TSDZ2 OSF for all displays, VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18, LCD3, 860C-850C-SW102.

You are right about that, but realize that this Tsdz2 is missing the clutch on the maingear.
Also in the past all gears had straight tooth. (don't know, if that is still the case)
There is very long time when TSDZ2 has straight tooth. I think clutch in blue gear is better. I never have had problems on blue gear. I have two TSDZ2B's and those white gear bearings have last about 5 K km:s.
You are right about that, but realize that this Tsdz2 is missing the clutch on the maingear.
Also in the past all gears had straight tooth. (don't know, if that is still the case)
yes there are straight tooth on the coast/foot version so for transform in a "normal" version you must change the main gear and the blue gear axle
some people do it
That is correct as I have done it on a coaster unit which I got as NOS cheap, I also installed the OSF just in case there was a variation in the standard firmware.
A question...
where to buy a tsdz2b (36v) with the OSF compatible V1 controller??
I’m not sure now which controller PSWPower TSDZ motors have. Because I sent message to them and answer was: ”sorry, we are not sure”. What the hell, they do not know what they are selling. On PSWPower about site they say ”Our team are thinking CREATIVE! Always!” Not sound like that.

Are they starting to obey strict enforcement of the EU law in Germany because they have warehouse in Germany. I don’t think so from china company.

To be sure you have to try find some other china seller and by motor from there.

PSWPower sells also controllers but they do not say if it is V1 or V2.
I’m not sure now which controller PSWPower TSDZ motors have. Because I sent message to them and answer was: ”sorry, we are not sure”. What the hell, they do not know what they are selling. On PSWPower about site they say ”Our team are thinking CREATIVE! Always!” Not sound like that.

Are they starting to obey strict enforcement of the EU law in Germany because they have warehouse in Germany. I don’t think so from china company.

To be sure you have to try find some other china seller and by motor from there.

PSWPower sells also controllers but they do not say if it is V1 or V2.
I don't know if the V2 controller is on the 36V motors or only the 48V motors...
That's why I'm asking if anyone knows a seller who can confirm that he sells the motors in V1 version (36V)
.... anyone knows a seller who can confirm that he sells the motors in V1 version (36V)
Not a single seller can know which controller version is inside, but the V2 version had to do with EU regulations about max. power, speed, and throttle.
imho German Enerprof was the first and only one that sold and sell the V2 version and maybe now other EU sellers too.
But the international sellers didn't. PSW power didn't also, but no guarantees.
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I have always ordered from Aliexpress or PSWpower and been OK. But did order a drive via Germany and yes it had a V2 controller but did have a V1 spare controller, at odd times these controllers come up very cheap on Aliexpress, so switched out the V2 and sold it on Ebay.
Out of interest I have emailed Tongsheng directly regarding the controller versions, have had a first response asking for more info which I think is a translation problem, so gone back to Tongsheng and wait a reply. I guess say German drives have the V2 controller and rest of the world has V1, but if Tongsheng run out of stock of the V1 they then fit V2 controller hence the luck of the draw condition.
I am not sure if they know what controllers are fitted to the TSDZ2(B) motors themselves

Sorry for my late reply.
Could you tell me your e-bike's brand?
In addition, if you can, you can find a professional to help you take apart the motor to see the controller's parameters.
You only tell me the motor type, I can't help you to determine it, because some controllers are customized.
Thank you so much~
Have a nice day~

Best regards

Address: Tongda Road 1875-8,Suzhou,215124,Jiangsu,China
Website: Suzhou Tongsheng Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. Motor Meter Controller
By the way there is also an update for the stock display version (Java Configurator).
It is a confirmation of the 6-beta-1 version with a few other changes.

Before the release I should do one last test over the weekend, but I don't know if I can do it, I already plan to try something else with 860C.
Or, if someone is available to try this is the link:
I only need 2 confirmations that everything is ok and I proceed with the release.
Tried today, all good.
Version v20.1C.6 released

List of changes v20.1C.6
1 - Added PWM frequency choice, 18kHz or 19kHz.
2 - Added overcurrent error delay (E07).
3 - Fixed bugs in SOC auto calculation.
4 - Increased motor blocked check time (E04).
5 - Increased minimum rpm for motor reactivation (by dzid26).
6 - All errors are reset only by turning the display off.
7 - Optimizations (by dzid26).
8 - Bleeding edge Unit Testing (by dzid26).

Updated Parameter configurator guide
Updated Operating manual of display
A clarification regarding changelog 1 - Added PWM frequency choice, 18kHz or 19kHz.
It's a choice that has always been there in my versions, it had to be changed in the code.
Now I've added it to the configurator.
At 18 kHz there is better efficiency, at 19 kHz you reach a higher cadence.
If you want to save some Wh, choose 18 kHz, if instead you are interested in power at high cadence, choose 19 kHz.
On my mountain bike I use 19kHz, it happens during relaunches on trails to reach and exceed 110 rpm.
On the trekking bike, where I am more interested in battery life, I use 18 kHz.
As always: Thank you 🙏, @mbrusa !
(I‘ll have to wait a few weeks before I can test it, as I am away from my bike location)
One question: Which one was the default in prior firmware versions (i.e. the 6beta)? I mean 18 or 19 kHz?
If you want to save some Wh, choose 18 kHz, if instead you are interested in power at high cadence, choose 19 kHz.
Sorry, but what should be the physical explanation, why a higher PWM frequency should lead to a higher cadence?! Especially this neglectable increase from 18 to 19 kHz...
Sorry, but what should be the physical explanation, why a higher PWM frequency should lead to a higher cadence?! Especially this neglectable increase from 18 to 19 kHz...
I asked myself the question differently, why at 18 kHz you don't reach the same cadence that you reach at 19 kHz?
The answer I gave myself is this, probably the PWM interrupt that draws the sinusoid, is no longer able to follow the motor revolutions.
Confirmed by the fact that even at 19 kHz there is a limit, and it is 640 ERPS (116 rpm), while at 18 kHz the limit is 600 ERPS (109 rpm)..
You see that the maximum revolutions are proportional to the frequency.
At these values, the motor runs cleanly at constant power, beyond that it loses power and starts to stutter.

To complete the information, the best efficiency of the motor at 18 kHz is about +1%, tends to zero at maximum power, +2/3% with low powers.
Thank you. Casainho and me defined a maximum erps to get enough updates of the duty cycle per revolution to have a sinosoidal shaped current waveform in the very early phase of this STM8 project, several years ago. As far as I remember, we defined 40 updates per electrical revolution. But this was just a judge. I don't know, if this threshold still exists in the code ;)
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