1V * 30A * 49 / 100 = 751.17W (plus the power you make by pedaling)


  • bbs02b 1.3 - em3ev.xml
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  • bbs02b 1.3 - EMPowered Cycles.xml
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  • bbs02b 1.3 - Karl's special sauce.xml
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  • bbs02b 1.3 - Kepler.xml
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  • bbs02b 1.3 - Lectric Cycles e-RAD.xml
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  • Vidriago's v4 bbs02b FIRMWARE 1.3.xml
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  • Vidriago's v5 bbs02b FIRMWARE 1.3.xml
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  • Profiles.xlsx
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Could you explain this a bit more? It doesn't make sense to me:-

  • Normal and Sports mode switching lights in mode 0, in all those profiles, normal mode is just the same as sports mode but limited to 25KM/H, throttle disabled -except in normal-PAS0 where is used only if you are spinning as a real-time power selector- and power (%) is set just at half as Sport. All is for being likely as a 'legal' and bored ebike in appearance compliant with european weird, liberticide and stupid laws

Are you say if you are in pas 0 mode, if you switch the lights on and off, it switches between normal and sport mode?
Yes that is correct, pas 0 + lights button switches between normal and sport mode. That way you get 20 pas levels. For that you need BBS-FW of course.
Could you explain this a bit more? It doesn't make sense to me:-

Are you say if you are in pas 0 mode, if you switch the lights on and off, it switches between normal and sport mode?
That's true, for me it's the best mode to keep illumination system functional

Updated my profile to V5 - this time I've limitated PAS power to 70% in PAS9 (actually I use 6 levels system, for me is PAS6) I've done it cause having higher PAS levels can be dangerous and is not neccesary for this motor (you will reach about 800W in last level for continuous). For having a +70% power boost just use the throttle, or in you haven't one, just use V4.
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Hi mates.

I'm making this thread just for sharing user profiles for BAFANG (or Luna or 8FUN mid-drives, it's the same but just rebranded) motors.

This post is oriented only for BBS02B (500/750w) and BBSHD (1000w) (and maybe the Tongsheng motor which runs also with this firmware), in essence every controller running Daniel Nilsson's Firmware, NOT OFFICIAL FIRMWARE, NOT ANOTHER MOTORS!

If you wanna share your profile, please specify:

  • Motor (BBS02B, BBSHD or Tongsheng)
  • Battery voltage (36V/48V/52V/whatever)
  • Description of your profile

At bottom you can download my 4 profiles (each every version, I'd been improving it just by my way of riding it term of power-by-cadence, shift timings, more appropriated technical parameters about voltages, etc.), and 5 more profiles that I've adapted based on this strongly recommendable guide (all is for BBS02B, so can be used in BBSHD without problems but you may increase amps from 25 to 30 and adapt voltages, cadences and another parameters with config tool).

  • All my profiles were made for my BBS02B, 48V battery, FW 1.3.1, MTB wheel size 29 inch, 44t chainring, 11s shimano cassete, shift sensor and stock throttle... All can be changed by the tool prior to flash so I engage you to experiment and adapt yours. Bafang motors lack of torque sensor and if you want the best for you, you must tweak it fine just for yourself and your pedaling style/cadence.
  • Normal and Sports mode switching lights in mode 0, in all those profiles, normal mode is just the same as sports mode but limited to 25KM/H, throttle disabled -except in normal-PAS0 where is used only if you are spinning as a real-time power selector- and power (%) is set just at half as Sport. All is for being likely as a 'legal' and bored ebike in appearance compliant with european weird, liberticide and stupid laws
  • About adapted profiles: I started making my own taking em3ev and tweaking and I actually haven't tested another profiles because I'm awesome with my config.
  • If you have BBSHD, you must adapt not only max current; take in mind max cadence (RPM) is about 180?? (I'm not really sure, I read is 150 for BBS02B), is not bad idea to adapt cadences in mid and low assist multiplying by 0.8
  • Kepler's profile doesn't reduce/cut power when you reach a certain cadence (it's limited by motor cadence which is surely higher than you can reach, unless you're Sonic the hedgehog), it means you may exceed your speed more than you desire if you're riding in flat. I don't recommend this profile if you wanna ride in pedestrian or dangerous zones (maybe until speed cut by assist level are implemented)
  • NEW: Created an excel table for power, cadence and level relations, it may be useful if you wanna tweak your profile or just understand my last profiles
View attachment 334038

View attachment 334039
Can you attach the excel file?
There's a per-post limit of 20 files, but you can simply add more files to any other post of yours in the thread. :?
Thanks for this. Is there a way to upload the profiles so you can just load them straight into the programming app?

My 02 I got from a guy comes on way too strong too fast. It needs some fine tuning, people talk about getting a torque sensor like-feel - would like this smoothness with also high power. Any recomm. where to get the profile? Prob more than just the settings outlined above - or will the Nilsson FW deal with those other parameters? This stuff ends up taking a lot of time! I just want a bike that works - the DM01 was pretty good, but looking forward to something more plug and play
Thanks for this. Is there a way to upload the profiles so you can just load them straight into the programming app?

