Luke's new race bike build thread.

Thud beat me to hosting i slept in today late night last night...

If i were you Luke i would take the pedals off altogether and focus
on a full e-race bike get a fairing off a lil 125 modify it too fit
seeing you need no clearance for pedals the batteries could be mounted more central list goes on, if your
beating the e-motorcyles now imagine what some aero could achieve ;)
Forget the e-bicyle stuff mate motorcyles is were its at and you got ALOT more

Well done all all counts anywayz buddy thanks again for the brilliant photos
was great to wake up to some fiiiiiine e-class pics ;)


EDiT...Just got email through from Luke, he finished 3rd!!! Some more mods and he will be fighting for the top of the podium WELL DONE mate outstanding...Put that in your pipe and smoke it BiMoped you bipolar trolling retarded prick.
AussieJester said:
Put that in your pipe and smoke it BiMoped you bipolar trolling retarded prick.

Now THAT is some funny Sh!t LOL!!

I think ill add that to my signature! Lol!
Sorry I couldn't get to the pics soon enough; I was at work until jsut about dark. Awesome race results, though. :)
Epic, pure epic....also....guys are you sure you dont want to save the bioped jabs for the race track? :mrgreen: And really big one for Luke to really inject the racing spirit into this group with builds like this one.

Inspiring i think is the word.

I imagine that you will see some serious fast bikes in the near future from this group thanks to threads like this.
Holy Cow, Luke.

Freaking EPIC man!

Geeze. I love the pic of CL standing next to your bike. To the uninitiated all it looks like is some dude standing next to a garbage picked bike. But, to those in the know, that picture is pure artwork.

I love the 3rd place finish. That even impressed my wife and she is tough to impress. Well done Man, well done.

I also love how AJs Bimoto bashing post was picked up and quoted before it was deleted.

I love this forum.......... :mrgreen:

yeah, pretty much since the picture of cl on your bike lfp, you are my new idol.
since you just won 3rd in a motorcycle competition, now i just want to BE you.
You better be uploading gopro footage while you are sleeping :p.

You know that means that you probably have the best electric bike race results in the world ever right?
I have been pondering the magnitude of this achievement overnight considering the fact that ol' rusty (ol' pinky's spawn) had no suspension! This machine was essential elegance.

Hope to see the Orange, White and Black umbrella girls at the next race! :mrgreen:
Video of me running this bike at Laguna!!!

Awesome dude very awesome I'm so envious!
Fantastic effort Luke, the corck swrew for the first time must have been
daunting, very famous corner, camera i know doesn't do justice to the elevation change
only that its a blind corner which is again, frightening..Did you ever see footage of Valentino passing Casey Stoner
through the corkscrew in i think the 2009 season?

Congrats again Luke top effort

I think I saw that pass AJ, pure awesomeness! Is that where he went off in the dirt and still made it past? If Rossi is the Doctor, what will they call Luke, the Scientist? :lol:
The *Mad* Scientist, I'd bet. ;)
etard said:
I think I saw that pass AJ, pure awesomeness! Is that where he went off in the dirt and still made it past? If Rossi is the Doctor, what will they call Luke, the Scientist? :lol:

Thats the one, only someone like Rossie would attempt it ...actually Simoncelli would now he's racing MotoGP too LoL

BIIIIG thanks for the video! :mrgreen:

Luke, Please what are your impressions about this motor you used?

I saw you got 28 hp at the wheel on the dyno from that 5kW rated Golden motor? :shock:

Could it be a great choice of non hub brushless motor?

Doctorbass said:
BIIIIG thanks for the video! :mrgreen:

Luke, Please what are your impressions about this motor you used?

I saw you got 28 hp at the wheel on the dyno from that 5kW rated Golden motor? :shock:

Could it be a great choice of non hub brushless motor?


This one is actually a custom wind.

The golden is OK. Honestly an Agni is a better motor in everyway, and way easier to control.
Agni + bicycle is the ultimate IMHO.
liveforphysics said:
Video of me running this bike at Laguna!!!


Superb video. Love the sound of the thing. Much nicer than Monster Tajima.


I hope we have GoPro's on every bike at Pikes.
Thanks for the kind words guys. :)
Good show Luke ...
i love the bike ... was it a custom wound made by goldenmotor for you ...and why not go with agni right away you had Cedric with you ...also was that only one turn of the event and the fastest time wins and you came in third you say...that too i would love to see who you beat.

that video of the pikes peak is cool too less than 10 min ...that just happened ...and the nissan leaf did it too in 14 min 33 sec put in perspective the optibike did it in 1 hour 27 min
hahaha very funny AJ i did seen the construction pics
ok then i should just take (i would love to know a little more about the bike) out maybe i will get an answer...loll... cause the rest is not there
Amazing footage.

For the longest time I have just assumed the search for the highest powered setup was an exercise in ego inflation. I get it now. If you wanna play and at least run with the pack, adequate power has to be the least of your concerns..... Definitely one of the coolest, funniest and awe inspiring vidoes I have seen in a while!

Was envisioning Burt Monroe-like reactions from the guys in the pits/trackside..."WTF is that?!" :D

Nice history-in-the making. Congrats.

Lenk42602 said:
Was envisioning Burt Monroe-like reactions from the guys in the pits/trackside..."WTF is that?!"
Rider: "I'll try not to run you over when that thing falls apart..."
Luke: "So, you're saying you're gonna be behind me..."
