In glory!Auuff, how is this going to end?!
If you never want anything to go wrong with your bike, simply dig a large hole and bury it in your back yard. The only other option is to ride it hard and deal with whatever happens... Good luck!
In glory!Auuff, how is this going to end?!
That's what commitment looks like!
Yikes! sorry to hear that.Was out riding today, or more like standing in the woods or pushing bike in the woods
First I hit a pretty big water puddle, almost immediately after the bike started running very rough.
It was so bad I couldent even get it up to speed.
I had already got rid of the connector for the hall sensors, soldered the wires together and sealed it with glue shrink tube.
So I didnt think it could be there, but after a while I poked away some dirt from the wires and spread them a little.. And the bike worked again like nothing happened
I guess another revisit to those wires..
Anyway, got like 2 more km before I hit something and bent the chain guide so the chain jumped off:
(it was on the inside then)
Was able to bend it back a little with rocks and branches, got the chain on again.
The bike locked up when I tried to push it
Got the chain off again and pushed..
Opened it up and checked what happened:
The damn chain snapped right off..
What's your speed settings? If it's jamming after 2 layers, id decrease speed 10 percent and increase temp 5 degreesBut when I try to print my discguard it jams after about 2 layers.
Probably the best tip I could give you about printing TPU is to simply just don't make the extruder gears tight at all.I tried changing from 0.4mm to 0.6mm nozzle, but it didnt help.
Maybe I should get one or 2 other brands and see if they print easier?
From what I have seen on youtube it seems like they can vary pretty much even when they are supposed to be the same hardness.
Really?Thanks for the tips, I dont think I can do much about the extruder.
It is a simple single gear and a roller type, with just a spring keeping tension on the roller.
I could find a different spring maybe, but there is no obvious adjustment of the tension.
Not necessarily, but who cares, it doesn't need to be beautiful, it's just a chain guardI already went to 0,6mm nozzle, I suppose I can go bigger. But I think quality will suffer if I go bigger?
Sometimes the cooling fan can make the nozzle clog briefly.Dui, disable the part cooling fan? Why, I dont think I have seen that before on tpu.
Lowering speed is generally a workaround for many problems and it could work in this case... But do you really want to spend twice or trice the amount of time everytime you'll print TPU?However, I thought I printed in 30mm/s but I probably had 50mm/s. I changed that and will see what happens.
I have 240degrees, I left it there for now.
Might not be worth it for you at this point, but that extruder is a single-gear version. The teeth grab the filament from one side, the other side is just a smooth idler.Well, the 30mm/s still failed on layer2. It got a little longer than the previous ones though.
I raised temp to 245degrees, turned off part cooling and turned off retraction.
That print didnt even make first layer, so maybe as you say it can be a problem that it is too hot.
I lowered to 225 and the same thing again, didnt make first layer.
24hours for a seat? Sounds really fast compared to how long my prints usually take.
With these settings this print should take 22hours, I think it was 9hours with 50mm/s.
Here is the extruder, there is a screw in each end of the spring. But they are not connected to anything adjusting, they are just securing the spring in place.
The whole system, I have a ball bearing spool holder with a strait feed line to the extruder.
This is a fair point, and you can get a smaller stepper for direct drive. But again, at that point, maybe you just want a second printer. If that's the case, then I encourage you to start a new thread, we can definitely go into detailam not sure if I want to change the printer to direct drive, the print head will be very heavy with this heavy stepper motor.
24hours for a seat? Sounds really fast compared to how long my prints usually take.
With these settings this print should take 22hours, I think it was 9hours with 50mm/s.
I used to have these extruding systems before I switched to dual gears. They are pretty bad at doing TPU indeed.Here is the extruder, there is a screw in each end of the spring. But they are not connected to anything adjusting, they are just securing the spring in place.