FLIPSKY new 20s 100A tiny controller (vesc based)

if it's the phone usb mode, then if it's android it's under
settings gear icon
developer options (at the bottom of settings app)
turn on developer options (top of this page)
scroll down to
default usb configuration (has the usb "fork" icon)
and tap it
comes up with page for several options; i don't know which one you want as default, or if your version is better at autodetecting the mode to run in, but you could try different ones out of whatever options yours has.

just make a note of the original setting and put it back when you're done so the pohne does the usual thing you're used to later.
AW- thanks, I was unable to find usb remapping, but I believe our discussion is now moot.

afzal- looks like you made the right call here. I went back into google play store and read the fine print re vesc-tool mobile app. It only works via BLE, AND it requires a special dongle that apparently trampa no longer stocks :evil:

So I've been chasing my tail for nothing. Can't say as I blame myself for plugging the devices together and expecting it to work... trying to resuscitate the Blackcomb. Will have to wait for the wife to return from business trip with the pc.........


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Barncat said:
AW- thanks, I was unable to find usb remapping, but I believe our discussion is now moot.

afzal- looks like you made the right call here. I went back into google play store and read the fine print re vesc-tool mobile app. It only works via BLE, AND it requires a special dongle that apparently trampa no longer stocks :evil:

So I've been chasing my tail for nothing. Can't say as I blame myself for plugging the devices together and expecting it to work... trying to resuscitate the Blackcomb. Will have to wait for the wife to return from business trip with the pc.........

Do you have the Bluetooth dongle for flipsky? That might be simpler
Barncat said:
AW- thanks, I was unable to find usb remapping, but I believe our discussion is now moot.

afzal- looks like you made the right call here. I went back into google play store and read the fine print re vesc-tool mobile app. It only works via BLE, AND it requires a special dongle that apparently trampa no longer stocks :evil:

So I've been chasing my tail for nothing. Can't say as I blame myself for plugging the devices together and expecting it to work... trying to resuscitate the Blackcomb. Will have to wait for the wife to return from business trip with the pc.........

Do you have the Bluetooth dongle for flipsky? That might be simpler
I used any old laptop just to start the pairing process and set the baud rate so the app connects via the bluetooth board then i use the phone app to setup, only once did i have an issue setting up the motor parameters but the same was happening when i went back to the laptop to set it up so the phone works good enough in most cases.
gobi- no flipsky dongle in hand but not a bad idea. I'm putting the Blackcomb on the back burner til the household laptop gets back then program from there. It would behoove me to consult mxlemming before thrashing it too hard lest I fry the 75200.

Ianhill- your pc chops exceed mine. That's one funny avatar. Horsepower.
Lifes has to be a barrel of laughs no matter how hard or serious it gets or we end up to far from our child self and a broken adult, stay young at heart is the secret and wealth is the beauty of freedom to take in the scenery as we please in that regard I'm rich and want to spread the wealth.
USB cable pinout tester

So I am finally trying to wire the 75200 up to my bike. But I have a question about connecting throttle and regen.

I was planning on using ADC1 for throttle and ADC2 for regen. I have two thumb throttles for the task. Would both thumb throttles (throttle and regen) share the same ground and 3.3V lines on connector #6 (COMM)?

What is the use for the 5V line or should I be using that instead of the 3.3V line?

Thank you.
transposon said:
I was planning on using ADC1 for throttle and ADC2 for regen. I have two thumb throttles for the task. Would both thumb throttles (throttle and regen) share the same ground and 3.3V lines on connector #6 (COMM)?

Yes, that's fine.

transposon said:
What is the use for the 5V line or should I be using that instead of the 3.3V line?

Most hall sensors for ebike type applications (almost certainly those you've got) expect 5v in and will output 0.8->4.2. Some will accept 3.3v and operate to an extent, but might not give you the same voltage range. Generally what I do is employ a voltage divider so that I can pull 5v to the throttle(s) and then on the way back, the signal line gets scaled down to be below 3.3v for the high 4.2v value.
Thanks chuyskywalker for the quick reply. It's been a bit since I've rolled up my sleeves and done custom wiring like this. Hopefully the 3.3V will work as is. If not, I'll try your divider idea.

Thanks again.
transposon said:
Are people adding a pull down resistor between ADC1 (throttle) and ground?

I imagine that's to avoid the "throttle unplugged, float voltage == uncontrolled motor zoomy". I've never done that, but seems like a dang good idea
chuyskywalker said:
transposon said:
Are people adding a pull down resistor between ADC1 (throttle) and ground?

I imagine that's to avoid the "throttle unplugged, float voltage == uncontrolled motor zoomy". I've never done that, but seems like a dang good idea

Yup, that was the intention. I hope to never have to need it.
transposon said:
chuyskywalker said:
transposon said:
Are people adding a pull down resistor between ADC1 (throttle) and ground?

I imagine that's to avoid the "throttle unplugged, float voltage == uncontrolled motor zoomy". I've never done that, but seems like a dang good idea

Yup, that was the intention. I hope to never have to need it.

I feel it is safe to have it.

While testing on bench, at times motor was trying to fly to outer space due to loose throttle connector, pull down on the other side of the connector fixed that. Imagine it happening in the middle of traffic
Unfortunatley it's not uncommon for a broken ground wire (or poor ground contact) to cause that sort of problem on nearly any controller.

This is one reason why it would be safer to use a dual-throttle control (with a single user-input moving both at the same time), one of which goes up in voltage while the other goes down. If they dont' track each other inversely, the software shuts down with a throttle error.
amberwolf said:
Unfortunatley it's not uncommon for a broken ground wire (or poor ground contact) to cause that sort of problem on nearly any controller.

The spintend vesc controllers, I learned recently, are built with a pulldown on their throttle input(s) to specifically avoid this issue. This is not the norm for VESC controllers, and especially not the Flipsky ones.
Thanks to everyone's help and a lot of crimping and soldering, I think I'm almost ready to hit the road. There is one thing that I am unsure of though. How do I determine what ERPM limit to use to limit my bike to say 20mph? I'm using a leaf 1500W DD hub motor.
transposon said:
Are people adding a pull down resistor between ADC1 (throttle) and ground?

Please tell specifically how you do this. What resistor and what ADC1 pin? I don’t find anything about a “pull down resistor” on the site.
Doesn't it have a plain speed limit in the settings, or the profiles?
Hummina Shadeeba said:
transposon said:
Are people adding a pull down resistor between ADC1 (throttle) and ground?

Please tell specifically how you do this. What resistor and what ADC1 pin? I don’t find anything about a “pull down resistor” on the site.

I put a 10K resistor between the throttle signal wire (White - ADC1) and the ground wire (Black).

1. I removed a a few mm of insulation from each wire, closer to the VESC connector than the wire ends.

2. Took a 10K resistor, trimmed off most of the leads.

3. Then soldered the resistor onto the insulation gaps made in step 1, bridging the two wires.

4. Slid some heat shrink tubing over the resistor and wires and applied heat.
amberwolf said:
Doesn't it have a plain speed limit in the settings, or the profiles?

I'm not seeing such a setting in VESC tool. That would certainly make things easier.

Also, amberwolf, just read your location, I appreciate the astronomy reference.
transposon said:
amberwolf said:
Doesn't it have a plain speed limit in the settings, or the profiles?

I'm not seeing such a setting in VESC tool. That would certainly make things easier.

Also, amberwolf, just read your location, I appreciate the astronomy reference.

Ah, just found it under Welcome & Wizards --> Profiles

Thanks Amberwolf.

However, when using this setting, the current to the motor just keeps turning on and off to the maintain the desired speed. This causes a lot of jerky motion and a nasty, almost grinding sound from the motor.
transposon- thanks for that detailed description on adding the resistor. Though I believe if the whole 8 pin ADC jst plug becomes disconnected from the 75200 you're still in trouble...

I need to ask one of the dumbest questions ever of vesc tool users: where the hell is the download "button" on the vesc-project site to get the latest version, and what is that version #?

I just chipped in 10 euros as i have in the past- have a confirmation #, expected download to be automatic. Nothing. I need a Windows version.......