fav. DIY spray on bed liner?


10 kW
Apr 4, 2010
I'm thinking I want to spray my bike w/ bed liner so it's more rough-n-tumble (/harder to shock the crap out of myself, etc.). Have a favorite? A thin coat is almost preferred, but maybe the really cheap stuff would be too thin?
forget spray. what comes out an aerosol can will never be as good as what professionals use. But Rhinoliner is damn good. its brush on, but since the liner foams up to is's textured finish, you won't see brush marks. I've used it on the bumpers and floorboards of my rock crawler jeep, and on the floorboard of my rusty old farm truck. it held up to years of abuse.
Thanks, that's good to know. Sweet. I'll go hunt down some roll on stuff. I'll get a can of the aerosol type too since it's so cheap. Maybe going name brand will work - a reviewer mentioned getting good results by warming the can before using it - so I'll give that a shot. :)
REdiculous said:
....a reviewer mentioned getting good results by warming the can before using it - so I'll give that a shot. :)

Get an extra can for throwing on the fire to really warm up, and don't forget the video so we can all see. :twisted:
If it'll really go boom, I might just do that. :wink: I've got a good place to set off small explosives, for sure. A few years back we set off a large-ish black powder explosive and it blew a thick monster smoke ring over the pond. Even though it was pretty big we were able to stand within 3' of the explosive since it was in a fat bunker - the chest-thumping boom was ssiicckk, and the smoke ring a neat bonus of BP! The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays, but blowing stuff up is fun all year long. 8) :lol: