izy said:Gonna tell people cycling backwards charges the battery after updating to latest beta
NTC thermistor beta formula
(calculator stuff:
Enter the Resistance, R1:
Enter the Temperature, T1:
Enter the Resistor, R2:
Enter the Temperature, T2:
Beta, β: )
This NTC thermistor beta calculator calculates the beta (β) value of the NTC thermistor based on two points of resistances of the thermistor with their corresponding temperatures.
So this calculator needs 2 different, distinct resistance values along with their corresponding temperatures to be able to calculate the beta value of the thermistor.
The beta value is an indication of the shape of the curve representing the relationship between resistance and temperature of an NTC thermistor.
Know that the curve of the resistance vs temperature of an NTC thermistor is not linear unless the NTC thermistor is specifically a linear thermistor; otherwise, the relationship is logarithmic and it varies according to the specific type of NTC thermistor being used.
The beta value helps to paint the curve for the specific thermistor in use .
As stated before, this calculator needs 2 pairs of resistance-temperature values, and then it can compute the beta value. To use this calculator, simply enter in resistance R1 with its corresponding temperature value, T1, and resistance R2 with its corresponding temperature value, T2, and then press 'Calculate'. The resultant beta value will then be calculated and displayed.
The beta value is in unit K (or Kelvin).
amberwolf said:If it helps, you can calculate the general beta of a particular NTC thermistor with this handy calculator
after doing some measurements.
amberwolf said:Sounds like I can drop the idea of the first Nano Tidbit here:
unless people would find it useful for non-PAS controllers to give them that.
mrbill said:I recently updated my CA3 firmware to the latest beta version 3.2b2. Oddly, I saw no announcement of either this beta or the prior on this thread. Most of the changes add different options and modes for regeneration (motor braking) implementation.
lightrush said:Just tried the 3.2b2 today with my Erider-based PAS setup and I have to say - after so many years we finally instant torque from standstill! I first used a CA to control my system in 2016 coupled with a Thun BB. New torque sensing BBs like the Sempu T2, then T4 improved responsiveness. So did added features in the CA. I had managed to dial-in the current iteration of my system to have a near-instant torque by carefully adjusting various thresholds in the system to trim delays. The result was decent but it still required some 5-20 degrees of rotation before engagement. NO MORE! I almost teared up. :lol:
mrbill said:With the new firmware set to use b=3900 I believe but am not certain that I am seeing lower temperature readings with the new firmware than with version 3.12, especially at the high end of the range (near 100C).
Can anyone check the data I collected from an experiment I conducted today that shows temperature vs sensor resistance and tell me which sensor type offered in the CA3 v3.2b2 firmware is going to give me the most accurate measurement?
john61ct said:Yes I think it unlikely CA will see further development. I bet there is only one, that being Justin, and
indeed higher priorities occupy his time.
Dartman said:What I like to know... Justin or or someone else!
(8) 8235 - (New) Wheel Torque Sensor PAS Option
This change affects the eeprom configuration with the addition of new
parameters and removal of the 'Absolute Max Current Limit' OEM setting. Firmware
updates will set these parameters to defaults.
How much is default Absolute Max Current Limit???
lightrush said:@justin, think about whether open sourcing the existing or a future codebase for a new platform might be a net benefit for you.
izy said:Gonna tell people cycling backwards charges the battery after updating to latest beta
Also glad there's an auto regen speed limit seperate from the speed regen setting
It's all highly optimized 8-bit assembly and takes even a seasoned low-level firmware guy a few months just to have a handle on things to make even a modest change.
Ham said:Zero start from above specific crank torque (40nm in my case) works perfectly...however once I am pedalling I assumed that if the crank torque drops below threshold torque then PAs would cease but mine carries on no matter what I set torque threshold to...I have tried up to 50nm which seems to be the max and down to 10nm...it stays adding pas no matter it is set to even with the lightest of pressure well below the threshold value...albeit less but it does mean I basically have to stop crank movement to change gear without crunching the cassette...any ideas?
justin_le said:1710 ohms at 100oC would mean you have a beta of about 2600, so none of the 3 options is particularly good for accurate motor temperature reporting, but you can easily make a translation table.