Spring Update 2015
New Headlights
Some time ago during the last winter I upgraded the headlights to throw a lot more light onto the road. Previously the dual Cree UniqueFire 300 Lumen setup just seemed to be getting dimmer with time. I swapped these out with a pair of high-powered triple-LED flashlights on sale from Home Depot, individually capable of 1000 Lumens. During the mod I figured out how to bypass the Clicky and make them single-mode. They are wicked-bright and throw a nice spread well in front, and more importantly – I'm visible to other drivers from a good long distance. Got to be happy about that.
Winter Tire Swap
Well… we really didn’t get that cold this year. I did put the knobby on the rear, though we had like maybe 5 days of frost this season so I never got around to mounting the studded front. Now that we’re officially into spring, I need to swap that tire off for improved mileage and cornering.
Battery Pack
On April 4th, after
TeslaNV joined the 60 mph Club on the dragstrip at
Pacific Raceways, I got the bug to upgrade my pack voltage from 15S/63 volt to 20S/84 volt. It had been a year since I last balanced this pack. Surprisingly most of the cells were within 0.04V except for a couple which had bad balance wires and thus unavailable for measurement. All cells were manually balanced at this time to 3.88V. A total of 4 batteries were removed, with 2 being replaced for the reasons above. Removing one battery from each side of the Commuter Pack reduced from 18 batteries to 16 /4 so there would be 2 “units” on each side. The Saddlebags hold 6 batteries x 2, so I crafted a shared single wire cable for the split-unit.
DC-DC Converter
This device is rated at 36-75VDC IN, so going to 84V would have been a problem. My EE buddy suggested I tap off the 3rd battery in series of a 4-battery unit and pull that forward for the supply. Did that; took 3 times to get the wiring right. Plugged that into the V+ feed to the DC-DC Converter but then realized that the Black Box-OUT sends VBatt as Vcc_L back to the controllers; no good. Resolved by fetching a 12V/50A Relay from Napa Auto and wired it to a 12V/GND existing stub (nicely convenient). Testing proved this could work:
- When keyswitch is enabled, the 3rd-Tap Power (63V) feeds the DC-DC Converter and energizes the 12VDC circuit. This enables the relay to ON and correctly sent VBatt (84V) back to the controllers. 8)
Velcro Strap
The strap at the top tube which prevents the PE shields from migrating was becoming abraded, and has been replaced.
Reviewed past experiences and have decided to initially program the controllers to have similar power, although the current will be reduced to map with the change in voltage. Also need to validate that the R12 mod is sufficient for 84V, otherwise… Rediscovered my old BT app that I wrote 2 years ago and found all the cabling. No written record on how to do this, but I did take screen caps – evidently in preparation to document.
Previous notes from 10/2012 say: “FH Controller is presently set for 18A Battery/45A Phase, and the RH Controller is set for 22A Battery/56A Phase.” However it appears that I was tinkering (at least with the RH) with 24.2/60.8. Battery Amps based on the Commuter Pack, is 4 x 5 x 15C (Max) = 300. No fear here. The initial testing began with FH @ 18/45 Batt/Phase Amps and RH @ 20/50. The 1st speed test was on April 10th, with a resulting maximum velocity of 50.4 mph (averaged between the two wheels). The next day I upped the power a bit more to FH 21.6/49.6 and RH 24.2/56.0 – and I was easily able to exceed 50 mph. BTW – I still have the knobby tire mounted on the rear!
I have not had a chance to catch up on threads. Right at Thanksgiving I came down with the worst head-chest flu in more than a decade, lasting about 3 weeks. Just as I was turning a corner and starting to feel human again – I contracted
Shingles. Didn’t know it was Shingles though for 5 days; I was misdiagnosed as having migraine with allergies. The pain was unlike I had ever experienced. Ended up in Emergency on Dec. 24th… and my life changed for the next 3 months on strong meds. The affected nerve section covered my right front hemisphere, including the brow and eye. Although we prevented the Shingles from advancing onto the cornea, I have developed double-vision in that eye that moderately affects working on CAD. I still have the symptoms; they grow less and less pronounced each passing week, and the scarring is slowly fading. Thank the gods for winter though because sensitivity to bright light on the right eye was absolutely painful, and made it very difficult to work on the computer. But I’m better now and happily swimming with the rest of humanity again. Don’t wait till your 60 to get your Shingles shot! :wink:
Be safe,