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new eZip motor

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LC, you will be able to tame the throttle to a soft start when you learn how to program it. I am sure Luke can help you do it.


Luke lives on the west coast. I live on the east coast.

3.000 miles apart. I doubt we will see each other.

Around here there are very few if any places which work on anything electric on or off road.

The EV revolution has not gained as much popularity here on the east coast as on the west coast.

The fact is it will be next to impossible for me to find someone who will take the time to help me put the FX project together. It is why I asked DA as he is the closest ES member to where I live.

Dan you would be the next closest. I realize that DA does not deal with anything other than legal sane transportation such as 350 W gear reduction or 500 W hub motors.

There is also one more thing. I may be riding e bikes even less this summer than I have this winter. I will need to do much more walking and even may go to a gym and do light weights even though my heart doctor advised against it due to the condition of my heart valve.

The reason for that is my overall health has taken a turn for the worse. Staying at home and playing pirates every day and eating fast foods and candy bars at night after drinking and then going to bed is now giving me early stages of type 2 diabetes.

I am exhausted most of the time as fatigue has progressively got worse. I drool in my sleep as well as get up and down drinking water and releasing it about 10 times or every hour about.
I am uncomfortable now in size 42 jeans and had to buy size 44. Also I am very depressed.

I am eating mostly a dried fruit trail mix and a banana now before sleeping and am stopping McDonald completely and cutting down on pizza to once a week. I will need to go back to walking every day and am going back to the gym next month to do light bicep curls like 30 to 40 pounds and cardio.

I am also going back to my heart doctor this Thursday. I know I cant bench press or go heavy weights especially laying on a flat bench but if I do not get more active and lose at least 30 pounds I will not make it to see 60 years old I do not think. I don't see why sitting upright in the machines and doing some arm curls will blow out a heart valve and I must go back to walking at least 3 miles a day.

It hurts my leg to pedal or do stairs but walking keeps my knee straight and not bent so I must do it. Riding an e bike can not help my health so I will be doing very little. maybe once or twice a week when I need to go to doctors or grocery shop. I will still do a video once in awhile though. The Schwinn and Diamond back sit in the front hall. It has been months now since I rode them.
I am not ever getting rid of them though. I will try to take at least once a week one of them out for a ride.

I am not giving up on the FX dirt bike project either but if I don't get my health in order I may not be around for many more projects. Thanks for posting.

LC out.
Everyone seems to have neglected the most basic principle ...
The use of any mechanical device requires an elemental skill set!
Any high powered motorized vehicle needs an operator fluent in power management.
(A mentality of 100% throttle\100% brakes turns a high performance machine into a danger for the operator and anyone near him.)

LC's fear and ignorance as to the function and operation of brakes and throttle would seem to necessitate that he be restricted to eBikes of very low power and speed!

I know that many are watching and waiting for the inevitable train wreck.
Others might think LC deserves the right to go out with a bang.
But, rather than encourage recklessness, I merely try to introduce a bit of reasonability ...
Sorry to hear that LC. Most here have said something about your habits but I guess you took it as a dig not a health concern.

You can walk, you can ride and PEDAL. You need to set the seat just high enough so you don't hurt your knee. You don't need to put much pressure to spin the crank. Ride the Schwinn and use the throttle just enough so you can pedal and use your muscles some. I lost 20 lbs a couple years ago by just ridding and pedaling. Not hard just enough to sweat. You don't need to go anywhere just ride. Drink Water not beer, eat your trail mix not all that fast food. It's a hell of a lot cheaper thatn the gym and much more fun.

The small bikes are not your size to ride. Can't pedal since your too tall for them. Ride the SCHWINN!!!.

Diabetes, heart problems and BPH are all accelerated and/or amplified by being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle, as is feeling fatigued!

Want to Live life ...
rather than escape life with alcohol and gameplaying?

(Excess food also acts as a drug! Making you warm and comfortable and lazy.)
Yes it is possible for me to pedal however just doing light duty pedal assist up hills causes severe pain.

Walking (with the right shoes) does not cause much pain and the treadmill at the gym also allows me to work up a sweat and if I can get my diet under control maybe lose a pound or two. :D

Then there is the thing about being out of shape. At 51 years old I do not wish to be a fat lazy target walking or riding around. I was always heavy but a wrecking machine in my youth up until the last few years. I do not wish to become a decrepit old man who can easily be mugged on the streets by some punk. I do live in the hood.

Obviously with my bad knee and size I wont be throwing my feet around like Van Damm so my only defense and offense is my upper body or my arms. Working my arms with bicep curls every other day or three days a week at the Planet fitness gym right around the corner basically will increase the power in my already large arms so if I have to BLAST some punk in his face he will see stars as well as the pavement nice and up close when he is kissing it. :lol: :lol:


walked about 2 miles. Went to Wendeys :lol: . I am 51 years old and ate Mcdonalds 4 over 40 years and last week ordered 3 double cheesburgers and a small fry. All was cold.
including the fries. First double went down and took a bite out of second and almost puked. Been sitting around 4 hours so I got my money back on the two doubles and will never eat there again.

Wendeys is fresh beef and Luke mentioned I should go vegan 4 my heart valve but I wont eat rabbit food. YUK.

If it would make me live to 100 it still would not be worth it. I like to enjoy my food not eat something that taste like cardboard. :lol:
At least I walked to Wendys instead of sitting on my fat ass turning a knob. :lol: I am lucky as the ortho doctor said I need total knee replacement. When I go to get in a compact car it feels like lettuce or cabbage my knee does. All the cartridge is shot and no space between the bones so pedaling a bike is not good 4 it.

I got to walk again and get the ol lady cigarettes which she don't need. I quit those in 07. Basically I do not have many bad habits except for fast food a few days a week and a few beers at night. Compared to how I was living in my 20s and 30s with the liquer and 24 cut pizzas and about 3 big macs and 3 mcd lts on most days in the 80s I am a picture of health.
I probably the only guy in the gym who benched 350 lbs for reps and then went to a fast food restaraunt and ate over 5,000 calories of meat and grease. :lol:

At least I can stop now with a triple meal which is 3/4 pound of beef. even 10 years ago I could easilly put three of those away. :lol:


LC out.
Health is no longer something I take for granted. I turned 39 recently, which makes me only 12 years younger than LC. In 12 years, my boys will be 14 and 16, and I intend to be playing sports with them, hiking, riding, keeping up with them.

Hell, by 65, I intend to be cycling around Europe with a Euro-standard legal eBike, so I'm gonna need to be fit, and uninjured.

You don't have to be vegan to eat healthy. In fact, most recent study has found even moderately complex carbohydrates can impact cardiovascular health more than natural saturated fat. The two big culprits are:

1. Refined carbs - And I don't just mean sugar. Bread, pasta, potatoes - even baked or boiled, all bad for you.
2. Treated meat - anything with nitrate in it. So steak, good. Roast, good, sausage, bad. meat patty - good if they mince it fresh, bad if it's processed, like Maccas or Wendy's.

So get a slow cooker - get some cheap cuts of meat - blade, brisket, etc. Make yourself hearty stews (but with no potatoes). If you know how to sous vide, you can turn some cheap cuts like oyster blade into fairly tasty yet tender steaks, and buff it out with lots of vegetables. (You can get expensive machines, but if you have a stove where you can very finely control temperature, you can make do - most steaks you soften up 4-6 hours @ 130-135F, then just brown it over an open grill for 2 mins a side will give you medium rare. Add 10*F for every step you want to go up.)

If you can also swap your beers for red wine instead, red wine has a compound called resveratrol, that is mildly good for your heart.

As I get older, my cholesterol has been going up, and my GFR going down, so I'm really needing to start looking after myself. Neither do I want to live forever, but there's a big gap between fast food multiple times a week, and rabbit food for every meal. I'm going to balance a decent diet 5 days of the week, with 2 "enjoyment" days and a bit of exercise. Not running marathons or anything, but get the occasional run or cycle in.
Alcohol and food and computer games is your life?
I recommend you try aiming a bit higher ...
So get a slow cooker - get some cheap cuts of meat - blade, brisket, etc. Make yourself hearty stews (but with no potatoes). If you know how to sous vide, you can turn some cheap cuts like oyster blade into fairly tasty yet tender steaks, and buff it out with lots of vegetables. (You can get expensive machines, but if you have a stove where you can very finely control temperature, you can make do - most steaks you soften up 4-6 hours @ 130-135F, then just brown it over an open grill for 2 mins a side will give you medium rare. Add 10*F for every step you want to go up.)

I read up about potatoes today and it says to limit them or the portions but not to cut them out completely.

Obviously fully loaded baked potato with extra butter and sour cream is NOT healthy but a few small potatoes a day cant hurt with a little butter. People have been eating potatoes for hundreds of years so it sounds like it got a bad rap kind of like eggs.

I ate trail mix about 5AM and a maple muffin with coffee at 4 PM and 4 eggs with two yolks removed with toast about 7 PM. I am not sure whats for dinner but not fast food. Also Wendeys is supposed to be 100% beef and not frozen or processed. It is what they advertise here in the US.

Yes crock pot dinners are delicious. Especially a beef stew with plenty of vegetables and I will only put in a few of those small potatoes around golf ball size they sell that are purple or red color. It says there are health benefits but only in small amounts like less than a tennis ball size daily. Any more the negative outweighs the benefits is what I read.

Not eating any bread or pasta will be the toughest part as I love pasta and often eat Ramen noodles with tuna fish with a little pepper and 1/2 the shrimp flavor packet. Perhaphs there is no hope for me I do not know. The best I can try to do is limit my pizza and cheeseburger intake to two or three times a week instead of 6 or 7. Also if milk is bad too then I will probably be dead in a few years as I down a half a gallon daily on average. :roll:

I am going to solder the bullet connectors tonight to combine those other two LiPo packs Dan sent. I want to get the dual motor 20" bike done this week. Thanks for posting.

LC. out.

I ended up eating a plate of cheese ravioli with a little butter and a glass of milk. I did not feel well and went to bed. I did not feel like soldering or anything. It is about 4 AM now and cant sleep as not drinking any beer. I can sleep for three or four hours then am wide awake. I do not know what I am doing tomorrow. I feel like pigging out on a whole bucket of greasy fried chicken or a 12 cut pizza :cry: It just seems so hopeless. I had slight chest pains all day and do not know if it is my valve or not. then I just got really tired. It has been happening often and those nights I do not even drink one beer. I just sleep.

The problem is I do not like or enjoy preparing healthy meals and I get hungry and just want the feeling to go away. The ol lady is anorexic and maybe 110 pounds if she is lucky. I bring food home but she does not always eat it and sometimes it just sits in the fridge. I do not eat leftovers either. It just seems hopeless.

I have an appointment for the heart doctor at 1 PM on Thursday. the Schwinn has a flat tire from a slow leak and I think the Diamond Back also. Also I am not 44V ready only 22V. The 16AH pack (two 8.0 -6S cells in parallel) are ready and the 24" cargo bike with the 20" wheel on the back. It is reliable but the chain hits the metal bracket driving me insane. I do NOT feel like reinstalling that motor. It will have to do and I am sure they will want to do tests and I am sure I do not want to do the tests. They are going to want to do the surgery which is a metal valve like my friend Dave who is a few years younger than me. It ticks like a time bomb and he has to take blood thinners every day. It is not what I want. I want something less invasive and even if it exists I doubt my insurance will pay for it. Thanks for posting. You are all my friends.

Anyway my friend in Pirates posted these two jokes about a week ago so enjoy. Me and the ol lady read them and got a kick out of them.

LC out.


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As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Turns. Another day.

Well it is 11 AM and I am up and playing pirates. The sun is shining and I DID NOT eat another plate of ravioli's before going back to sleep at 5 AM. I really wanted to but my will power triumphed.

I am not really that hungry but will be in an hour or so.

I want to work on the 20" bike today. I am not really feeling any pain but am always aware that there is an issue somewhere inside my chest. Tomorrow at 1 PM is my appointment so if I do drink beer tonight I have to start early. It is when I wait until after midnight or 11 PM that I end up sleeping the next day away. If I make any progress on the bike I will post. I hope you liked the jokes I posted from the pirate game. There some really funny old Pirates in Grymlorde the brotherhood I am in. these guys really have a good time so if any of you play Pirates Tides of fortune join up with the Grymlorde BH. Cigneous is my friend and used to be leader but is a few years older than I am and has health issues also. He lives on the west coast. LA area.

basically I took the parallel cable apart for almost nothing. I must have looked at it wrong and second guessed my work. I don't know why this is so confusing to me. Anyway I do not know if I had it wrong or not so I must re-solder. The only thing good about it is I have a chance to try and do a better solder job this time. With a fan in the window this time and taking my time I might do a better job hopefully. :roll:

I may not be a genius but a visionary. I am hoping for science and technology to advance to the point where these barbaric surgical procedures would become obsolete. Humans should not have to suffer and die and someday I believe we won't have to. It is why I am not in a big rush to have the doctors butcher me.

I see our future and the evolution of man going in two directions. nano and macro. Basically nanotechnology will cure all disease and heal all human tissue from the inside. The only human mortality will be from accidental death or murder however some religious types will opt. for natural death. I would not be one of them if I make it that far.

Also the moon and definitely planet mars will someday maybe in a few hundred years have an atmosphere and water , grass and trees. All the elements are there. What needs to be done is build factories there and start manufacturing everything there. Millions of gallons of fuel is wasted pushing rockets into orbit. hauling stuff there is most unpractical. On a macro scale giant robots would be massed produced hundreds and even thousands of feet in length or height and will build factories the size of Texas which will convert the raw elements already there to breathable air and water and the planets gravity will do the rest to transform the planet.

maybe I should ask mr. frog. Right now he is a little disenchanted with me as I stuck my face in there and said boo in a low voice and he swam to the bottom. he will take a 6" fish worm right out of my fingers and I give him one a couple times a week when I buy them for the eels. He also will eat scrambled eggs and pieces of chicken.

Ok it looks like the positive wires coming from the packs are female bullets and the plug going to the switch is female so the parallel cable for positive needs to be all male and the negative all female. Also I'm glad I checked as I forgot to put the fuse in before the switch. :roll: I will need a fuse for both sides as the right side is for the front motor and the left side for the rear motor. I am also thinking that I will need a test motor as the two little 280W razor motors I had for my first dual motor a couple years ago got left outside and are rusted and no longer turn.

Since I have put so much time into this I may replace the 500W - 24V rear motor with a 36V 800W motor like the front and another 60T spoke sprocket for the rear so I can have a pedal chain and the 420 heavy duty chain like the front. I already have the spoke mounting kit as I used odd nuts, bolts and washers to mount the front 60T sprocket.

Ok the picture under the mounting kit and bullet plugs shows it before solder wrapped up nice and tight.

I don't know about you guys but I see a lot of improvement in my soldering skills. :D I used plenty of flux and although not perfect I do believe these cables will be around a lot longer than the old packs they are hooked up to.

That will be for the positive for two packs. I will have to repeat it three times to have positive and negative parallel cables for all four packs. It is 2:30 PM now and the fuses need to be installed also so I am not sure if it will all get done today but I know that this dual Unite motor 20" project is going to work and should fly up hills with 1,000 W total geared for 20 mph.


LC out.


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As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns.

Well it turned into an all day project. I do not know when it will be finished now. Tomorrow is shot as I have the doctors appointment and probably wont be in a very good mood when I get back. I may even end up hitting the liqueur store. Either way I will be getting drunk after hearing the heart doctor tell me either I get butchered and I metal heart valve I do not want or I am going to die.
Also he will tell me I can't go back to the gym which I really want to.

Anyway It is all soldered and the wires color coded with the colored rolls of tape I got at Wall-mart. I just have to hook up the throttle and all the wires. I will get to it eventually but am finished for now. It is less than an hour left to get it up and running. I have not even tested the motor in the back since the wire broke and had to take it apart and fix it.

If everything works at 22V LiPo with 500 watts going to each motor then in about a month I will get four 4S LiPo packs and hook up the 36V controllers. Everything being color coded will plug right in. Yellow and blue is the motor wires and red and black for the batteries. The throttle wires are red , black and green. I am a genius and will hit about 33 mph when I run it at 36V and 1 HP to each motor. :twisted:

I am starving. I had Ramon noodles with tuna for lunch 6 hours ago and I guess the ol lady is making steak ums for dinner.

LC out.


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Everything seems to be in working order. Ready for a test run.

The strange thing is when I was running the test for the front wheel separate I thought the rear switch was in the off position but there seemed to be power coming from it. Mabye it was not off. I don't know.

However what I do know is my doctors appointment is in 1 hour and five minutes so if this thing is running I will be going to try and make it there. I will bring my camera. I will not be doing top speed with these old batteries however I am very curious how it will do up hills with two motors. :p


I could not get the front door open and did not want to be late so I grabbed the 16 AH 6S pack and went out the back and used the 24" cargo bike to go to the doctor.
The screws were loose and the ol lady had it fixed when I came home so there was enough daylight for two videos.

I stated awhile back that they were slowing down and someone posted that they are only 6 months old. They did slow down one time awhile back but I think maybe they were not fully charged or maybe I only LiLo charged them to 4.1V. Anyway they are fine now and got me home without any slowing down and it has been about 20 charging cycles later since that time.

The two videos I did are with the dual motors and Dan's old Packs. I can see a big difference in power up that hill from the single motor on the 24" bike. The Diamond Back with the front hub motor however is still a little better up the hill. 800 watts with 16 mph gearing will beat 1,000 watts with 22 mph gearing but not by a lot. Only a slight difference. Top speed is about the same as the Diamond Back I think at 48V.

The other thing though is I ran four fully charged SLAs back when they were only about a month old so voltage for the Diamond Back was 13.2 * 4 = 52.8V and the dual motors now are running 4.16V * 6 = 24.96V each. as they have been sitting a couple weeks since I charged them. This means that total power for the 20" bike is < 1,000 watts and Total power for the hub motor on the Dimond Back was > 800 watts.

If I get new batteries and hook up the two 36V controllers this little bike will smoke the Diamond Back. I will have 1,500 watts or two horsepower instead of 1,000 watts or less.

However I think it is time to build the Haro V3 instead. I have enough small bikes and only one 26" mountain bike which is the Schwinn. I will be ordering a 3,200 watt Alien power motor and controller and a spoke sprocket next for a 40 mph Haro V3. Thanks.

LC out.


As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns. Four electric bikes.

I now have four running e bikes. Two hub motor and two chain drive.

I guess nobody wants to post any more.

If someone does however, my question is would the bike have more power if hooked up the throttle like this diagram then the way I did it which is nothing like the diagram. I simply hooked the throttle wires from the two controllers in parallel with the throttle.

I do have more power than a single motor but am not sure it is double the power. I know it is at least 50% more power by the feel but would I get closer to 100% more power if I wired it like this instead of parallel ?
Also I still do not know what a hall sensor is. I have heard about it many times and thought it was for a brush less motor only.

This is not something I wish to experiment with. It would be easy to do as i could just unplug the red and the back from the rear motor and leave the green one hooked up. However to make sure i do not screw it up
I would like a definite answer first.


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Can do that if you are using the same battery for both controllers. It shouldn't make it any faster than what you have done. It is running, good job.

There is no way to tell your wattage without a watt meter. Numbers don't lie they say. But you need the real numbers from a meter to get it right. I peak out at 2000watts but only like 400 at 20mph and like 1500 at 30mph. After that I can't look, need to see what I'm gonna hit or not.

Thank you Dan.

I am up early as I have cut WAY DOWN on my drinking. I only had one 25 oz can and could not finish the second. I poured half of it out.

I am going to look for a watt meter as well as a wireless speedo so I can have them on-board for my test run videos.

I might do another run today. I topped off those old packs awhile watching a movie last night. It only took about 30 minutes per pack balanced charged separate due to their age.

They were not even below 4.0 V per cell I don't think.

LC out.
latecurtis said:
Thank you Dan.

I am up early as I have cut WAY DOWN on my drinking. I only had one 25 oz can and could not finish the second. I poured half of it out.

I am going to look for a watt meter as well as a wireless speedo so I can have them on-board for my test run videos.

I might do another run today. I topped off those old packs awhile watching a movie last night. It only took about 30 minutes per pack balanced charged separate due to their age.

They were not even below 4.0 V per cell I don't think.

LC out.
They shouldn't be full charged and stored long. Over night for a full charge is a long time as I have read. charge them and run them. Sitting charged lowers capacity. A wireless speedo is as much work as a wired one if not more, Cheap wired is better sometimes as a wireless needs to be close to the transmitter on the fork. Yes you need at least one.


I am installing a cargo rack and then plan on taking them for a good run. I will post another video.
I am hooking the four packs to the balancer to get a reading on each before combining.

cargo rack almost finished installing so hopefully will be rolling before dark.
OK cool. I will do that as soon as I post this.

It turned out to be an all day project. I was really short on the right size nuts and bolts and much drilling was required as well as some cursing and beating up my electric drill. :lol:

It is an old drill because as far as I know they do not make electric drills with a chuck key anymore so I cant replace the lost one that came with it. You would think that with my settlement and with a good 10,000 dollars that I would have got a new drill by now but am still using vice grips.

Also I had to go with wood for the side the rear motor chain was on as I did not have steel long enough and the chain was in the way to run the steel brace like I did on the other side.
I was really losing it but the ol lady came to the rescue with some grub. Perogies and corn. Maybe not the healthiest but it got me in a better mood as all I ate earlier was an apple fritter with about five cups of coffee.

Basically if you ever saw the original Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome you probably remember the little midget Master and his big friend Blaster. Well I am ready to film a sequel to it with the midget Master as my rear cargo basket is strong enough to put him in it with a machine gun. :lol: :lol:

Another video should be up tomorrow if it don't rain. Thanks for posting Dan. I will take readings for each pack with three balancers and post the results. Not sure if I am riding tonight as it is dark and I have to walk for exercise for my heart.

LC out.


I just showed the ol lady the finished cargo basket and pointed to the Haro V3 hanging on the wall stating that it is my next project and told her that I was going to spend about $500 ordering parts to make it go 40 mph. :lol: :lol:
Now is a good time to take that walk as you can probably figure with four e bikes already and two vehicles sitting in the back yard OFF THE ROAD that she might be just slightly disenchanted over that news. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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latecurtis said:
Also I still do not know what a hall sensor is. I have heard about it many times and thought it was for a brush less motor only.

Hall effect sensor return a different voltage depending on how strong a magnetic field is near it, usually by the distance of a magnet. So it's used in most throttles, to detect how much you've turned the throttle. It's used because the two parts don't need to touch, they're considered more reliable. Also, they're considered to "fail safe". Not that they're safe from failing, but if they do fail, then they fall to a safe state - that is, if something malfunctions, it is more likely to return 0 voltage, than full voltage, hence stop the bike rather than make it go wild.
Sunder said:
latecurtis said:
Also I still do not know what a hall sensor is. I have heard about it many times and thought it was for a brush less motor only.

Hall effect sensor return a different voltage depending on how strong a magnetic field is near it, usually by the distance of a magnet. So it's used in most throttles, to detect how much you've turned the throttle. It's used because the two parts don't need to touch, they're considered more reliable. Also, they're considered to "fail safe". Not that they're safe from failing, but if they do fail, then they fall to a safe state - that is, if something malfunctions, it is more likely to return 0 voltage, than full voltage, hence stop the bike rather than make it go wild.
Sunder, you forgot the other hall sensor. the one used in the motors that tell the controller which phase wire to power in what order. I know you didn't forget you just didn't want to confuse LC.

As for the throttle failure, I have had a few. Non were the hall sensor but the magnet positioning. Either the magnet fell out of place and either I had little throttle or it wouldn't stop. Other was the plastic stop in the twist throttle snapped and it too would keep going. The way to stop was to hold the throttle twisted a little back. That is why I have a switch to cut power if needed. If that doesn't work my brakes do a pretty go job at it. Hint, Hint, LC :mrgreen:

So LC did you live after you told her, you are gonna spend her money on another bike? Keep it up and you will have as many as I do, and I still have a wife.


I am lucky the silicone held up as I remember when I did the first video yesterday I faked pedaling and is why the rear motor wire wire nut fell off as the wire caught in the pedal.

I put another on before the video in the parking lot and today awhile installing the basket I noticed how it happened and used two zip ties to tie that wire to the frame so the pedal clears.

Also I got AA , aAA and 9V batteries all new at the dollar tree and my volt meter is fixed. The old battery was 5.4V and the new ones are 9.3V and the AA ans AAA 1.5V so I think I might be good however the SLA only reads 11.89 but the desulfater is reading 13V so I need to calibrate it tomorrow with the LiPo packs and the LiPo charger mabye for better accuracy at the higher voltages. Thanks.

LC. out.
Not quite forgot. There are lots of uses for hall sensors, including in distributor caps, and crank angle sensors. I was just giving one example on the eBike that wasn't in a brushless motor.

You could put one in a brushless motor, but the only reason I could see, was to measure the speed. I think you could read that in other ways like back EMF without a hall sensor though, so I don't know what one would be doing inside a brushed motor.
As the hub motor turns and the LiPo Fire Burns. Last e bike build.

Basically I have two hub motor e bikes. The Schwinn and the Diamond Back. They also are both semi professional builds. I say semi as the schwinn has a milk crate for a basket on the back for holding batteries which I can run LiPo or SLA. The milk crate really don't look that bad but it is a milk crate.

The Diamondback has a wood box for three 10 AH SLAs. The hub kit came with a battery pouch which looks professional and is strapped to the front handelbars and looks good.

Then there is the two chain driven cargo bikes with the big heavy Unite motors. Not very professional but with a few minor adjustments and upgrades they will both be very capable cargo haulers.

The Haro V3 will be my second 26" bike and will go 40 mph. It will have a 63 mm Alien power motor and custom KV. and custom controller courtesy of Bruno from Alien power. Also it will not cost a lot of money.

I am thinking about using threaded rod for the spoke sprocket and two mounting kits. One I already have so I can attach the spoke sprocket to the spokes on BOTH sides of the wheel for extra strength.

After that is finished I do not plan on building any more electric bicycles.

It will then be time for an electric motocross off road dirt bike with the FX 75-5 motor geared for 90 mph and cranking out the maximum horsepower that is possible with the controller LVP sent.

I talked to the ol ladies son Johnny who is a truck driver and was here for Christmas. He has a welder and I will be able to weld brackets to a stripped dirt bike frame for the motor.
I am hoping to at least get started on it by this summer. Also by the end of Spring I would like to be cruising at 40 mph with my Alien powered V3. Thanks

LC out.
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