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Turnigy HXT Powered Custom Cruiser Worklog

XP = best MS OS IMO

Vista was a joke. Win7 is crippled and plauged with its own crap, but once you turn off all the homo settings by configuring for best performance, and turning off a zillion useless services, its not too awful.

If you want performance and stability, many linux distros can out perform anything m$ has ever offered.
liveforphysics said:
XP = best MS OS IMO

Vista was a joke. Win7 is crippled and plauged with its own crap, but once you turn off all the homo settings by configuring for best performance, and turning off a zillion useless services, its not too awful.

If you want performance and stability, many linux distros can out perform anything m$ has ever offered.

HAHA oh Luke...XP = Soooooo Slooooooooow .... Win 7 pisses all over it buddy ...

As for Linux been there done that over it, my thoughts on Linux now for everyday use


and for you Apple loving Frock motor users-->


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Back to the workshop lunch break is over :)

AussieJester said:
Ypedal said:
Doh.. i hates vista... but i'd look for recently installed windows automatic updates messing up the works.

I liked Vista was a resource hog but i have heaps of resources LoL...Windows 7 is the ducks nuts IMO

As to auto updates what ya think the chances are of me having that turned on on a pirated copy of Win7 YPedal Man :mrgreen: I manually download updates NOT from Microsoft which i havent done for months...

I did just install Windows Live as per your suggestion, works well shall stick with this for now, just need
to get my contacts onto the thing...


If your copy of Win7 is OEM, I have several codes you can use if your copy becomes "unactivated". Or disks if necessary :wink:

AussieJester said:
p.s YES the bike is MOBILE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :mrgreen:


I can't wait to see it run!!!!

I'm so excited for you my friend!
Video is uploading to youtube as i type this

I didnt ride the bike today, it only JUST got ridden few issues came up
mechanically, the reduction drive aaaah i missed tightening a couple of bolts
and of course they aren't reachable when the unit is bolted in place, i managed to "nip" them
up enough for the test, time was the enemy, Matt.P had family commitments so
the bike was ridden as was...carefully...it was also in 3rd gear, that said...there aint
no flat roads here...there were also 'sync' issues, Matt reported 'surging'
i think this will be rectified when the correct ratio is available for the hills its taking on
The motor got HOT VERY hot i inspected the windings it aint burnt, the ESC got
VERY hot also...OH 37c here today so prolly not the best time to pull 3rd gear on
big hills..hahaa...ill sort the gear shift tomorrow, soz fellas, simply ran out of time today and i wanted Matt
to be the first to ride the bike after all the assistance he has given me ON TOP of that! he never got to ride
my trike! if you guys new the half of it you would understand, this bike wouldnt be where it
is now if it was for Matts assistance...thax mate......

I'll organise a couple of buds for the weekend for a 'follow me' video as per the trike vid
just need to take MR Recumpence SiRs reduction drive out tighten 2 bolts, adjust the brakes

Shall link to video when its finished uploading...again..nothing special guys dont get ya hopes up, simply PROOF
it is running.... more to come VERY soon chaps, i didn't want to, but i have
decided it will remain as is till i have ridden it and it is filmed as per the trike was...

best i can offer for now lads...thanks to all for the assistance to this stage, much more
to come...


p.s Gary,,with the LVC lead hooked to Mr Fetchers box of tricks...no sync with the ESC im afraid...no biggy...only tried
it once will look ino it again tomorrow, even if it dont work for me...non issue as far as im concerned
i have TURNIGY meter to keep am eye on things now ...<--Amberwolf...it was delivered this arvo JUST prior to the ride, ill get your 'care package' off Monday buddy...

This morning i finished off the last of the wiring


I have cable sleeved everything, again thanks to Greig from GaMMods

OK..as mentioned above..video-->


..back to the mates and the beerz back also soon with more vidz

Thanks again all


Can't wait to see it in its final trim. Good Job Kim & thanks, for bringing us along.
Its a runner!!!!

Fantastic work KiM!

I wasn't able to hear the bike over the music, but I could hear the sweet scream of that HXT motor in my mind as I was watching. :)

I think very soon you will be mounting one of those damn slick little hall sensor blocks made by Burtie, and slapping a 6-12fet infinion controller in that baby. ;) It will let you use the extra space in that battery box for expanding another 6S or so in series. :) :) Then you will have more RPM/Speed of than 180KV turnigy, and a huge boost in starting torque, and no more surge/sync issues. :)

Very cool to see this machine run after seeing every step of the build progress. :)

Super cool KiM!!

Best Wishes,
Thud...Miles..FrankG...Luke & Malcom...cheers guys...sorry i didnt get
some better video was my fault, i ran into issues i didn't expect as a result time became an issue
very disappointed TBH as Matt bought his cruiser up today and i would have LOVED to have got to have a ride around
and done some time trials (of Matts ride ONLY..for now) oh Matt .. Flav's been telling the other two that rocked up about your bike hahah hes so impressed with it...

Luke.. even the FROCK motor brigade
would be jealous of the little noise this setup makes...i think
i need a couple more 180kvs bolted on to satisfy my noise needs :: wink::
loudest thing is the freewheel click click click of the 3 speed hub...and
non-hub motors are meant to be noisy SOMEONE lied to me Luke LMAO :mrgreen:

Back to the workshop thats where the BeeRz are and the mates...till tomorrow all..


edit. p.s Mr Fechter...can you make that persons name blue i asked about please... :)
Sweeet !!! way to go Kim ! 8)

We needz video without music, i'd love to hear the motor under load.

I have had no sync issues with my HV except under dead stop conditions standing in tall grass.. and at this point it's a tossup between sync and belt slippage on the motor pulley, those little 3210's are surprisingly powerfull.

37 celcius.... you bastard... i'm soo jealous.. 20cm of snow today and can't see more than 20 ft before whiteout conditions.. grrrrr...
Ypedal said:
We needz video without music, i'd love to hear the motor under load.

Yeah will happen..needed mooosic on this one to cover mine and Flavs drunkin rambles as Matt
rode the bike LoL...

Ypedal said:
I have had no sync issues with my HV except under dead stop conditions standing in tall grass.. and at this point it's a tossup between sync and belt slippage on the motor pulley, those little 3210's are surprisingly powerfull.

I seriously doubt i will either, 3rd gear on these hills the motor was not struggling but it was feeling it, that said Wats Up only reported 4500watt...i did say to Matt take it easy unfortunately he has to or the motor would have been pulled into the belt thanks to my numbnuts forgetfulness to pull up to bolts on it :-S

On the stand i can rev the throttle it never loses sync, i guess illhave to experience the hassles i here the grumbles about before i even think of hall sensors...i dont want more than 48v ill leave that too Luke and Methy ;)

Ypedal said:
37 celcius.... you bastard... i'm soo jealous.. 20cm of snow today and can't see more than 20 ft before whiteout conditions.. grrrrr...

After near 3 weeks of 30c plus days and 20C plus nights its staring to get old i tellz ya, still 2 months to go of it too :: sigh:: Febs usually the hottest month LoL..aint seen nothin yet hahaha

Think you best check the Jack Rickard thread to YPedal ya buddy Bikeraider might need some translating :mrgreen:


p.s and yes Malcom Matt is a "short ass" so he makes the bike look big have a look at past pics of me on it im a fat...erm BEEF CAKE ass hehehe...I make it look small LMAO...

Frank as i said in MSN no pedals were used, start up is fine the motor ticks over beautifully from idel right through the range...
Awesome Kim!!! :mrgreen: How come you are stuck in third gear? Even without a cable attached you can change gears right? Have a cold one for me beefcake, you certainly deserve it for your patience, attention to detail (besides those two bolts :wink: ), and you perseverence. Will be looking forward to updates....
etard said:
Awesome Kim!!! :mrgreen: How come you are stuck in third gear? Even without a cable attached you can change gears right? Have a cold one for me beefcake, you certainly deserve it for your patience, attention to detail (besides those two bolts :wink: ), and you perseverence. Will be looking forward to updates....

Be 'default" thats what these 3 speeds are in, you need the cable to pull it into 2nd and first, the cable isnt connected...you cant simply put the chain in and pull it into gear it doesn't stay in gear it springs back to 3rd, 5 minutes and ill have a cable hooked up and t working just rsan out of time Matt.P had to shoot off he was running late as it was.

Amberwolf...the actuators are on there and they are working, have a bar mounted momentary switch ;)

Cheers guyz...back to bed 3.3am couldnt sleep bloody heat..

nicobie said:
I'll bet you get a lot of use out of it. It looks like a blast to ride.

I'll get back to you on that later today buddy hehe and yeah im sure this will
see more use than the trike, i only used the trike when i had to go get some supplies from shops
trikes are just boring as batshit to ride IMO (deltas like mine...Recumpence's high powered tadpoles would be a WHOLE
different kettle of fish, be some serious fun times on one of them
) With the two wheeler i will
actually go for a ride for the simple enjoyment of a ride not just because i need
to go somewhere...

Hopefully its a lil cooler today, make a few minor adjustments and do some riiiiding myself :)

recumpence said:
The motor and ESC heat is from running it at low throttle setting with high load, normally.

Shift it into first and the heat should go way down.


Cheers Matt, i thought as much, 3rd is a high gear for these hills luckily it was Matt.P riding it and not my heavy ass
it would of quit i think LoL... Matts a great test rider, now if only i can talk him into riding it at the Motorplex for me hehee

Thanks for the info on the surging issue and the LVC lead prob...shall get back to you on the interface loan shortly :)

Been watching this from the start great to see it on the road and looking good it is! Love the lowrider look it has cruising down the pavement. Yes expect the other gears will be good performance wise. Looking forward to the finished product with paint and all. You left some good DIY info to help others who are capable to attempt the same type of build. Don't think I am quite up to it at the moment but maybe a future project will spring up.
Fantastic work KiM, well done on reaching this milestone. Lots more excitement to come. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: