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GCinDC's Giant DH Comp

Hi Greg - I've been a long-time ES lurker and love watching your vids. I only signed up a little while ago after some coaxing by Hyena. I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery (hopefully it was minor concussion and you've seen the last of the effects) and secondly - thank you for always keeping your fans informed of both good and bad - you've got a great attitude! Oh, and did I mention - all your videos are awesome!!
All the best,
grindz145 said:
I recommend one of these in the future! http://www.bernunlimited.com/ !

Agree... But taking it to the next level... How about one of these, Greg? Looks like good back-of-head protection...but I'm guessing only single use!


ouch! helmet may have saved you from a life of adult diapers and mushy peas.

take it easy till the head aches stop, takes a while to clear all the blood out of the brain tissue.

You got starched bro!
could have gone like this
gotta say, i'm kinda surprised by you guys. no one's asked how the bike is! my mom came over last night and i told her about it and the first thing she asked was - how's the bike? !!! lmfao

anyway.... this morning, woke with the feeling of light pressure in the head, kinda headachy.

but the sinews beside my throat are very sore! i could barely lift my head off the pillow this morning... stretched muscles? veins? who knows.

my back was fine btw. never felt better. had a tiny scrape over my left scapula on Friday but haven't noticed it since.

all of that makes me think my head whipped back pretty hard, stretching my neck, and then taking the brunt of the force.

well let's take a closer look. :twisted:

maybe knoxie or hyena can add some FX - maybe a tomatoe smashing against a wall to show when my head hits... :eek:

and reposting the full vid again:
Ironic Greg...
GCinDC said:
I remember everything hyena says. i never forget anything. and my memory is 100% flawless. i remember every car i pass, and at exactly what speed. and if a leaf was falling in my peripheral vision.
all the best man, I hope your neck feels better soon.
GCinDC said:
gotta say, i'm kinda surprised by you guys. no one's asked how the bike is!

Bro, of course were concerned about the bike and it would certainly be a loss but, you have proven you can rebuild it when necessary. However, loosing your vids would be tragic so recover quickly and get back out there and entertain us dammit. :x


I know, painful memories, Sorry. Just trying to prove my point, you're resilient.
pendragon8000 said:
Ironic Greg...
GCinDC said:
I remember everything hyena says. i never forget anything. and my memory is 100% flawless. i remember every car i pass, and at exactly what speed. and if a leaf was falling in my peripheral vision.

all the best man, I hope your neck feels better soon.

That's very clever! Karma sucks, doesn't it? :wink:

Hope you feel better, though. That was a pretty nasty fall.
I think Hyena could use that clip in his shooting scene he just uped! Feel better
pendragon8000 said:
I hope your neck feels better soon.
nice. that shot pretty much explains why my neck hurts i think, cause i was straining the hell out of it to keep it from flopping back!

newb said:
I know, painful memories, Sorry. Just trying to prove my point, you're resilient.
that photo is art. no worries, as long as you cite me. :mrgreen:

in other news, i've been wondering what that concrete pad is. i only discovered it during some reconn a month ago.

years ago i was all happy about a little trail i found just a stones throw away further, under chain bridge:

then lo and behold a friggin road right out there, here w/ chain bridge in distance:

i thought it might be a helicopter pad, but that really didn't make much sense. then i finally found the answer - it's a platform for an emergency pumping station - in case there's ever a dire need for water, pumps can be set up there to pull the water out of the river before it mixes w/ saltwater from chesapeake bay... from here and here
Here is the story:
I met Greg at his home and we decided to go here: 1
View attachment 1
So Greg rode is bike from his house and I followed by car with my bike and the drone.
We parked (2). My bike had an electric trouble, bad connection in the wire, so Greg took the drone case with him and we took the trail to the location.
We parked our bikes and the case in A
Capture d’écran 2013-09-22 à 10.14.13.png
We started to do video in B, Greg started to jump the steps and we went a little bit on the trail after where Greg started to do slip in the turn in C, but after around 7 or 8 minutes I had to land the drone to change the battery.
Greg realized that he forgot to start his Gopro, so the time that I go back in A to change the battery, he did what he had done before.
When he had finish he came back to me, stop his Gopro and we decided to do more footage of the slip in the turn, in C.
I took-off, placed the drone in C. Greg forgot (on more time !!) to turn-on his Gopro.
And Greg fall.
So I stopped the drone, and the first words of Greg were: I hurt my head. He stayed sitting in the ground few minutes, he told me that he had like a quick black. But he was fine and joking: did you get it in the video ? I said yes and he told me with a big smile: good it will be great to see what happened exactly.
I asked him if he wanted to go back home, but he told: no let's do the shoot with the drone over the Potomac as we have planed before.
So we went back to A where was the case to take a new battery and I also took the googles who shows the view of the drone gopro and I explained him that he can wear it to have the view.
For that he had to be close of me to plug them in my remote to have power.
So I started to get down, from D to E, in the rocks to be closer of the Potomac and when I arrived in E, Greg was in D. It was maybe 10 minutes after the accident.
He told me: What should I do with the googles ?
I reply: come close to me, you need to plug them in my remote
He said: But what are we doing here ? I am confusing, what happened ?
So I came back quickly and he was totally lost.
I explained him that he fall from his bike
He told me: I was riding my bike here ? where did I fell ? Why ?
I said yes, and you were going up and down of the steps, I was flying the drone, we went on the trail, you fall
And he was very surprised of all of what I told him
I was scary but I thought that the best thing to do was to answer all his questions.
He asked me the same questions during maybe 15 minutes, looking around, trying to understand, and the last question was always" Which day are we ?"
I said "Friday"
he replied each time " Ah Friday that's good !"
And he restarted to ask me: What happened exactly ?
I was afraid that he asked me who am I, but hopefully it never arrived !
So he accepted to go back home, but I had to put back the drone in the case, and when he saw the case he told me "You came with that case ?
I told him "yes and you were holding it yourself". He was dumbfounded.
We want back to the car, he had no memory how we came, where we met, that we looked at the computer and when I asked him what he did before during the day he did not really reply.
He decided to ride back to his home and I followed him.
When we arrived home, his wife was there, I re-explained him at what time arrived the accident.
He went to the hospital and the deal was that he send me a text in the hour.
He send me one to tell me "@hospital".
I was not proud ! :oops:
^ :shock:
Good call with taking him back home. I thought Greg crashed and you guys went straight back home to go to the hospital.
Good call and way to keep yourself together throughout the entire process 8)
thanks for writing that all out axel.

it's a chilling story. thank god i had what helmet i did have! otherwise it's the crash reel, which is a sad but great movie.

Axel said:
He asked me the same questions during maybe 15 minutes, looking around, trying to understand, and the last question was always" Which day are we ?"
I said "Friday" he replied each time " Ah Friday that's good !" And he restarted to ask me: What happened exactly ? I was afraid that he asked me who am I, but hopefully it never arrived !
maybe i should rename the vid: ah friday, that's good...

sunday night and all revved up for breaking bad.

feeling much better still. thanks all.
Wow dude, I just logged in to see the updates! Glad you're OK, sounds like a nasty whack. My first thought was that you'd finally been clipped in the DC traffic so I'm semi glad it was on your own terms. Now that you're OK I will say that I'm supremely jealous of those shots you and Axel got, they're awesome! As you know it's something I've been dying to do for ages but I'm yet to find a local who can fly while I ride.

GCinDC said:
gotta say, i'm kinda surprised by you guys. no one's asked how the bike is!
It's OK, we can see from the clip that you broke the fall for the bike and took the impact to protect it. Good work. :p
I had a sore neck from my recent crash when I broke my wrist and grazed my head/FF along the dirt, I can only imagine how much worse it'd be with a direct whack like that. Concussion sounds scary, I'm glad there was no internal bleeding. How did your wife take it ? Every time I come home injured mine revisits the lecturing about being a responsible father, that I'm no good to her in a wheel chair and that I should get rid of all my bikes. Each time I tell her the bikes aren't going anywhere but the jury is still out as to whether I'll keep her around :p

Axel said:
" Ah Friday that's good !"
hahaha. You may have been totally disorientated but atleast you still had a grasp of the most important things in life :lol:
I take it you had the day off work ?
Any more quadcopter footage to come or was that it ?
I have to admit Pendragons image was one of the first things I thought of too as I read your posts all in a row
"Geez this guy will go to any lengths to get my words out of his head" :p

sunday night and all revved up for breaking bad
You know that's one time a concussion would actually be good! I might go get myself one next week after I've watched the finale so I can rewatch it again and not know how it ends! I hereby rename your head "Heisenberg" - it's the one that knocks! :lol:
It doesn't really look like your helmet did its job properly, it looked like it just cracked, rather than compressed. It looks like it thought 'frock it, Greg can take it' before wussing out.

Then again, I'm not a helmet expert.
Architectonic said:
It doesn't really look like your helmet did its job properly, it looked like it just cracked, rather than compressed. It looks like it thought 'frock it, Greg can take it' before wussing out.

Then again, I'm not a helmet expert.

the helmet did exactly what it was designed to do.

modern helmets are designed to basically destroy themselves in order to absorb the impact energy.
this is why you are supposed to replace a helmet that's been dropped, or even lightly crashed.

there very likely will be some damage that will render the helmet less able to do it's job when it's really needed.

Greg, Glad to here that you are well on the mend....
love watching your video's :)

Hyena said:
As you know it's something I've been dying to do for ages
yes, it does seem like ages ago, but just two and half years... from about here i believe? not to say you didn't imagine it sooner... :p

back in the early days of the gopro wars... :lol: and just before we had nasty stacks too? :?

ah memories... see, i still have some!

axel's filming is amazing tho. i really can't believe how well it came out. too bad our flight options around here are so limited. would be amazing to shoot down by the monuments! but then sitting in jail would suck...

Hyena said:
How did your wife take it ?
she's pretty used to me walking around like a dope and not remembering anything. reminds me we gotta finish that will...
GCinDC said:
yes, it does seem like ages ago, but just two and half years... from about here i believe? not to say you didn't imagine it sooner...

haha. OK you big hipster, you liked it first :lol:

back in the early days of the gopro wars... :lol: and just before we had nasty stacks too? :?
Ahh, the gopro wars. We both lost many a good lens and accessories in the battles, but we emerged victorious in the fight against ebike video monotony :mrgreen:
That was just before I was struck down with my non-ebike related health issues too. That's MY excuse for having a bad memory now, it's heavy opiate and chemo induced... :|

axel's filming is amazing tho. i really can't believe how well it came out. too bad our flight options around here are so limited.
You know what would be totally amazing ? Having him chase you through DC traffic from above as you weave around cars. The only issue is he'd need to be in a car somewhat keeping up to stay within range. Or maybe on the back of a motorbike, with his arms around the riders waist and clutching the controller in their lap. :lol:
I'll chip in on a pov set up for axel to chase you through town...... :mrgreen:
The evening news would be great! T error ist drone & renegade e-biker hold capital hostage.

(That ought to up the heat on my NSA file LOL)
Diamondback said:
modern helmets are designed to basically destroy themselves in order to absorb the impact energy.
this is why you are supposed to replace a helmet that's been dropped, or even lightly crashed.

there very likely will be some damage that will render the helmet less able to do it's job when it's really needed.

That is my point, it doesn't look 'destroyed', it simply cracked a little bit. I would expect it to look much worse when someone experiences a serious concussion.
It is the compression of the helmet that leads to energy absorption and his helmet didn't look very compressed.
You know what would be totally amazing ? Having him chase you through DC traffic from above as you weave around cars. The only issue is he'd need to be in a car somewhat keeping up to stay within range. Or maybe on the back of a motorbike, with his arms around the riders waist and clutching the controller in their lap.
You just give me an idea !
As soon as I fixed my bike and Greg able to ride his bike, we can manage something in DC streets, not with the drone, don't want to be arrested and send back in France with the family !
but with something else ! :idea:
Architectonic said:
That is my point, it doesn't look 'destroyed', it simply cracked a little bit. I would expect it to look much worse when someone experiences a serious concussion.
It is the compression of the helmet that leads to energy absorption and his helmet didn't look very compressed.
you did get the point that there was hardly any foam between my head and the concrete, right? here's the pic again...

i think the helmet split and slid away enough to allow my head to take most of the force. had the helmet covered the back of my head like the Bern, it more likely would have been shattered.

anyhoo, brain function could be better, let me tell you. i find that the less i talk the better! :shock:

i was telling my work buddy it's like i've got a mental blind spot - i can't remember the first thing someone says, so towards the end of the sentence, i'm like 'what was the first part again?" i keep thinking more coffee will help! :shock:

i feel ever more grateful to be clinging to life for the moment, believe me, but while i took the metro on monday i couldn't resist the ebike yesterday and today. i'm just taking a lane and obeying traffic - except for a couple moves that were like taking candy from a baby... :mrgreen:

Axel said:
You just give me an idea !... but with something else ! :idea:
now i'm curious!

shame i can't drive the quad, cause axel's a heluva rider as well! rode motorcycle in paris your whole adult life?
good advice. i'll try not to think too hard.. thx

nothing special about last friday's inbound commute, but it's kinda interesting sped up, just to see how much i get through... (you might want to lower your volume)

just heard the 4080 will be another month. just as well..
pendragon8000 said:
Hey Greg, I had a bad concussion once.
They told me "don't think to hard"

Sounds like I've been preemtively fighting concussion for years :lol: