Coolest bike accessory ever!


10 GW
Aug 13, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So I'm riding home this afternoon through a bushy sort of area (though still only 20km from Sydney CBD) when I came across something laying next to a tree on the side of the path that I couldn't just leave there.

Being the MacGyver type, I never leave home without my duct tape, so out it comes to help me get the said trophy home.
To say I got a few looks from pedestrians and traffic is an understatement. :lol:


Pimpin 8)

Aussie Jester, you definitely need one for the front of your trike! :p
Oh very nice... cooler than ape-hangers, IMO. :D

just don't take your eyes out should you ever lose your front wheel on regen and fly over the handle bar ! :wink:

Perfect for those pesky ladies that walk three abreast on the bike trail. :shock: :twisted: I once owned a big truck that the previous owner had given a front grill with teeth. It was always my turn first at stop signs in that truck for some reason.
this is almost like the E-Ghost Rider
dogman said:
Perfect for those pesky ladies that walk three abreast on the bike trail. :shock: :twisted:
Ahhhh so they don't just do that on this side of the globe :x
It annoys me as I approach, but I'm usually compensated by a shriek of fright as I whip past them at top speed, only leaving the path to hit the noisey leaves or gravel a second before I pass. Bonus points for blowing up their skirts as you fly by :twisted:

People walking their dogs down the middle of a path oblivious to the world around them with blaring music in their ears are equally annoying, if not more so. Now they'll get a fright when they see the antlers of doom charging at them :p
Wow.. brings on a whole new meaning to the term horsepower!

If that's a real bike, then some people have way too much time on their hands, and I am jealous!
marks said:
Wow.. brings on a whole new meaning to the term horsepower!

If that's a real bike, then some people have way too much time on their hands, and I am jealous!
That bike is built by Craig Calfee, a custom builder of very expensive carbon fibre racing bicycles.
He's been building with bamboo and carbon for a few years in order to bring bicycles to people who can't afford steel.
This is all too cool :)

And thanks, Zoot, for the explanation - your avatar has had me head-scratching for a while, now.

But ! A sidebar... Has anyone clicked the link in Hyena's sign-off?


It looks like it's a frame from a video sequence... I'm sure I don't want to see what comes next. That HAD to hurt...

I love the bamboo+carbon+bull's horns far more than the antler stuff. It's aero and natural with a nice clean look, one I may have to borrow though I would mix some brown coloring in with the epoxy so those joints don't stand out so much.

philf said:
. ..

And thanks, Zoot, for the explanation - your avatar has had me head-scratching for a while, now....
The Aries Rising piece dates back to ~2001 when the perfect spent saddle and bent bars met on my junk pile.
The weathered texture of the leather and its bent frame make it as unique as any human face. The bars are bent from a crash so too gaining the natural asymmetry of life lived.
Zoot I actually thought of your avatar as I was strapping it on!
I reckon it'd be cool to mount it permanantly, with some spot lights in the eyes 8)

Philf, yeah it looks like a frame grab from a video, I reckon it would have tickled a bit!

edit: actually, that prompts me to change my avatar to a pic of a related sign! heh
I finally had a look at Hyena's link - ouch.

a few years ago i had a low speed (<15kph) accident. my front wheel fell ito a deep pothole. result was that my right arm was jammed with such force into my shoulder that the shoulder joint was fractured. bad enough that i now have a stainless and nylon replacement for the shoulder. i have never gotten full use or strength back into that arm.

to beat all i also scraped my left knee and shin. most of the scrapes healed nicely except for one. it got infected, turned septic and was amputated just below the knee bout 6 months later. now i have a neat carbon fiber/titanium replacement, but it is not quite the same. the ankle on prosthetics is locked and the range of motion in the knee is delibertely restricted, makes pedaling sort of ackward.

i have a lot of respect for McCartney's ex, her being able to dance gracefully with a prosthetic and all.

what really pisses me is that this was not even a spectacular accident. low speed, hit a pothole, got dumped, very basic. no acrobatics, nothing. but the consequences were severe.

Sounds like a very rough run you had Rick!
Good to hear your still able to ride though, and sounds like the benefits of an ebike are perfect for your situation.

I know what you mean about low speed accidents that can cause major injuries - I had a similar incident to yours where I had a fall off a dirt bike at around 15km/hr, got straight back up and laughed about it but when I went to get back on I found my wrist was too sore to pull the clutch cable in. While the outcome wasn't nearly as serious as yours, to cut a long story short I ended up splitting one of the bones in my forearm length ways and had to have 2 lots of reconstructive surgery over 12 months with several pins, plates and screws now living in my wrist. Fortunately I can still ride now, but I dont have the full range of movement or strength that I used to.

While you wouldn't wish injury upon people, it's annoying sometimes when you see some of the huge stacks in motocross etc where the riders hit the deck in spectacular fashion and yet walk away with relatively minor or no injuries.