I often get the feeling that some people read right wing news sources, repost what they read, and never think about it or bother to verify the scare stories.
Yeah, that's confirmation bias for you. Really rampant on the internet, really easy for everything you encounter online to just be a sounding board for your already-exiting opinions and experiences. It can also be pretty difficult to recognize confirmation bias within yourself. Why bother to check the facts of an article that is already making a point that you agree with?
"I think EV's are dumb and dangerous, so here's the data I have to back it up, your data must be flawed." That's confirmation bias.
"I think EV's are incredibly safe and statistically less likely to catch fire than ICE vehicles, so here's the first 3 Google hits for articles that support that belief, all of which site the same AutoInsuranceEZ piece." Also confirmation bias.
Questioning data isn't right wing. I also think EV's are safer and require less maintenance than ICE cars. I prefer them, for plenty of reasons that are backed partially by some data and some personal experience. But that's my opinion, not a universal truth.
My personal experience: I have personally owned 4 ICE cars in the past 15 years, 4 different manufacturers and makes. None of them were bought new. I have had zero major engine maintenance issues with any of them, even though they're old cars. Should I conclude that ICE cars require zero maintenance? Of course not, that would be silly and reductionist.
I've had my home solar setup for a year now. I've had to get up on the roof and reconnect cables twice, I've had to fix two roof leaks from the installation, one of my charge controllers (bought new) had a programming failure and needed to be replaced, and my inverter puts out only 80% of the power it was advertised to provide. Should I conclude that solar is a waste of money, and a pain to operate and maintain, and bad for the environment? No, that would be also silly and reductionist.
Google something like, "can you use Li-ion batteries discharged below 1.5V per cell?" You will get overwhelming response saying what a bad idea that is, that capacity is irreversibly and immediately damaged, don't bother, it's a waste of time. Well, that hasn't been my experience at all,
quite the opposite. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go on a PR spree over every forum I'm on to tell people that they're wrong. There's way to much nuance and variable to boil my experiences down to a simple statement like "Lithium batteries can be safely discharged below 1.5V." Just like there's way too much nuance and variable to universally state something like "EV's are safer." And questioning such an idea doesn't make one right-wing.
Therefore, while I agree with
@JackFlorey in principle, it would probably be more accurate to say something like:
"I often get the feeling that some people read
right wing any news sources, repost what they read, and never think about it or bother to verify the
scare stories opinion piece.