Video Glasses FPV Nightvision Add-on


1 µW
Feb 2, 2017
Hi guys,
New to this forum, so I'm not sure how many of you film your flights / rides, but to those of you who do, I wanted to know how many of you are using the FPV video glasses for filming?
I personally just don't do very well with concentrating to point a camera / dealing with (or breaking) the mounts, etc, so I picked up a pair of 1080p video glasses a few months ago. I ride an electric skateboard often and I would like to add night vision functionality to my glasses as a side project, but I am not sure really where to begin. My glasses specifications are here
I want to know if I am looking at a mainly hardware or mainly software modification, or both? I would like to get these working so I can do some creative shooting while I am riding my electric board. Thanks ahead of time for the advice for this kind of hack project.
Thanks guys