Finally RUNNING!! page 5 ride vids Here!! need better qualit

Sorry no plasma, laser or waterjet where I work. We mainly do stuff out of bar stock and the way we do plate material is less than efficient. The cost shouldn't be too bad getting it cut on a plasma table or even a waterjet for that matter. The brackets shouldn't be too complex to cut out and not that much material. Finding the right shop they could probably also do the bending on a decent brake.

On your design, do you think you are going to have any problems with the torque from the motor? I would imagine that the wheel axles will have to be pretty solidly mounted. What are you going to be running for gearing from the motor to the crank? I work through spreadsheets figuring how much crank speed and torque I can get but in the end they are just a bunch of numbers and don't mean that much, guess it's been too long since I've had a decent physics class. Are you going to put a freewheel on the motor hub or just use the freewheeling action of the motor as the freewheel?

A Tig welder is on my wishlist but for a good one that can do aluminum is pretty spendy. I think there are quite a few people who don't realize what an art Tig welding can be. I did a little in high school but then it's been mainly stick and Mig from there. Keep up the good work.

Yeah, ill likely just draw them up and then manually cut them for the first set using the laser printer and sticky back paper trick..
As for the TIG, I have 100's of hours under the mask, I just don't have the machine anymore.
I think the brackets will be made out of thin but very rigid Chromoly plate and then ill have a small torque arm that will bolt to the thin plate to keep as light as possible. As for it torquing over, im fairly sure it'll be fine since my other drive with an RC motor had no problems ....
Well, im cutting the first set of brackets as soon as I finish typing this! Hopefully I will get it bolted on tonight!
Way to go, I've been waiting for some updates. I figured that with holidays you've been as busy as the rest of us. Can't wait to see it all together and running.

Lunchtime progress pics!


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For the most part im done! Just need a little tidying up and then shorten the axles a bit and im ready to wire it up! Oh, I need a sprocket too, I think a fixie cog should do it and then I can try it out! Ill likely re do this setup to narrow it down once I have proven the concept and had a bit of fun with it. Anyway here you go!


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Looks nice, I'm sure the chain tension will flex the z, enough to cause problems will be obvious first ride, and as someone said, a small amount of re-inforcement will solve it, a tiny rib would be enough, or angle riveted on.

My concern though is the way the hub slips in, I would imagine having it slip in from the front would take the load off the bolts holding it in, and make it easy to take the hub on and off for inspection without needing to take the plates off as well. As it is, you could have the same torque problems people have regarding the hubs slipping out of the frame.

So are you making a tube clamp or do you have one already? please say you have one so the video will be sooner...
For this version since its for my personal bike that has thread inserts I will simply bolt the upper struts in place but future models will be a tube clamp still to be determined for general sale. As others have stated, if it bends the "z" sections ill simply reinforce them, and yes after building it I may redesign to bring the hub in from the front, this is just the "first try" of this idea, I will refine as I go. Its much easier that way and u get to test it sooner! Lol!

I should ne able to have it up and running by next weekend if all goes well. I will order the fixie cog this AM...
Whiplash said:
For the most part im done! Just need a little tidying up and then shorten the axles a bit and im ready to wire it up! Oh, I need a sprocket too, I think a fixie cog should do it and then I can try it out! Ill likely re do this setup to narrow it down once I have proven the concept and had a bit of fun with it. Anyway here you go!

Might want to hold off on shortening the axles. You will need the extra length for torque plates after the motor spins in those "dropouts".

Lol, I have done a few bikes now, I am fully aware of the torque, there will be torque "clamps" when its done..
Just ordered two 17mm shaft clamps that will be welded to the side plates and take the place of the side nuts once I shorten the axles to get this puppy finalized! I will be pinning the shaft on both sides into the clamps as well for extra anti spin holding power! This should have make a very robust axle clamping system that is also easy to incorporate into this design that will also allow the axles to be trimmed beyond the threaded ends..
well, I would have had it done this weekend but my parts didn't show up!! Hopefully this weekend!

On another note, I picked up some steel for my first MID DRIVE HUB specific frame build! We will see how it turns out, but its going to be a LOT simpler design than the last time I built one, this should be relatively quick to build...Square tube FTW!!
I FINALLY got the fixed cog for the motor!! I just need to cut the axle down, pin the clamps so the axle will not spin in them and tweak the brackets a bit and I am home free! I think this will be a very cool setup, and since I no longer will be using the threaded portion of the axle, in the future I could even offer an over drilled axle for bigger phase wires! Its 17mmthe so I can get some decent size wire in there if I wanted to! Ill try to tinker during the week so I have less to do on the weekend so hopefully I can have it up and running soon! Hopefully my sprocket choice works well with this motor!
Whiplash said:
Just ordered two 17mm shaft clamps that will be welded to the side plates and take the place of the side nuts once I shorten the axles to get this puppy finalized! I will be pinning the shaft on both sides into the clamps as well for extra anti spin holding power! This should have make a very robust axle clamping system that is also easy to incorporate into this design that will also allow the axles to be trimmed beyond the threaded ends..
Hi Whip, do you have a photo of the shaft clamps? How will you be pinning it? I take it off centre on the wire side.

Cheers mate
I am planning a simple "shear pin" drill through the clamp in one half of the clamp and drill a receiver hole on the shaft. The receiver hole will not need to be very deep so since I am going into the thick part of the axle, the part where there are no threads, it will be fine.. Then you simply press a pin through the clamp so it sticks out a bit and that fits into the axle hole. Here is a pic of the type of clamp I am going to use.


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Here is the basic mock up before I cut the axles..


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No problem! That's what the forum is for right? :D
It's looking good. It will be interesting to see how well it works. What kind of freewheel are you going to use on the crank? It's going to have to be a pretty stout setup for the torque of that Mac.

I use the white ENO with the flange from sick bikes..
It has held up fine so far with my old RC drive.. Really, the freewheel does not take any of the torque from the motor, it simply acts as a bearing and takes whatever torque you can provide via the pedals..
Any updates? I love this thread and your application. It would be fantastic to have the ability to climb hills with minimal wattage (I melted my phase wire connectors going slow up a steep hill). Eventually I would love to have a mid-drive, and being able to use my 8T Mac would be quite cool.