My 02 I got from a guy comes on way too strong too fast. It needs some fine tuning, people talk about getting a torque sensor like-feel - would like this smoothness with also high power. Any recomm. where to get the profile? Prob more than just the settings outlined above - or will the Nilsson FW deal with those other parameters? This stuff ends up taking a lot of time! I just want a bike that works - the DM01 was pretty good, but looking forward to something more plug and play
Yup, software lets you load and extract all config using files like I've provided. It may be compatible with latest 1.4.0 firmware.

About power control, take in mind this motor doesn't have any torque sensor (motor only measures if pedals are spinning, not the pressure applied on it). Someone adapted, but is a complex handmade project and, in my opinion after more than 1 year using, actually not necessary if you spend some time tweaking it. At beginning it may appear hard to understand, but trust me, it's more easy than you wonder.

I'm using the uploaded 'flat-curved' kepler profile (usually in mountain climbed paths and country roads because I live so far from the city), which basically set out cadence limit; motor will spin always up to physically maximum RPM it can reach (about 120-150RPM, I guess it depends on battery level) based on weight it have to move and power delivered by controller. If you're going most the time trough the city, you may set for example:

Level of assist - Power (% of maximum amps, 25A for BBS02, 30A for BBSHD)

0 - 0 or 1-2% (1-2% suggested because motor has resistance and it compensates, making it feel more like a conventional bike where there's no ressistance)
1 - 10%
2 - 15% (+5)
3 - 22% (+7)
4 - 30% (+8)
5 - 39% (+9)
6 - 49% (+10)
7 - 60% (+11)
8 - 72% (+12)
9 - 85% or 100%

At low levels (when you are in pedestrian areas or flat roads), power is being increased in short steps, and grows up more when higher is the level (when you are going trough climbs or you want to reach higher speed)
hey all..
i think i got a problem.. i installed the new firmware 1.4 and used the karls special setting over here..
some how i get error 30.. and the throtle doesnt respond...
even worse.. bbs-fw tool and the flashing software dont seem able to connect...
any help would be nice.. thx!
hey all..
i think i got a problem.. i installed the new firmware 1.4 and used the karls special setting over here..
some how i get error 30.. and the throtle doesnt respond...
even worse.. bbs-fw tool and the flashing software dont seem able to connect...
any help would be nice.. thx!
Have you tried to reflash? It's possible you missed any parameter out when flashed new 1.4. Did you checked properly red mark parameters?

Hi everyone, danielnilsson9 thank you so much for your work!
vidriago thank you for starting this thread and the work you shared with us.

Here is my jam. It is very user specific, so take it with a grain of salt.

The bike setup:

Total Bike weight: 25kg

Kit: BBSHD hardwareVersion=1.5 , firmware v1.4.0 (the latest at the moment of writing)

Battery: 48V

Tire: 26 inch, 2.3" wide

Chainring: 32T

Display: 5 PAS display SW102

You will notice PAS levels 1, 3, 5, 7 are dummy values.

If you use 10 PAS display adapt accordingly to your needs.

So a long story short my file has both standard and sport enabled.

#PAS levels

#Standard: is for pedaling and hopefully some exercise, with little to no ghost pedaling.

25km/h limited for Throttle and all PAS levels. Law legal by my standards.

#Sport: mimics my old settings from the original firmware.

The first 2-3 PAS levels are for pedaling.

The last and second to last PAS bring a considerable amount of ghost pedaling.

#Throttle. Use as boost in general.

Standard throttle:

PAS 1 is to use it as throttle walk mode, more of a climbing the underpasses while not on the bike.

All other PAS levels will boost current to 100%, overriding the PAS settings!

Unlimited cadence, speed up to 25km/h.

Sport throttle:

Again PAS 1 is to use it as throttle walk mode, more of a climbing the underpasses while not on the bike.

All other PAS levels will boost current to 100%, overriding the PAS settings!

Unlimited cadence, speed.

#Switching to Sport: PAS 9 + Light button

The SW102 display will turn on the light with the UP button for PAS.

So you will push the UP button to get the PAS up to the last level and then hold it to run the lights.

This will turn on the Sport mode, and will dim the display with an additional headlight icon presented.

Pretty convenient.

I have over 10 000km on the stock firmware, and this firmware feels amazingly refined.

#Shift sensor:

I run a 1x10 Shimano ZEE derailleur, so shifting is pretty quick.

Time frame works ok for me. Tune to your needs until satisfied.

#Brake lights enabled for the lights.

While holding the brake levers, the front headlight is turned on while holding the brake levers.

Maybe should install it to an actual brake light at the back of the bike.

Hope it will help someone.

Added "quickshift" profile, quicker shifts suitable for racing.
Also disabled the actual "walk" mode, and now "walk" mode button just shows "battery percentage" instead of "motor temperature".


  • sport-006.xml
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  • quickshift.xml
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