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Spring Death Race sponsor?

dogman dan

1 PW
May 17, 2008
Las Cruces New Mexico USA
Dave has sent me a message that he is going to try to keep the Death Race alive for at least one more year. Money seems to be one of the main issues, and a low turnout leaves somebody holding the bag. A private track for an afternoon is not cheap. The track owner loves it, but just can't lose money on it.

Is anyone, like a vendor, or even ES as a group interested in being the event title sponsor? So it becomes the Endless Sphere Death Race, or whatever? From what I hear, it's just "Death Race" at this point.

I think it would be cool if ES could at least contribute to the trophies and other incidental expenses of the race. We ARE taking some of those trophies anyway, right?
Still waiting to hear about that. I get the feeling the track owner has just been winging it, and just letting the track rent for whatever the gate brings in. the halloween race gate was poor, so that may need to change. Based on other tracks, I'd guess $1500 for the afternoon would be the low end. Possibly a LOT more since it's a weekend day. Most tracks only rent out the track to a group on a weekday when they wouldn't make much anyway.

There is no limit to the money it could cost if you really did promotional stuff, $10,000 to advertise a large event is peanuts. A banner sponsor with the event named for them should expect a pretty big amount of the fee to go to the promotion, and a good effort to get free promotion. But even a modest sponsorship like $1000 would go a long way to keep the event alive as at least a one time a year thing. Idealy, sponsorship plus gate could allow funding for a less popular fall race. That would require a really deep pockets sponsor though.

If nothing else, it would be cool for ES to get together and put up a small fund for covering the gate cost of a few competitors that would balk if the gate fee goes up.
Here is the thing, we only need a sponsor to help cover the cost of trophies and prizes for the participants. Without good prizes and trophies we are gonna lose a lot of riders especially the ones that make an effort to travel to Tucson for the event. Sadly the majority of the racers are from out of town.

MHC (Musselman Honda Circuit) is not looking to make lots of money, but they do at least need to cover there cost. Any future DR will be scheduled to run with another event that way if there is a low turn out the track will not lose out so much like last Halloween. But, we will also not have as much track time but I think thats something we will just have to accept. Until DR gets big enough to support it self and the track I think its best we work and schedule DR with other racing. I believe MHC would like us to run with the Supermotos and those guys are cool and more then happy to share the track with us.

What we need and MHC needs is riders, we need the turn out so the track can make its money with the entry fee's. I will suggest to MHC to raise the entry fee of $15. I love that $15 fee and so do many others. And I think MHC went with $15 keeping the fee low to help get this Motor assisted Racing up and going.

But, I think its fair to bump up the entry fee to help the track. I will sit down with MHC and see if we can agree on a fee thats fair for everybody.

MHC has never said they want us to "rent" the track. If we had to rent the track I would have to have racers register and pay a fee before the race to be sure we could cover the cost.

I hope to have the spring race date schedule announced sometime in Jan or Feb so everyone has plenty of time to prepare. One way or another we will have Motor Assisted Bicycle racing even if all you get is a pat on the back for winning.
Yep, last Halloween's poor turnout may have been partly due to the timing. Who could ditch the kids as they prepared their costumes or get their own costumes together for party festivities with a 4pm on a holiday bike race?

I can't be a big sponsor sugar daddy but no problem to donate a hundred bucks or such. E-bike(motored bike) racing is too cool, it can take off as a sport, but if mishandled early on it could whither and be even more difficult to establish in the future. 2011 is the birth year.

Several racers last October had an extra' bike that could be ridden, but those that weren't signed up to race, needed safety gear which was in short supply. Think (?Katou?) over on the non-hub had an extra bike (NO bike, but he may have extra Lipo packs!) and wondered if someone might want to race with it. If you have extra gloves, long sleeve shirts, helmets, knee/elbow pads; bring 'em :!: We can recruit a handful of extra racers during practice.

Anyone have some fun 'T-shirt' ideas? Maybe the e-bike crowd could wear shirts that had targets painted on their backs?
Good news we got support for DR for the trophies and I am working on some prizes as well.

We plan to have a bike show with a prize for "Best in Show" We will allow the other racers to vote on there favorite bike there.

As well as a "Hard Luck award" which last event would have went to the rider who was injured in the first lap. I also plan to have a last place award and one who travels the furthest. Still working on support for all those.

We need racers! So spread the word, DR will be in April and as soon as I can schedule a date it will be posted.

Man I just hope I can get my bike back together for the race but if not it will still be a awesome time. I may not have my Morini but I will run in last place again if I have too lol.
COOL BEANZ & thaks for the update Dave.
let us know when the date becomes firm so I may finaize my travel schedual. (its a 30 hour drive for me..YEEHAW)
I am definatly making the trip from Michigan. Hope to pick up a few straglers along the way :lol:
If there is a t-shirt drive or something to promote the event let us know.
A normal race event with my racecar costs me $1000 in travel/logistics, $1000-5000 in race-prepping, and best case $1000 in broken racing things, tires, etc, and $80-250 on entry. In practice, it tends to cost quite a lot more than that on average because more than $1,000 in things breaking has happened at virtually every event I've entered. Outside drag-racing and road-racing I know it's not quite as expensive because it's not as destructive, but still, point is, racing is inherently an expensive activity.

This is ebike racing not racecar racing, so people aren't going to budget as much for it, but I think many folks do budget at least $500-1000 in travel and logistics to make the event. Compared to that cost, making the entry $100-200 for each event (or whatever it takes) seems reasonable to ensure the long-time existence of the racing event. Also, something like a good hot-dog BBQ cart selling premium hot-dogs for $5 each can drag in a surprising amount of money for a track with the right crowd. I knew a hotdog guy who was making about $3,500-4,500 a day just with hot-dogs on race days where he had a line of people waiting for hot-dogs from the time he opened till he closed every time there was a major event. If the track did something like this (maybe they do, but it's just not enough people?), it could help a bit.

Racing is all about who you beat rather than what you won. I also don't think prizes motivate any serious racers to enter or race. Just your name being noted as the winner, or maybe a $5 trophy for your shelf is plenty IMO.
This is already THE prestige "Motored" Bicycle event in the country. Whether intended or not.
I could care less about a trouphy...a t-shirt & the bench racing storys generated will be more than enough.
I beleive this is still grass roots all the way. Low entry fee's are paramount to event success. This kind of event does not bring in spectators or deep pocketed particients, its true enthusiests keeping the faith. Thats what makes these events so enjoyable to guys like myself. Just spend an hour scaring ourselves on the track & then swaping war storries w/Dogman for the rest of the afternoon.
Just tell us who the sponcers Are FR31 & I will be sure to let them know I apreciate their support of the event (while Supporting them with a purchase of their products usualy).Ironicly, I was looking at the 2011 vintage schedual deciding which 3 throw away races I can skip (to make my meager budget)
But the death race is definatly #1 race on my schedual.
Making the entry fee any more than about $20 would put me out of it. $15 was pretty close to deterring me as it was. I'm sure most people aren't that close to not going from that cost, but at $200 I'd be surprised if a fair number of even regulars didn't bother going.

Regarding refreshments and whatnot, I don't even remember a vending machine or water fountain much less any kind of live vendor. I am pretty sure they'd make some money on any food/drink vendor they get, though. I imagine after a few hours at the event many people would be hungry and thirsty. (I had my own stuff for that reason, as I knew I wouldn't be able to afford such a vendor if they did turn out to have one).

Regarding prizes, I think you're right--it has nothing to do with the prize, and everything to do with bragging rights. :)
If you have a ride there, AW, I'll pay your fee anytime.

Maybe just a very modest fee increase to $20 would do the trick, generating a few more bucks without deterring the racers too much. It's not like real racing just yet, though a few of us are spending like it is. Most just run what they brung, and don't have a ton of money to put into a faster ride. Fun and loose is part of the flavor of it, and getting too serious should be delayed for as long as it lasts. As yet, 50+ year olds can still show up, and even podium.

MHC's owner is too cool, that is obvious from just a short conversation with him.

Hooray! the DR is on. And THANK YOU Dave, for making it happen.
I'm offering $100. How do I get it to you Dave?
Damn, you beat me to it. Fine, A-wolf, since your entry fee is paid, I'll sponsor you for 50$ of race related costs.

I do not have a spare bike to lend, and the shipping would be killer anyways (from Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

What I did offer, is cells for a racing pack. This offer is conditional on me getting the cells. I am out right now, but I anticipate that I should have some more in the next few months.

I am not offering one pack, but as many as necessary in order to avoid recharging during the race. The packs would remain my property, but would be available to ANY member for racing purposes.

The packs would be built to your specifications, at least as far as I am capable of doing so.

If more than one member will be racing, we'll vote, or something.

So, give me a date, and I will see what I can do.

Hopefully I won't need anybody to pay for anything, and I'll be better off economically by then, but if not, I'll take you both up on that.

Well, assuming I can get the time off to go, and Evoforce or someone else up here in Phoenix area is up for the trip again. I won't know until pretty close to the race if I can get the time off work; I think I only have one vacation day left at work I can use (until next September).

Here's to hoping I have an improved version of CrazyBike2 I can race, and can manage to stay on the track long enough to compete. (and not be afraid to actually race with others on the track!)
The only time I have ever seen MHC open there snack bar is during big events when they hire enough people to run everything. Unfortunately we are not big enough for them to add that cost to DR.

You are more then welcome and past DR we brought are own grills and had some good BBQ cook outs in the pits. Last DR nobody brought a grill. But I am unclear if those who did bring a grill charged for there burgers and hot dogs. Thats something thats up to who ever wants to bring there own grill.

I also need to discuss rules of the race track. We will have some changes but most important is the rules will be enforced from now on. Before it was real lose with the rules but for our protection and the track we are going to be strict with rules.

I dont have time to go in great detail but the basic is-

You must display a number visible to the pits and flagman.

You must have the proper gear no exceptions this time what so ever!

And we will follow the full flags which I will go over with everyone. Most of you know what the flags mean but we need to be sure everyone understands what they mean.

Absolutely no short cuts around the track! You enter and exit the track in the proper areas. You must make a full lap to the exit no more cutting across the track, thats too dangerous. Eventually someone gonna cross the track and cause a big wreck. If your bike breaks down and you cannot make it to the exit safely then you must move to where you are safe and wait for the race to finish.

No riding your bikes in the pits, this is a rule for all racing at MHC and we are not exempt. Going from your pit to the track is not a big deal. This rule is to keep guys from doing any testing and or buzzing around the pits and accidentally hitting someone.

As I said I will go into greater detail later on. I think we all can agree these are rules we need to have.
Good idea. Guilty myself of 1 entering the pits wrong, and 2 misunderstanding the flag last time out. Lecture from 1 made me jumpy so 2 happened.

Might be good to make a simple map, with the rules that show both how to enter and exit the pits, and the flag singnals, and give em to the racers as they register. It was my mistake, not entering the pits right. I was getting a signal from the flagman so urgent looking I thought I was not allowed another lap. Lots of easy misunderstandings with idiot novices like me out there. Of course, did I read the rule board the second time there ?, of course not. But I sure managed to forget a rule or two. I'll be sure to take a moment, to review the track rules next time.
I had a blast and hope the race can continue. We have to be very careful about charging higher fees in these tough economic times. I had 3 guys that were going to show up that cited expense as their excuses for not making it to the event. Right now we need as much participation as possible to make this viable also. I could barely afford to go. I am sure each one of us could use some sponsorship to make it a little easier. My buddy who transported Amberwolf and myself to Tucson may not be as excited to go to the next race because I think he was hoping for scantilly clad women, a larger crowd, and an overnight stay. I tried to get him and another friend, with us, to ride in the race with my extra bikes but I was unsuccessful. I had instructed them to bring necessary gear for riding(they already own helmets) but they didn't want to spring for the pads. This is where some of the problem rests. We are doing this for fun and not a living. Almost anything comes up as being more important to alot of potential bike racers instead of having to lay out cash for a once a year race. If we could just get them to try it once, they would be hooked. A fourth friend, Roger, with a gasser, was supposed to show up also, but fained getting sick. I later found out he had taken his boat to the lake after he had assured me all week that he was going to meet us there and race. :roll: Tried to get azbill to go to the race and ride to Tucson with Roger but he said that he had to babysit grandkids. So....Most of us wanted to stay overnight but one person couldn't. Most of us that wanted to stay overnight, were ok with camping to cut cost, but 2 don't like camping. See how it just starts multiplying! :shock: I showed up at the event with no sleep because I ran out of time ratting my race bike together. I said come hell or high water I was going to be there....AND I WAS! Finishing top in e-bike class! I challenge everyone to come and race me for the title. :mrgreen: Come on lets go racing...
I put close to $1,300 into my batteries and controllers for that race. So it's not for the cash short folks to try to podium. Hopefully I can get more than one race out of that cash. If not, It buys a lot of riding other bikes. For me, a few more bux to get in the gate is not going to stop me at all. But for those only casually interested, even the 10 buck pit pass is expensive.

But for those who don't build to win, it's still a blast to go to the race, even just to look at the bikes and watch. The spring race is much much better attended, but not much in the way of trophy girl type babes hanging out. Just a lot of oldish gearheads, and their wives the same age if they come along. :)

The bikes on display last spring were amazing though! and worth traveling a few hundred miles to see. But not if you are completely broke. For transport to the spring race, you might try asking for truck space on the gas bike forums. Maybe you can hitch along with them as they pass through Phoenix.

Another option worth looking at, If I came and spent the night before in Phoenix, I could bring a small trailer. 4 of us could cram inside the subaru, and 4-5 bikes on the trailer.
Yes guys the Spring race is usually packed with riders. It by far has always been the big enchilada of Death Race. I am very hopeful we will have the same turn out as years past.

I just wanted to share with you guys that i got my elbow and knee pads at a thrift store. Two pairs of Elbow pads and two pairs of knee pads which I lend out the extra pair to friends. I paid less then $5 for all four. They are not high dollar stuff but they sure have saved some skin. Sometimes you can get real lucky and find some nice gear at thrift stores.

MHC was really relaxed when it came to gear but we are going to have to insist for now on no one is allowed on the track without proper gear. And if you see someone without gear on speak up! I will admit there was times I did not have the proper gear, I usually lent my pads to someone else.

But the track could get in big trouble by the county if someone gets hurt and they find out the proper gear was not being used. So for our protection and the track elbow, knee, gloves, helmet, long sleeve shirt and pants and good shoes will be a MUST!

Trust me.....Your gonna wanna have pads on even if you go down at 20mph. When you fall at MHC even at 20mph your gonna slide a good distant and leave your DNA all over the track.

Also another thing I need the racers to help out with is keep an eye on others bikes. If you see someones bike that may be unsafe please speak up. We dont want to keep anyone off the track but if someone bike looks questionable for safety please notify me or one of the track officials. Lets watch out for each other so nobody gets hurt.

So far everyone seems to have well built bikes that can handle the track. There is a lot more stress on the bikes that you could never duplicate on public streets.
Yup, all my race gear is thrift store or flea market. I hunted the thrift stores for a thick leather jacket to wear, but then found a real motorcycle armored jacket at the flea. Saved about $140 on that jacket. Helmet from the flea. Armored pants from the big bike swap in Tucscon. Gloves are not too expensive.

I can bring a few extra sets of knee pads to loan out. One set of elbow pads.

I totally agree some protection is mandatory on the track.
FR31, you make it sound as if the rules were a bit lose last Oct yet I didn't see many being bent. Some early riders cut across the track to sweep some dirt off; Dogmanz was chided for a couple of unintended misdomeanors and the lead guy early in the race didn't have gloves so was DQ'ed. More like a harried skeleton threesome, working with a crowd of novices, kept the rules enforced as noticed. I thought the race environment was safe, though I agree, being proactive with rules always pays dividends in safety and fewer hard feelings from misunderstandings. I was really impressed with having an ER person at the track.

May I have dibs on no.#55 :wink:

Does MHC now have a black DQ flag? Be glad to help out, could order 1 and deliver it with my 'helpful' smile!
You had to be at past DR to see how it was. Some of us were confused at Halloween race cause we had never seen MHC even care about the rules before. I think something must have happened to where they need to enforce the rules of the track a little more.

This has nothing to do with anything anybody did at the UnDead race. We just all need to get onboard with the rules....same rules that we had before, they just really were not enforced before but I was told they will be for now on.

I would assume MHC has all the flags they need? What kind of a race track does not have flags for racing? I was told all future Death Races will run with full flags and to be sure all racers know what they mean. It would be nice not having one flag for everything.
Yeah. :lol: :lol: I just saw checkers out of the corner of my eye, and had just been lectured what that meant. The owner told me he didn't have an actual black flag. But it's time the death race played by the same track rules as all races there. Obviously insurance requires it. If he needs a black flag that day, I'll just happen to have one.
SoSauty #55 is yours...

First come first serve reserve your numbers now so far only 31,7 and 55 reserved.


A little confusing going from one forum to another so for any questions or concerns you may contact me @ fr31mb@live.com You guys can go ahead and post questions or anything but if I do not respond quick enough shoot me an email.