new eZip motor

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latecurtis said:
I don't buy the pile of horse crap they are saying that these type of viruses came from animals and were passed to humans. It is very obvious to me and many others this is population control as it targets elderly people for death. I did research and not many children are getting sick. That proves beyond a doubt it is a man made virus.

Entirely possible. China had a population time bomb. The 1 child policy started in 1977, and created a disproportionate number of men, as families selectively aborted. The oldest of that population bulge might be 42/43, but the bulk of it will be in their 30s. Young men, with no wife are the most likely to get involved in revolutions... You have a tinderbox, but no spark.

Now, throw in an ageing population, so that there are fewer workers to provide for an increasingly retired population, and most of that economic growth used for bread and circuses to keep the populace calm, and things might get a bit sparky...

And who does this virus affect most? Older people, men especially. What's one of the side effects for survivors? Fertility issues.

Where did this virus originate? China's only Biosecurity Level 4 lab, capable of handling viruses like this.

Not saying this is a smoking gun, but the facts look pretty convenient for China.If they really have clamped down on it hard and stopped the spread like the media are reporting, there goes my theory... but if they are misleading journalists, and the virus is still running rampant through China unchecked... we might not know for years.
All I know is the lab that created the virus as well as the people who work there and the government officials behind it need a NUKE to be dropped on them.
It'll never be proven unfortunately. It seems like Orwell's 1984 is largely becoming true. "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength". Basically the government controls the truth. Even western governments control information to their advantage. But communist ones like China and Russia... I've been hearing from Chinese friends that the news they are getting is VERY different from what we are hearing. Rumours that it was a US Bioweapon, that they have it fully under control, etc...

Anyway, I just got instructed to work from home for the foreseeable future, and need management approval to come into the office. Suits me, will get more done.
latecurtis said:
All I know is the lab that created the virus

LC. out.
WOW fellas, how can you "know" that? FFS. Please vet the sources you've claiming know it's a conspiracy!!!

You're sounding like the Flat Earth Society. (they have members around the globe)
When I was a child I got sick all the time. I had fevers and suffered from illness as children do not have fully functioning immune systems like adults.

It is common knowledge that children are at risk just like senior citizens however this particular virus only targets older people especially with health issues.

That is not natural occurring and therefore was planned in a lab. That folks is all the evidence I need.

The problem with governments and society is the fear of over population and running out of natural resources. Therefore governments experiment with deadly disease instead of embracing the population issue. Many of us common people spend most of their lives seeking shelter and food and must also hunt down jobs. For those of us that do not offer any special skills or training a great number of people are homeless and have no money and rely on the system.

There are solutions but require drastic changes to occur. One is the construction of large communities where housing is free in exchange for farming. Agriculture. Since food can be grown hydroponically and solar power is possible we could build cities vertically. It is a fact that if we built enough skyscrapers all the population of the earth could exist in the state of Texas.

Texas is about 170 million acres, and earth's population is 7.4 billion. Now, you could give everyone in the United States a half acre in Texas, in theory. In fact, you could, in theory, house the entire population of earth into Texas, at a population density of 27,000 people per square mile.

Since there is so much construction and agriculture to be done then searching for jobs and interviews resume ect. should not be necessary. Anyone should be able to go and sign up and be put to work according to skill level and work any time of the day for as many hours as they want, After all how hard is it to water plants or plant seeds in the dirt or maintain a hydroponic system. Or learn to install or manufacture solar panels,

In the not too distant future meat will be grown in labs from stem cells and will be part of meat production factories that will also need people to fill various jobs to run it as well as education and training. All which could be as simple as signing up for it. NOT begging and endless waste of time job searching. Instead on a single job opening with a hundred applicants there could be hundreds or thousands of jobs available. The daily or weekly pay would depend on the amount of work done NOT an hourly pay. That would make working more fair and less pressure and stress and people pushed to work double shifts and neglect family. Fear of being fired would not have to be a common event.

Also it would no longer be in the best interests of humanity to get rid of older folk as the life extension technology continue to develop older people could still contribute in some way and not become redundant or socially useless like today. Most senior citizens would become semi - retired and still work but less hours than the younger work force.

I clearly remember working for day labor in the 90s and 2,000s. Labor ready was popular and there were several times when I had nothing but the clothes on my back and was staying in a homeless shelter I went to those places and filled out what was a simple application back then and be on a job site the same day making minimum wage. I would need to work several weeks awhile searching for rooms and apartments. It was most difficult to say the least and is why there are desperate people out there that turn to crime to survive.

I have no doubt the same narrow minded government officials that are responsible for creating the virus also are for keeping our reliance to fossil fuel and are not looking for renewable green energy. If everyone were open minded and jobs and housing were there for people who are willing to do SOMETHING productive at least a few hours a day then the planet Earth could easily support 5 to 10 times the current population before we would need to migrate to other planets or space stations on a macro scale.


LC. out.
tomjasz said:
latecurtis said:
All I know is the lab that created the virus

LC. out.
WOW fellas, how can you "know" that? FFS. Please vet the sources you've claiming know it's a conspiracy!!!

You're sounding like the Flat Earth Society. (they have members around the globe)

Not saying that it's true or that I know it for sure, but even before this came out, one of Israel's intelligence agencies declared that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was doing bioweapon research, and after the fact, a Former US Department of Defence Secretary was willing to come out in the open and say:

"The fact that Wuhan is home to China's advanced virus research laboratory known as the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which does some classified work for the Chinese military, has predictably generated speculation that the novel Corona virus might have somehow leaked out of that institute."

Says to me this has gone from "Lizard people" level conspiracy theory, to "possibly true, but we'll never know", conspiracy theory.

By the way, my employer has instituted a full work from home policy indefinitely. No more riding the eBike unless I just want to do it for fun. I probably will once cabin fever sets in.
"has predictably generated speculation that the novel Corona virus might have somehow leaked out of that institute"

That is a 100% factual statement. Does not say anything about whether there is any basis for the speculation though.

However, I find no credible source for the quote itself, and the speculation seems to have only been coming from the likes of Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rush L., ZeroHedge and thousands of pro-Trump troll bots.


On the "other side" we have Reality, famous of course for its liberal bias:

john61ct said:
"has predictably generated speculation that the novel Corona virus might have somehow leaked out of that institute"

That is a 100% factual statement. Does not say anything about whether there is any basis for the speculation though.

However, I find no credible source for the quote itself, and the speculation seems to have only been coming from the likes of Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rush L., ZeroHedge and thousands of pro-Trump troll bots.

I'm not sure which is the more irrational - the person who concludes something is true with no evidence, or the person that concludes something is not true, due to lack of evidence.

But I do know that it is most rational, to accept that if a series of coincidences points to a conclusion, it would be rational to at least accept there is a possibility of it being true, even if there is no solid proof.
Of course anything is possible.

But without relevant and relatively trustworthy sources this sure smells like politically motivated disinformation to me

and afaic has been effectively debunked, until other more credible information might emerge, put to bed no longer deserving of attention, any more than the theory it originated with USA biowarfare efforts.
I think for this one, rational responses is pretty much anything from "Almost certain to be true" to "Almost certain to be false", from the little information out there, I'd put it as most likely an accidental non-biowarfare release, as it was reported about 2 years prior, a Chinese researcher was scratched by a bat infected with a different strain of coronavirus, and had to self quarantine for 2 weeks, so at the very least, we know they were researching coronaviruses in there, and they know patient 0 (as far back as they think patient 0 was) never visited the Wuhan Wet Market.

I agree that intentional release that I described is very unlikely - To find a small group of people willing to do that, without finding one willing to get on TOR and leak the story, or flee for their lives is unlikely - and that even assumes anyone is that callous of human life.

The US Biowarfare one, I agree is 99.99% politically motivated disinformation... There was simply no evidence to back it up. Not even circumstancial or coincidental evidence. But as I already pointed out - there are a lot of strange coincidences that would make an intentional release make sense. Not enough to make it likely, but enough to edge it away from "completely fanciful". There's a big difference in the quality of information that HASN'T been debunked...

After all, if in 1968, you told someone that Ford decided that it was cheaper to pay lawsuits than recall of their Pintos that were bursting in flames, almost everyone would look at you strange and at least say "Show me some reliable evidence".

Anyway, we're splitting hairs now.
and afaic has been effectively debunked, until other more credible information might emerge, put to bed no longer deserving of attention, any more than the theory it originated with USA biowarfare efforts.

Yea. Thanks for posting. All I can say is I hope we can survive. The human race is under attack. My concern is the lack of technology that can defend against any biological threat natural or man made.
john61ct said:
However, I find no credible source for the quote itself, and the speculation seems to have only been coming from the likes of Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), Rush L., ZeroHedge and thousands of pro-Trump troll bots.

Pathological liars all. I find them far more dangerous.
Pretty sure it's his thread by now to do as he likes with lots of leeway

Just as we can say


and besides the damage to your own soul, please stop becoming such an agent yourself!
As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns. Hey ! Check out the new motor on E bay.

I was told that every American is getting 1,000. If it happens I will vote for Trump again. :D I saw a white SUV for 1,000 and a Subaru Outback all wheel drive station wagon for 1,150 or best offer. Both were in decent shape. I saw them today and met two different people who work on cars much cheaper than any garage. I also got my new plastic Ohio drivers license. It was in my P.O. box and picked it up today.

Does is have anything to with this post. That would be yes because as soon as I get a vehicle I will be going to NY and getting all my e bikes , projects and tools. Then VERY soon after that will be ordering parts for my next build.




50 mph. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

My next build. A 20" BMX style bike. :lol:

Thanks for posting.

LC out.
I was told that every American is getting 1,000. If it happens I will vote for Trump again.

Smooth move, vote for the fella that wants to end your SS disability.
Smooth move, vote for the fella that wants to end your SS disability.

He does ?


  • motor.png
    136.3 KB · Views: 1,353
[url said:[/url]"]
A November 2019 Trump administration proposal would end Social Security disability payments for thousands of recipients.

What's True
According to the logic of the administration's own proposals, the changes to how "continuing disability reviews" take place would indeed lead to thousands of recipients losing Social Security disability benefits.

What's False
That loss of benefits would not be arbitrary, and the criteria and standards used to determine a recipient's eligibility for disability benefits would not change. Rather, the frequency of eligibility reviews would increase, thus discovering ineligibility sooner and more frequently.

[url said:[/url]"]
... This past November, another rule change was proposed that would make medical reviews more common for some of the 8.4 million workers currently receiving a Social Security disability benefit.

Right now, applicants for SSDI have their chance of medical improvement placed into one of three categories -- expected, possible, or not expected -- with medical reviews for the first two categories of applicants being conducted within 18 months and three years, respectively. The new Trump administration proposal wants to create a new category, "medical improvement likely," which would trigger a medical review every two years. The expectation here is that more workers would be removed from the SSDI program and pushed back into the labor force, ultimately saving $2 billion in SSDI outlays over 10 years. Of course, the increased frequency of reviews would eat up $1.8 billion of "savings" over the decade.
Thanks for the information.

I probably wont vote for Trump again. He may not even get nominated. The Republicans will most likely vote him out before the election and find a new candidate. He reminds me of a circus clown. He was a guest star on WWE with vince Mchmann.

I was actually a little surprised he was elected. However Hilary was his opponent so was not really surprised. I just thought it would be a closer race. Maybe it was an unfair election.

We will know if we have to deal with Trump another 4 years very soon as the news reports I just watched : Trump and his party outright lied to all American people about the pandemic. It sure don't look good for him right now.

Unfortunately I have to agree with Tom Cotton. If China is responsible ; They need to be held responsible. it is terrorism and should be dealt with on a nuclear scale.

However my main source of media information and who I am listening to right now is.

If I don't know something I seek professionals who do. If anyone knows what is going on in this world it would be this guy.

I used to be far on the left side but a co worker on my last job in 2011 or 12 introduced me to the Savage nation. I was hooked ever since. I am now caught between Left and Right wing and I fall somewhere in between. I will hear all information from both sides of the equation. A lot of things Michael Savage says is very informative. He is a very intelligent person. He has great knowledge and wisdom..

I also used to listen to Howard Stern religiously back in the 90s and need to hear what he has to say.

lol. He definitely don't like Trump's MIS - Handling of the pandemic. Those are my two go 2 guys when it comes to politics. My opinion is they BOTH should be in the White house. One is Left wing and one is Right wing. We need to hear BOTH sides and then make a decision on which is correct or the most accurate. Not just have a single political party running the country. There are probably very few issues Howard Stern and Michael Savage would agree on but if they BOTH were to agree on anything then I would most likely agree also.
The issues where they dis-agree I would have to carefully consider and seek further information.

I just want things to go back to normal. I want to start building electric bicycles again. I miss my e bike workshop and also miss riding and making videos.

This motor is still available. It is 1,800 watt but 2800 - 3300 rpm. The 3,000 watt motor is 4,800 rpm. The 1,800 watt motor that is 3,300 rpm max is a better choice for bikes larger than 20 inches. It will work for a 26" bike however until I get a vehicle large enough to lock a 26 inch bike in I will need a small 20" bike I can carry up and down stairs because I am on the third floor. Also I will need a large battery pack and 48 volts @ 2 kilowatt is easier and cheaper than a 72 volt pack to support a 3 kilowatt motor.

However The 3 killowatt motor if run at 48V instead or 72 volts the rpm would be 4800 / 72 = 66.6 * 48 = 3,200 rpm. 3,000W / 72 = 41.66W * 48V = 2,000W.

