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PaulD's Race Bike Give-Away


1 kW
Aug 28, 2008
Ashland, OR, USA
Hey Everyone, after some thought since the last race, I decided to start from scratch for my next build. That means my current bike is going to collect dust as only a few parts would transfer over to the new bike. So, I've decided to give away my race bike to an ES member. Due to liability reasons, batteries will not be included. I considered having an auction and donating the proceeds to ES, but I figured this was the best approach since the bike needs work and I don't have time to tweak on it. Anyway, my plan is to accept applications until New Years. Conditions include:
  • Winner must sign a liability release waiver (I will send to anyone interested)
    Bike must be picked up from Ashland, Oregon by Feb 1, 2012(I will maybe sorta consider boxing and shipping the bike depending on location of the best applicant)
    Bike will be configured as it was for the 2011 Death Race minus batteries
Interested applicants must provide:
  • Explanation of what they plan to use the bike for
    One or many reasons why they should get a free bike
    Must commit to posting what they are doing with the bike on ES as much as possible once they receive the bike
Interested ES members can post here or PM me, your call. I'm also interested in forum members telling me if this is a stupid idea.
Wow, thanks for doing this Paul!

I'm sure there is someone that would not otherwise be able to have access to just a fine steed, cheers to you for being so generous! :D
I want to go up pike's peak next summer and ruin optibike. I am definitely on a budget and am going to have a hard time making enough $ to do it by tehn. If you think your bike is suitable for the task ( 30mph constant up a 7% average grade ), i wouldn't mind it.

Downside: I live in Colorado Springs, CO.
Get The DoGMaN on a real racer i say! Props Paul very kind and generous thing your doing ;)


p.s looking forward to seeing the next bike, best of luck with it... :wink:
I always thought it would be cool if this forum had a "Pay-it-Forward" section.

Just never thought someone would be quite so generous - BIG Thumbs UP!!!

PaulD is obviously a guy who leads by example on & off the track.
I think it's a great idea.

Although I am not participating as I doubt that I would be able to force myself to leave it intact as a bike, and probably take it apart and experiment on it in pieces on various other bikes. :lol:

That would practically be a crime to dismantle a piece of history like that. :)
Almost needs to go into a historical collection of some kind. Sure wish you lived in Phoenix, or anyplace close to me. I just couldn't drive that far to go get it.

One of you Califorinans needs to grab it. Etard? So Sauty?

If you shipped it to me, It would be run in the death race next spring, IF I can get over my illness in time. How competitive I'd be in the shape I'm in nowdays is iffy. I plan to be there, but the trip could render me a spectator. It takes a lot of strength to pull g's into those corners, and I'm just weak all the time now. I pretty much know I won't last practice and two heats without going pussy.

So much as I'd love to get my hands on the bike, I'm not the guy who can ride it very fast anymore, till I get better. I'd be grinning like a madman till the crash though. :twisted:

I think it should be raced some more, by somebody. Then once it's trashed in crashes, the remains should be hung from the ceiling at Grin cycles. The very first electric motorized bicycle to take the US title is really historic. Once in a museum, it should be restored to it's DR 2011 look, with at least the empty battery boxes and number.
Almost needs to go into a historical collection of some kind.

That's not such a crazy idea, nor is it incompatible with Paul's very altruistic intention.

Put it in trust, legal ownership can remain with Paul (or whoever Paul would like to be the trustee), but beneficial enjoyment can be held by whoever is commited to racing it at that time. The terms of the trust could state that the beneficiary could burn it to pieces on the track, but is prevented from parting it out or selling it. That way it might pass like a trophy from ES member to ES member until someone finally smokes it to pieces in a flaming wreck on the track. AWESOME!!!!

Seriously Paul, you are a rare human being in the best meaning of that term.

EDIT: the fact that Paul has a ready prepared liability release waiver (which I support as a great idea) - without knowing for sure what he does for a living, I'd hazard a guess - in which case he has probably already thought of this....
Huge props to Paul.
(I knew I liked that guy for a reason)
I really like the spirit of this, & love the idea that it gets another race-proven bike in the hands of some one who may continue to race it.

There are rumers of another event at the grange track on April 7 2012.

All of these early race bikes should be preserved for future referance.(that includes Dogmans front hub Death race bike)

I will vote for Farfle's team Pilot Aden. :twisted:

must be the season....Goodwill toward men & all that rot... :lol:
Good show Paul.
Merry christmass sphere!
My DR bike does have a functioning rear hub on it now, but the original burnt FH still exists. No plans for any further mods. So it could still end up in the smithsonian some day. The first bike I ran in the DR, two years ago is a rusting frame in the yard, but not cut up yet. Since it didn't perform, I never thought of preserving it really. But it was the first ebike to run the DR. The aotema motor it had is still alive and kicking. So it could be restored to orig.
I agree, there should be a museum of Ebike racers. There will be for sure some day, and this winner must be preserved to figure as the turn of an era.

I think it's a good idea to to give the chance to another ES member to race it, but make sure it is maintained in its original configuration.

Looking forward to see your new build Paul, and Good Luck for the coming races.
I nominate Richard Fechter.

Guy has contributed immeasurably . IIRC, he knows how to ride fast things.

I have little doubt he would use it for a test platform and the results would be published here.
Thanks for the replies so far, guys. Neptronix, I did a rough calc and 175lb rider with 70lb bike would need 2000W continuous to go 30mph constant up a 7% grade, I kinda doubt the contoller and motor would handle it without significant cooling (not impossible though)... Beating Optibike is certainly a worth cause, though!
This bike would help get customers into an ebike store, and help the image of the other ebikes in the store. This would be a place for others to view the bike until the ES electric vehicle museum is opened. If I had the bike that's what I would do, in addition to racing it in any race I could attend. I have tried to interest the LBS in ebikes and hire me, but they all show nothing but disdain. I figure if you can't join them, beat them.
(I ride at 72km/hr in traffic every day, and I am an extremely fit mountain bike rider that weighs 132 pounds and fears nothing (except the ex-wife)).
PaulD said:
Thanks for the replies so far, guys. Neptronix, I did a rough calc and 175lb rider with 70lb bike would need 2000W continuous to go 30mph constant up a 7% grade, I kinda doubt the contoller and motor would handle it without significant cooling (not impossible though)... Beating Optibike is certainly a worth cause, though!

Understood. I will proceed with the highly vented golden motor magic pie II plan then. I hope your bike finds a good home.
I agree with the museum idea. But electric bikes are still small-time in the USA. Maybe it should go into a time capsule with a responsible future curator until then.
Paul, I'll pm you my shipping address, I'm such a swell guy, I'll even pay for shipping. Thanks for providing this to me good buddy, no need to reply further guys, it's already been taken care of, carry on with your hub motor drilling and honey do lists. :lol: :lol:

Maybe it should go into a time capsule with a responsible future curator

This is a good idea, and seeing as how I am the youngest guy ( Luke doesn't count, and Farfle is really a 35 year old virgin living with his mom :wink: ) I think I should get it cuz I'm gonna last the longest.

But seriously, this is really cool, I hope it doesn't bite you in the butt when you see your old racebike pass you on the last turn before the checkered flag Paul. I guess that's still a win though. :wink: I hope you end up giving it to somebody who will actually race it rather than lock it up like a piece of history though, that's a ridiculous thought. I do however, volunteer myself as I will keep it in original unmolested condition, promise to bring it to every race (that's right Team Thud at the DR FTW!) and it can be a standby in case a nice chap like Nicobie, Dogman or Evoforce wants to take it for a spin and try to win a heat(BYOB: Bring Your own Battery). I'm bit by the racing bug and I plan to be at every race till we have 100 electrics lined up and 1 stinker! The only mod I would do is to put a Thud internal sensor motor in for low speed usability. I would also like to use it to bring awareness to local high school tech students that want to get started in any one of the fields that our forum encompasses. If we can get some schools involved in these races, the scene will blow up, bicycle manufacturers will take notice and many cottage industries could be grown from High school ebike racing!

Just don't send it to Luke, he'll try to put a motorcycle motor on it and try to see if it survives a new Red Bull electric vehicle record breaking jump attempt. :lol: :wink: Of course, there will be great footage to occupy us for the next year if you do!

Hmmm, electric bicycle world record jump, who holds the record in that??
I definietely meant museum the remains, after another racer rides it to death.
Now what other board would you experience such a generous offer by a member? PaulD has now initated an event that will go down in the history of ES! Congrats to Paul!

There has been some logic presented so far that resonates with this ol' guy. Not to a gent too old (greybeard), not to a gent too young (teens), not to complete newb, not to one who will cut it up or try to pull a semi with it... It's home should be to a young man, a man that is learning, of high skill and one that appreciates the cornerstone of eBike racing history he is receiving and understands what Paul has just done. A man that can cherish it, maintain it, and most of all use it RACING!

Now who can that be? ... think ... think ... ... well, that is for Paul to decide!
You are an exemplary human being in such a wide range of ways Paul. It is a pleasure to know you.

This bike has more electric bicycle history and racing pedigree than any other machine on earth. It's hand built from scratch by Pauls two hands, and as beautiful of a work of art as it is potent on the track. It also as efficient as the most efficient bicycles ever made on ES.

IMHO, this machine should go into the hands of another very light and skilled operator who will use it to continue it's amazing winning streak and continue to put stink-bikes in there place.
liveforphysics said:
IMHO, this machine should go into the hands of another very light and skilled operator who will use it to continue it's amazing winning streak and continue to put stink-bikes in there place.
bigmoose said:
There has been some logic presented so far that resonates with this ol' guy. Not to a gent too old (greybeard), not to a gent too young (teens), not to complete newb, not to one who will cut it up or try to pull a semi with it... It's home should be to a young man, a man that is learning, of high skill and one that appreciates the cornerstone of eBike racing history he is receiving and understands what Paul has just done. A man that can cherish it, maintain it, and most of all use it RACING!

Good points, guys, and nice post etard. I always assumed etard was older than Luke, it must be the soul patch that results in the distinguished and sophisticated look :wink: ...
Anyways, someone with good electrical and mechanical skills will get bonus points. Although it will be in working order (minus batteries), it could use some tuning and refinement, and things are likely to break or wear out at some point. And yes, the bike is more suited to a smaller rider, but that isn't a show stopper. The winner can always hire a jockey for race day. All of these factors will be a part of the decision.
PaulD said:
I always assumed etard was older than Luke, it must be the soul patch that results in the distinguished and sophisticated look :wink: ...

I snorted milk out my nose wasn't expecting that Paul HAHAHAA...Soul patch FTW but my mutton chops are
growing nicely :p If The DoGMaN can't utilise it due to his chronic fatigue (hope you get better soon buddy) ETard would be my next vote for sure, dedicated racer and member of TeaM THuD ;)
@nicobie- re: "but we can't just screw farfle can we?" sure we can he's a frock boi, wouldn't know what to do wit a real race bike :p heck, didn't know what to do with his own bike!!! he handed to a wiminez to ride :| rightly so too i guess... being a frock powered bike and all :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :p
