“Mark Read” button inoperative?


10 kW
Jan 22, 2018
North-west Illinois, USA
Previously after reading the posts I was interested in, I would just clck the “Mark Read” button(s) twice and could start fresh.
Somehow I’ve lost that handy feature…? Has something changed, or is it me?

We changed the navigation as mentioned in the xenforo conversion thread.

If you click 'new', you have 'mark forums read' to the right of it.

Hi neptronics,
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I click on the “New“ tab. And get results of 23 pages worth.
Then I click on the “Mark Forums Read” tab, (I have no checkmark beside that one as in your screen shot) then again in the middle Mark Forums Read tab with the check mark to confirm.
Now when again clicking on the “New” tab just a moment later… I’m expecting to see no or possibly one or two actual new posts.
But again I receive 23 pages of new posts.

I thought I might have found the problem by looking under the filter tab. And check marking the show only unread threads, and save as default. But the default checkmark just won’t stick. Back to 23 pages of results… :-(

Still puzzled.

OK by clicking on “New Posts” under what’s new, looks like it will work as expected.
Yeah, the new button in the top left is broken for me now too. Every time you go to it you have to click the filters button and turn on the unread unread filter again. That used to happen automatically. Without the unread filter, the mark forum read button is useless.

Screenshot after adding the filter back manually each time:
Improvement for navigation in the pipe that includes a way to show new (unread). It will be to the right of 'New'.
This should make using 'what's new' and 'mark forums read' easier than current.