I ride a very high powered bike similar to madrhino and in a similar manner . I ride all winter here in winnipeg and ypedals suggestion of hosing down the bike is very good. the salt will find its way into your wiring and especially the throttle wires. bundle the signal wire (green) and the ground together at connectior bundles, and the 5 volt positive wire keep it separate. so that when salt gets in there with water it dosent take off on you . which used to happen to me occationally usually resulting in a funky form of scary cruise control when in slushy brown sugar, wet snow ,full city traffic, 1 feet from cars also going 50 60kmh.
the trottle itself is prone to salt water ingress also at the hall legs you can pour epoxy to solve this. the suggestion of
self healing silicone tape is good and works well. easy to remove if needed and flexible . liquid electrical tape stinks and messy, hardens and is impossible to take off and wires also crack at the interface due to stiffness. it is pure garbage. and i have a controller that needs totally rebuilding the wires due to treatment with this crap.
motor , i have not had any issues i just took apart my cromotor after two winters and it is only slightly rusty near the magnets and back iron..water cannot last in there at those tempertures. it is driven out pretty fast if it gets there at all which i doubt bastd on the condition.
batterys , dont get hobbyking packs wet they will corrode at the cell tab and be useless. especially nanptechs . nanos have foam there( and other shoddy work) to help hold the water and corrosive salt or whatnot so they will be ruined in short order esp if you are using the pack alot. mine are done after 3 months.....thanks hk . persoanlly i reccomend hardpacks in backpack had no issues with plastic bag on them .
controller itself i feel that it is well eough sealed (kelly non waterproof) for normal water spray but im carefull when i wash with pressure washer. infinion can get water in them easier and then i take off plate and wash out with isoproypyl 99 percent happened mabye 10 times in my life . that fixes water issues on any electronics btw.
rubber glove or plastic baggie on throttle would be a good idea if unmodified cheap throttle is used in rain and ive often taped a plastic bag over my controler and wiring in emergencys (when it rains lots )
hydro freerider 30s cromot
edit i have heard of someone here using sections of rubber innertube and putting wires though it where connectors are and zip tieing around each end . this works great and is cheap.