I could still gear it for approx. 40 mph with 2 kilowatts.

Two of those around 200 bucks or under 250 bucks would work but does anyone have any experience buying from that company.
If the 1,000 to 1,200 government checks show up next month I will be buying a motor vehicle for around 1,000 bucks but since I have already been saving money for a vehicle I will be ordering batteries and a motor and will be picking up all my e bikes and projects as well as my storage in NY.


LC. out.
mark5 said:
[url said:[/url]"]
A November 2019 Trump administration proposal would end Social Security disability payments for thousands of recipients.

What's True
According to the logic of the administration's own proposals, the changes to how "continuing disability reviews" take place would indeed lead to thousands of recipients losing Social Security disability benefits.

What's False
That loss of benefits would not be arbitrary, and the criteria and standards used to determine a recipient's eligibility for disability benefits would not change. Rather, the frequency of eligibility reviews would increase, thus discovering ineligibility sooner and more frequently.

I think by cutting that snippet out of context, you may have double negatived the post unintentionally (or at least easy to accidentally double negative). If you read the full article, it argues that nobody will lose disability benefits unless;

1) They were not entitled to them for that duration (i.e. tbey were originally entitled to them, but their condition has improved to the point where they were no longer entitled to them.

2) They could not be bothered to attend the additional assessments.

That is, nobody who is entitled and could be bothered complying would lose their benefits. That seems fair to me. If LC is not entitled to benefits, I don't think he should be claiming them. If he is, then he has nothing to worry about. An extra assessment once every two years? Is that such a big deal to hold people accountable?

I am not American, so neither Republican or Democrat. I am centre right in Australian politics, but given that Australia is fairly left leaning (free health, subsidised education, social security, etc.) I would probably be considered either centre or even slightly left leaning in America. Trump's views are definitely more right leaning than mine.
Sunder said:
I think by cutting that snippet out of context, you may have double negatived the post unintentionally (or at least easy to accidentally double negative). If you read the full article, it argues that nobody will lose disability benefits unless;

1) They were not entitled to them for that duration (i.e. tbey were originally entitled to them, but their condition has improved to the point where they were no longer entitled to them.

2) They could not be bothered to attend the additional assessments.

That is, nobody who is entitled and could be bothered complying would lose their benefits. That seems fair to me. If LC is not entitled to benefits, I don't think he should be claiming them. If he is, then he has nothing to worry about. An extra assessment once every two years? Is that such a big deal to hold people accountable?
I interpreted the Snopes quote relative to LC as:
Yes, some recipients will lose benefits.
But LC, from what he's written about himself, probably won't be one of them because I don't remember reading that his health status has changed for the better.
It has changed for worse if anything. Ohio is stricter than west coast for cannabis card. I saw two Ortho docs. here and several in NY. Arthritis. rheumatoid and Osteo. Chronic Retractable pain.

I am not lying about doctors.

Counting primary docs. I seen over a dozen since applying for social security.

They either want to cut me open or give me pills. Surgeries PENDING !!! include Total replacement right knee. Two bulged disks in lower spine. degenerative disk disease first diagnosed 1998 before approx. 20 years hard construction demolition labor. Thoritic aoritic anyerism. Leaky heart valve. hypertension. Carpo-tunnel.

Mental illness and antisocial behavior since early childhood. mood disorder and chronic depression , 3 attempted suicides and 2 homicides admitted at court of appeal to get disability in 2015.

Recent diabetes , torn rota-tor cuff diagnosis - surgery.

Recent bipolar and intermittent explosive disorder. Come on folk. Anyone following this post knows I am not wrapped too tight.

Most of my friends are dead. I got two in Schenectady and one I play pirates tides of fortune with on line and you guys here. I appreciate you all that post here and respect your opinions and try to be open minded. but when it comes to e bikes do not always take advice. I like to experiment.

I guess the reason I love building e bikes so much as I can control the outcome. I can get opinions and information here but in the end I have control of what I build.

This other s h i t going on in the world I have no control.Or just one vote.I voted one time in the 54 years on the planet. I will vote in election this year. However may not be for the same person. Trump reminds me of Bozo the clown. But did not see a better choice. Clinton would have been better if the first name was Bill. lol


I made a lot of progress battling obesity and diabetes which I was diagnosed with last year. I lost over 20 pounds and went on a strict diet and exercise routine. Now with the gyms and YMCA closed I can't exercise or work on e bikes. I will need a large motor vehicle for both activities. Since I live in an Attic apartment there are disadvantages. Three flights of stairs and a narrow hallway.

However off street parking is available in the back yard and only 1 car there and at least 3 spots open. In the Last summer 7/3/19 the van that my wife's son brought us here with broke down out front before we even looked at the apartment. It was the water pump and was fixed out back with a 50 foot extension cord.

My plans are a large vehicle where I can keep a e bike or two locked up. A weight bench with dumbbells and a mini e bike workshop. I can run extension cord and a fan and soldering iron. A small fold up table and my weight bench. I might need a car alarm also but will be very convenient.

Other plans include a possible trailer and re - locating to a more Raul area but with my heart and my wife's health status we may need to keep this place for doctors and hospitals being close by and work on a trailer out in the sticks a couple days a week or on week ends when there is no doctors appointments.

Looking at a cheap trailer under 5 thousand that is worth fixing up and a plot of land or really cheap lot rent. This Apartment is 375 all utilities included so it is possible to do.

Basically I will be riding e bikes 70 to 80% of the time where ever I go. I only plan on using a gas powered vehicle when I really need it for hauling stuff or to cover great distances. Most places I go I can park the gas vehicle and roll the e bike out the back and take off. Maybe even 40 mph. :twisted:


LC. out.
latecurtis said:
Looking at a cheap trailer under 5 thousand that is worth fixing up and a plot of land or really cheap lot rent. This Apartment is 375 all utilities included so it is possible to do.

Not sure if I've ever mentioned it to you, but that's part of my dream when I retire, or even when the kids are a bit older. Either get a "Trailer" (We call them caravans here - Trailers mean like a box-trailer - just a box on wheels to carry stuff in, not a home on wheels), or Winnebago style motorhome (unarticulated, just one large van/truck).

Having owned a house for 5 years now, and needing to do a lot of my own repairs, I'm getting pretty good at doing carpentry and cabinet work, and for an off-grid farm house (my dad's - if you're fully off grid, you don't need a plumber or electrician's license.) plumbing and electrical. You can buy second hand ones for $40k here, or new ones over $100k, but having done the maths, I think I can get a brand new fit out, in a 10 year old van for under $20k, so still reliable, a bit dated, but new interior. Probably would take a year of weekends, every weekend to finish though. Remember to pretty much halve the numbers I am giving to convert to American dollars. It's not as expensive as it sounds.

That'll be the dream. Driving through the desert one day, rain forest the following week, and camping out by a beach near the great barrier reef and going diving. All while living out of a motorhome, and not being locked down by hotel bookings, or anything else.

Too bad I'm stuck inside working from home for the foreseeable future. Discovering it has its positives and negatives.
As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns. Back in the Saddle again.

I went to the dispensary today. I was going to go yesterday but spent the day making face masks and found my sun glasses.

It was a pain in the ass hauling the bike down and up three flights of stairs but well worth the trouble as buses and taxi cabs are very risky. The way things are now I might never take a bus or a cab again.

I am so glad I bought a GPS and built that SLA 12V pack to plug it in to. The battery in the GPS was almost dead before I even got there which was about only 15 minutes of driving. The GPS is difficult to find a place especially an address. It found the dispensary but could not find my home address so I entered the public library about 8 blocks away. Once it finds a place though the directions are awesome and the voice is loud and clear.

It is obvious riding that my batteries for the e bike are reaching the end of their useful cycles. It was only 2.7 miles one way and did not have the plugs to run the Samsung and SONA packs in parallel and would not if I did because fully charged there is a 2V difference in the Samsung and SONA packs so I ran the SONAs there and the Samsungs home.

It has been months since I rode and felt awesome. It would have been better if I dressed a little warmer but the important thing is I got what I was after and made it there and back with no issues. (flat tires , bike accidents ect.) Without the GPS I would have got hopelessly lost. If I took a bus or a cab I would have been in great risk of getting sick so I am very glad I did NOT sell my e bike.

Also I will be ordering a new lithium ion pack next month. but before I do would like to know more about those special batteries SUNDER posted that charge in minutes instead of hours and have 10 times the life of lithium ion. Please post some updated links and let me know if it is possible to 3D print a case or battery holder for them as I can send you money Western Union or a money order to cover the cost. I want those batteries and might be waiting on a vehicle a couple months as too many cases of Corona in NY state.

My storage unit will have to wait and as far as batteries all that is there is the old LiPo packs Dan sent that I had for years and years and are about as good as the old Lithium ion packs I currently have. People in NY state are dropping like flies. I don't really want to go into that. So at least with ordering new batteries it is something I need. I already have 5 e bikes and about 7 motors in storage so new batteries is not a waste of money.

Please Sunder let me know about those special batteries as I just might order them on April 4. Thanks.

LC out.
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