Here's information I've gathered by reverse-engineering a couple of controllers.
The information is based on the examples I've worked on, but there are variations in the models, so individual components and wire color codes may vary.
The ones I'm working off were apparently 24 - 36v, 35 amp models.
The basic circuit board seems to be the same on all the 35 amp models.
For starters, here's the owner's manual. I don't necessarily agree with everything in there, but it's a good reference:
The information is based on the examples I've worked on, but there are variations in the models, so individual components and wire color codes may vary.
The ones I'm working off were apparently 24 - 36v, 35 amp models.
The basic circuit board seems to be the same on all the 35 amp models.
For starters, here's the owner's manual. I don't necessarily agree with everything in there, but it's a good reference: