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Luke in Germany

dodjob said:
PS: if you cannot understand the language of goethe or moliere, Google translate is your friend ;)

google translate is no more, at least that i can find so far...

edit... ah, thanks TD, i had tried that before, but it didn't play well with websites. it's fixed now.
ptd said:
google translate is no more, at least that i can find so far...
oooh not really, my brother drives.. well... "tuned" subarus :mrgreen: and has lost already two times his license (temporary though but anyway lost)
What's really not acceptable is that the system in France is pretty expensive on little overspeed. And that's in order to make money as well as to "evilized" speed in order to gain the masses following a common fear: "SPEED".
Most people will drive like sh### and sleep on the steering but hey.. they were right" they have respect the speed limits! They have put A LOT of statics radars everywhere and it has started to be "common" to be flashed for an overspeed of 5 to10Km/h and of course to pay the wonderful 45 or 90€ "fee". They have stated that radar was installed for our security (oooh I like this sentence) in "dangerous places" and they also put a sign on the road 500m before the radar in order to indicate to users that they can be flashed and therefore that the driver shouldn't look at the road but more at his speedo...
Well that's actually an old story because two month ago they have vote a new law and they have started to remove this shields... ah ah really? it wasn't for our security but only to get money? come on ^^
I have lived long enough in Germany to know that "stupidity" is a way stronger accident factor rather than speed but for this there is still no radar ;)
I would finally add that we get quite the same with our ebikes. How stupid and under-motivating is the 25km/h speed limit. I've been a "Lycras" for years and I'm driving waaaay over 25Km/h. Does this means that ebikes are only made for people who cannot drive more than 25km/h without assistance?
@ptd: since the introduction of G+ they have included their link in the "more" section. The main reason is that Google chrome will pop you up with a translation choice every time you open a page in another language as yours :D
methods said:
That's good~!
Large fines and fear are a great way to keep the sheeple in line.
People need to learn that they must obey at all times... especially when their government fails them.
I say we cut off all internet and cellular communication then increase the VAT to 40%

Where in the USA do we have unlimited speeds? Ahem.
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
I'm looking at it from the perspective of court appearances. The majority of defendants appearing before the district court on speeding charges are only there because they didn't pay the fine. The smart/dishonest ones will get off without paying anything if they claim they didn't receive the fine in the post. Such is the farce of the Irish legal system but that is another bar of soap.

Of course it is a money-making racket. If they were serious about driving standards - people would have to do mandatory training every five, or perhaps ten years. The amount of drivers that think using an indicator is an option... :roll:

We are far too lenient. No one seems to appreciate just how dangerous texting while driving is. It is the equivalent of being plastered drunk.

Also people who kill someone while drink-driving over here can get their licence back after ten years at most, often much sooner. :shock: I guess driving is seen more as a right than a privilege.

Basically, any system is only as strong as its weakest link - in this case the unaccountable judges.
wineboyrider said:
methods said:
That's good~!
Large fines and fear are a great way to keep the sheeple in line.
People need to learn that they must obey at all times... especially when their government fails them.
I say we cut off all internet and cellular communication then increase the VAT to 40%

Where in the USA do we have unlimited speeds? Ahem.
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Should the Ahem not have been first! :D

It would be 'interesting' to see what would happen if it was introduced. The Germans are a very 'peculiar' people. Their culture is quite different. There are unwritten rules on the autobahn. It is highly preferable to be driving German hardware and they have a penchant for blocking boy racers. They are big into self-righteous, self-policing.
Yes, Joseph C they are, but they are very fair in their dishing out of justice. Even their legal code has partial blame in a crash settlement. So you could be only 90% to blame for an accident. Some accidents have failure of both parties to follow the "rules".
8) 8)
They also don't have stupid drinking ages like 21 WTF?
I love the USA obviously, but the Germans don't put up with some of the BS that we do here...Ahem.
Beautiful lake Zurich in Switzerland


Really old armor you weren't supposed to touch

This picture is perfect

Some cathedral

A drawbridge counter weight system

Driving the R5

R5 gets thirsty in a hurry after extended top speed runs :)


Mocking Kaiser Wilhelm at his castle

Snooty cathedral

I could be a spear-guy


Swiss candy shop. :)
cool pics lfp,mmm autobahn,we used to drive down to montana in the eighties and drive musclecars wide open,no speed limit then,but im sure there is now!
Those are all photoshopped pictures

I saw Luke yesterday in down town San Jose driving a 1982 Datsun with the ugliest woman I have ever seen in the passenger seat.... He was wearing a raccoon hat, smoking clove cigarettes, and asking if anyone knew where he could get a desulfator kit for his Donahue folding ebike.


Nice try though bub....

now that made me laugh, thanks methods :lol: .tell him he needs a bunch of vibrators with batts in parallel to fix his problem.
^^ we're a tough group, aren't we!

I am waiting to hear the reports that some american tried to get on a plane home wearing a suit of armor purloined from some 13th century castle in Bavaria... with 20 lbs of LiPo in his underwear... :mrgreen:
...But was stopped because of the smoke pouring out from the metal-armor-shorted pack terminals. ;)

Lebowski said:
well, :oops: $159 is about 100chf which buys you, what, 1 kg ? (2 lbs in US money)
:shock: That's some EXPENSIVE chocolate...the most expensive stuff I've ever seen here (which is probably nowhere near top of the line) would be about $50 for a couple of pounds.... :shock:
Lol ;)

I love you guys. :)

Amber- Yes, this chocolate is pretty amazingly good. Pretty much tastes as perfect as you can imagine any taste sensation being possible to taste, right through the whole process of eating one from start to finish.

Its also only a 500g box, so 1.1lbs.

I think I'm meeting up with Methy today at some point, maybe I will have one or two left. That is of course if I can make it over with the coon-skin hat and the worlds uglyest woman not eating them while I'm busy driving and photoshopping pics. Lol :p
Are you still in Europe? How long more?
wojtek said:
Are you still in Europe? How long more?

Just got back to the states last night. :)
Man o man :roll:
liveforphysics said:
I think I'm meeting up with Methy today at some point, maybe I will have one or two left. That is of course if I can make it over with the coon-skin hat and the worlds uglyest woman not eating them while I'm busy driving and photoshopping pics. Lol :p

You actually might be that lucky.... I will likely be in your area at some point this weekend. Maybe I will give you that lap-ride you keep asking about. :wink:
