upgrade complete whats next?


100 MW
Jan 18, 2014
central Ohio
The reason I am making a new post as it has been several days since anyone has posted anything new on my old posts. Please don't be mad.
The currie ezip is now officially 36 volts and goes about 17 to 20 miles per hour on flatland and 5 mph up hills I had to actively pedal on before. I had to sign a
paper saying I am responsible for anything that may happen as the throttle I got from dogman has power going to the motor when not twisted. That is perfectly ok with me as now I have cruise control. He hooked up a kill switch near the throttle and when activated the bike will go about 5 mph without twisting the throttle. I have to pedel when starting out as If I don't the motor makes a bad noise. That's ok also just have to pedel for a few seconds to protect the motor.I was very happy with that but the final bill was very high. He told me he would take considerably less and I could make payments over time.
He also told me that with the 3 - 22Ah batteries that I would be able to go to Albany and back on a full charge. That is at least a 20 mile round trip. so I am now up to a top speed near 20 mph and have a 20 mile range at about 10 to 12 mph.
When I get the bill paid which will be awhile it will be time to build the Gary fisher
That is the link for the 3kw motor. Is it front or rear wheel? and is there any way I could make it work without it tearing apart or separating my frame?
Theoretically If I could limit the power going to the motor when starting out from a stop plus pedal some like I do with the currie could I use this motor or a different 3kw motor on the Gary fisher. Is there a special controller that will gradually feed power to the motor so the bike is not damaged. I really want the bike to go 60 mph. I have always wanted a crotch rocket but do not know how to shift the gears with my feet. I don't even know how to drive a standard car. I also don't want to go get a motorcycle license as I would have to learn how to drive one and take a test.plus pay insurance. An e bike that goes 60 mph is a really good compromise. plus its quiet motorcycles are too loud.
Also does drkangel live in upstate NY. I still want to start an e bike club here in upstate NY. I live about 10 miles from the capital which is Albany.
My friend Hubert has his own business and is not interested at this time. I mentioned it too him. I owe him money and will be making payments. I want to learn how to build e bikes myself or better yet with other ES members. Please help me spread the word around E.C.E.C Electric City E bike Club. There is already an electric city bike club but they don't work on the electronics just mechanical. I want a club for e bikes exclusively. Electric scooters is something we could vote on whether we would want to include them or not. I don't have a problem with it. Please let me know. Start spreading the word around. As I stated on an earlier post I also have a friend named Bill. He is into computers and was my tutor for networking in college. I got him the job back in 06.
I have spoken to him and he is willing to network a few PCs with net metting software so that anyone in the world could join the club and experience 2 way audio and video communication. Lets get r done. I think it is a terrific idea but cannot pull it off without a lot of help. If we could get one or two ES members who live around my area It would definitely be a good start. I am sure that my friend Hubert would give us some advice if we ever got organized even if he does not become directly involved. I just need to give him some more money to keep in good standings with him. My friend Bill however I have known for a very long time. Even though e bikes are not his thing he is a member of the electric city bike club and was the guy that told me about it. He is also interested in becoming involved as I mentioned earlier. I really want to pursue this further and hope for support. I look forward to getting feedback on this. I don't want to start another post. Any senior members can change the name of this post to E.C.E.C or electric city e bike club if they wish. thanks latecurtis out.
Hmm, that throttle tested ok before I sent it. But maybe I did the test wrong. Or labeled the wires wrong. Maybe you have the 5v wire going into the throttle hooked to the 5v out wire. Does it modulate at all, or just give full throttle constantly?

Very glad to hear it worked out ok though, as a crude cruise control.
not shure I think 1 to 4 volt was what I needed but will work until I get a left hand thumb throttle because of my arthritis in the right hand. Hubert the guy who fixed the bike would not hook it up on the left handlebar because he is very safety conscious as it is a right hand throttle. good for now though. As of my other questions can we get a bike club going in my area ? Also to my surprise Hubert said he could hook a 3 kilowatt motor up however not to the Gary Fisher but to the currie as it weighs 100 pounds it will stick to the road when going over 50 mph. He is confident that with the right controller and throttle that the power would go gradually to the motor so it wont damage the bike. The Gary fisher will get the curie motor and two of these


The currie will get 4 of these plus the three 22AH lead batteries it already has.


for this

I really hope you have good life insurance because with what you are planning you are going to need it. godspeed and please slow down and smell the roses. :cry:
I read that and am laughing really hard. Check out this video.


You tube has lots of videos racing e bikes. Its awesome. 3 kilowatt kit will happen as long as I can hook up the lead acid batteries in series with the lipos I posted on my post. Will it work ok hooking up 3 12 volt lead batteries in series to 4 - 14.8 volt lipos and what will the total voltage be 7 * 12 for 84 volts
or 14.8 * 7 for 103 volts. 103 volts would be too much for the controller. Total voltage must not exceed 96 volts. Please let me know if it will work.
I am looking on youtube to se if anybody ever jumped over anything with an e bike. I am determined to make evil knevil roll over in his grave.
Sincerelly Latecurtis lol
good luck,you watch youtube all you want most people are assuming you are a delusionalist. good luck with your plan and i hope your plan works for you. good day LATE CURTIS. :lol:
You say you can not drive a car and do not have a motorcycle license but want a 60 mph e- bike which in the eyes of the laws is basically a motorcycle. I really hope for your sake and the people who are your family know your plans as you are not long for this world. ask dogman and anyone else what you want is basically a motorcycle. sorry if i seem crass but your plan has more holes than swiss cheese. I really hope you do not become the late curtis as in the ground late curtis. sorry if this offends you but i really do not want to read about your demise. there are a few people expei renced enough on this forum that can do what you are proposing but i am guessing they are much older than you and have more knowledge than you or myself. again sorry if you take offense but i really hope you think this thru. good luck in your endevours. :?
No slacker and dan. I don't take offense. just laughing my ass off.

I do have a license to drive a car but it expired on my birthday april 26. I need to renew it and have to pay 65 dollars to DMV. also I can drive automatics never learned standard or motorcycle. I am also almost 50 years old. If I did hook up a 3 kilowatt motor I would not be going over the speed limit of 30 or 35 mph in town only on smooth straightaway's out of town.; Way too many pot holes in Schenectady NY. I usually only do 10 to 15 tops in most part of town.
Yes I do want to convert my bike into an electric crotch rocket. And yes I do want to jump over a vehicle in the fall but it most likely wont happen. First of all I would need a large swimming pool to land in and the pool would be drained of water and be filled 8 feet with bags of leaves. It would be simple and cheap to fill up 5 or 6 pickup trucks with bags of leaves. The other thing would be the ramp. It would have to be twenty or 30 feet long for a gradual incline. velocity and weight would have to be calculated and recalculated. I believe it would be possible to do with a relatively small chance of serious injury or death. The landing is usually what results in serious injury or death. Not the jumps themselves. As long as you got enough cushion and land where you are supposed to. I should come out of it in one piece.
Most likely I will be spending any money or time in building an electric car or small pick up truck though as my wife and I are getting older and want to travel. At 70 she is not interested in e bikes. If it don't have 4 wheels under it she don't want it. A hybred would work but they are expensive new and I don't know if I could get one used. My e bike goes 20 mph and has a range of twenty miles. I don't know if I will get a 3 kilowatt motor or not. but you never know.
Almost 50 with a wife of 70.... Not sure how much, if any, of this to take seriously it made me laugh too when I noted you explaining how it's not usually the jumping part that hurts lol, I agree! Few people manage to break bones before impact.
latecurtis you can go fast for free, don't need a 3kW motor. Just find a steep hill and ride down as fast as you can. Put it on YouTube.
Late curtis i am laughing my ass off after reading your plan of the leafs in the pool jump. you must have some really good drugs as your plan is insane. hope your insurance premiums are paid as you will need it. good luck. :mrgreen:
Kudos + 1 dan, priceless. some days i wake up crabby but most of the time i let her sleep. ride on :evil: