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4500+ Miles US Ebike Tour - August 2014

Yesterday way a lot better. 210 miles, and I got my as out of Missouri. It's going to Rainaton ttoday but hopefully I can still get in 150 or so. Going to get wet today for Sure. Over 3000 miles, I have to get the official mileage tally, but it's less than 1000 miles to beat the record. I should be home in less than a week.

Camped out last night in a state park just east of win Quincy Illinois. It was really muggy yesterday. I feel like the end is in sight at this point the even though i easily have a week to go. I'll have a new tire waiting for me tomorrow if I can manage to make it wwithout a flat.

It sucks that my video updates have dropped off but there will be many more to enjoy later. Just every following me judging glympse via Twitter.
I hope you snagged Cricket video? Take your time on uploads though - it can wait.

Radar forecast shows the rain just to your North extending out to around Springfield. Good news - radar futurecast shows it breaking up later today. Fingers crossed that holds to predicition and you can point your nose to the barn in relative dry conditions.

At times, you were hauling some ass yesterday. Grabbed one glympse screenshot @ 30MPH. Woohoo!

keep rockin' - tweet out if you need a better look at weather or anything?
Troy - we're all rootin for you man! Hoping for lower temps and brisk tailwinds!
arkmundi said:
grindz145 said:
Over 3000 miles, I have to get the official mileage tally, but it's less than 1000 miles to beat the record. I should be home in less than a week.
A noble attempt and a proud personal best! :mrgreen:

I'm not giving up, just wanted to make that clear... not yet anyway :)

I haven't been posting the videos here just because there's too much to do, but here's cool update video from day 9

Great trip Troy thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration to many here, myself included.
Just watched day 9, Ichi Bike is one of my favourites. Hope to get there one day.

I have been inspired by Ichi's fat yuba build.
I'm assuming that was it in the vid with your ride along partner.
Any chance you got a go on it? Impressions?

Keep up the great work, your almost there.
We are all rooting for ya.
Brentis said:
Great trip Troy thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration to many here, myself included.
Just watched day 9, Ichi Bike is one of my favourites. Hope to get there one day.

I have been inspired by Ichi's fat yuba build.
I'm assuming that was it in the vid with your ride along partner.
Any chance you got a go on it? Impressions?

Keep up the great work, your almost there.
We are all rooting for ya.

Haha as a matter of fact I did! Has a bag and middrive on it. I dig . It'shhard not to love the shit out of anythingwith a rohloff hub that fixe everything wrong with a middrive. Lovit
grindz145 said:

Great vid as usual. If you get a chance and are passing any scales see what you are at fully loaded. Curious on your full bike weight, loaded and unloaded if you already know the weight of the unloaded bike.
This is awesome man! You're definitely killing it!!!

I caught up on the posts so now i'm here for the ride!
Do you have a build thread for that battery? I'd love to get that range!

anyway, keep it up!
rborger73 said:
Great vid as usual. If you get a chance and are passing any scales see what you are at fully loaded. Curious on your full bike weight, loaded and unloaded if you already know the weight of the unloaded bike.

Ill keep that in mind. I estimate the whole bike to be around 150-175 loaded. but I'm really not sure.
grindz145 said:
I estimate the whole bike to be around 150-175 loaded. but I'm really not sure.


I wonder how much that affects your efficiency numbers and flat tires?
grindz145 said:
rborger73 said:
Great vid as usual. If you get a chance and are passing any scales see what you are at fully loaded. Curious on your full bike weight, loaded and unloaded if you already know the weight of the unloaded bike.

Ill keep that in mind. I estimate the whole bike to be around 150-175 loaded. but I'm really not sure.
Think my bike with no bags just the bike is about 110. I'm about 155. That weight for your's is pretty good with it being an xtracycle plus your extra capacity. Trying to get my short little Pa to Nc trip. Just 500 each way.
Troy -

Do you have a 3-speed switch, and have you been able to use it on the journey to have finer control over how you use the pack energy?

Please, I hope when you get home and have time to recover, you will do podcasts and talk about your energy usage on the trip!

Thanks and Godspeed dude,
Way to go Troy
Btw those towers store corn!
Hey Troy, what a fantastic adventure! You've inspired me to take a tour of Wisconsin on my ebike next year :)

How are you going about charging at these places you stop at, do you just jack in or do you find someone to ask first?
marty said:
I am a little late seeing this. If you need electricity, food, place to sleep in Buffalo? Let me know. Best way to reach me is telephone. My contact information is on the web site in my signature.

Good luck with the bike ride.
See you getting close again. Give me a call if ya a place to stay.
I was waiting to ask about plug finding till he gets home, and he's recovered some. Out in the big empty here, with 70 miles between plugs, not finding one in some dink town could be a disaster.

Wineboy and I rode 25 miles to a state park last spring, and he needed a plug to charge and get home. The camp nazi refused us permission, even to the point of not allowing us to rent an RV spot for 15 bucks. Because we weren't an RV.

In the end, we went for a short walk on the trail, and when we came back, he snuck over to the RV spot and charged just enough to make it back anyway.

I was counting on borrowing a few wh from a friendly RV dweller, but none were camped there at the moment. Too late in to summer, and all the snowbirds had flown.
dogman said:
Out in the big empty here, with 70 miles between plugs, not finding one in some dink town could be a disaster.

That's what I'm worried about. Troy's trip has inspired me to plan my own trip. My family is in Florida, so I was thinking of a Florida to California and back trip (until I told my wife about she gave me a rude awakening... :cry: )

I was planning on a southernly route, hugging the border much of the way and that way I also avoid dealing with the Rockies. The only thing is there are many Texas/New Mexico/Arizona areas that seem like not the best place in the world to break down or run out of charge…

I'm also biding my time before I can bug Troy with a million little questions, haha. JKBrigman had a great idea that maybe he could even do a live video chat with ES people to give us all a chance to debrief him and not have everyone asking him the same questions over and over for months on end.
Great idea! Troy and Greg do Podcast interviews. That might be the venue to use. We all want to learn from the long distance pioneers. :mrgreen: