Hello there! total nube to the forum. If this is earlier in thread, let me know. I have browsed this thread it is a great spot for trouble shooting!
I have built a couple of e-bikes in the past using cheapo controllers and I decided to get the 72150 off of amazon.
I originally hooked it up without a motor hall sensor and it was throwing an error.
I got the Hall hooked-up, started troubleshooting.
I cant get any throttle signal on the Phone app, but I am getting variable voltage at the connector (.8 -4.2V). The app just shows .04 to .05 (floating, I think. no change when i sweep the throttle). Throttle is your standard 5V hall sensor
Has anybody had this issue with this controller?
I am all finished with the bike and fab and I would hate to have to cut it out the mounts and change back to the cheapos.
Wires i dont have hooked up:
Rx (not going to)
Tx (not going to)
reverse (not going to)
Crime Signal (not going to)
Antitheft (not going to)
Boost (not going to)
Brake for high level (Will use)
Electric lock (not going to)