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Custom Build... 2 Speed H.O.B.O Powered e-Cruiser

fizzit said:
Hey I think it'll look great with yellow!

My bike has black, blue, yellow, and aluminum colors and it's real purdy :p

Hey fizzit how is that bike of yours running? Hope its doing good, I need to dig mine out and fix it up proper still...needs a proper tensioner and a few other things.

AJ- Is this thing running? Been a while since I've been on...so not sure what the activity has been.
Ypedal said:
to hell with the paint.. is this thing running yet ? :eek:

Well it was running when i went on the group ride months ago and yes, it is again

Apologies for lack of updates and responses i was waiting until i had the bike up and running again, i have a shit
load of pics i have taken the last few weeks of the mods i have been doing to the bike, i started with a repaired
12FET and finished with a CC HV160 fitted to the bike after an 'incident' with the modified Lyen 12Fet Infineon
(i hooked the leads on the bus bars a-about i.e positive on negative...you get the picture...lots of flames and smoke)
Blessing in disguise really as the HV160's performance coupled with a bog STOCK V2 80-100 130Kv Turnigy HOBO
Two speed ThudSTeR Box....my gaaaawd first is frightening then when i click to second it kicks and pulls hard
i have to pop the speedo on this arvo, shall snatch one off the Blue Cruiser and get back with some top speeds, but up hill
i was easily hitting 55-60km/hr in 2nd gear....Second is more for the flats, i haven't checked the Castle Creation data log yet
but i think it will show around 4-5000watt peaks, i am still running the CC HV160 at its lowest possible settings
i.e 160amp peaks, it doesn't stop at 160 though i have had peaks over 200amp still while on this setting
definitely needing some current limiting on these RC ESCs (a 'unit' in the making, details in
another thread for those that haven't caught it? really looking forward to getting my mits on one_)

I have contacted Matt.P and we will be riding THIS Friday (if any other e-bike tragics have the morning off feel free to join us)
we will be departing from my house ~10-30am we will be back around noon for Lunch if all goes well :: fingers crossed::
Any locals that haven't already ventured up to The Garage and want to come along p.m for address details...

Before i sign off on this update i want to publicly thank yet another Endless Sphere member that can be added to the long list
of participants that have helped make this bike a reality, Mr Danny Mayes BiG Thanks for all your help with the bike, some of
the mods you will see in the next update on the dc-dc converter, was all Danny's thinking, i would still be awaiting
delivery of another Lyen style dc-dc converter if it wasn't for Danny's clever problem solving abilities... This is the second
Lyen style DC-DC converter i have exploded, i wont be getting a third.

I shall up some video footage of the ride along with the mass of pics i been collecting over the weeks...

ciao for now gents..

Danny Mayes said:
It was a pleasure and an honor :mrgreen:

Your bike is such a lovely piece of machinery. I can't wait to ride it.


You will have to make it up sometime during the week if you can mate,
i ecpect it will be disassembled by next weekend as i start the mold
making process for the CF side enclosures... ;) You WiLL be VERY
impressed and even happier that you sold that shit HT35 frock and
are continuing with a 'RC' motored build... :wink:

Hyena said:
Hooray, it lives!
Spewing I didn't get to ride properly powered with the HV160. Next time.

If "we" handn't been impatient and grabbed the hall sensor throttle instead of
using the Magura as suggested when ghetto wiring the HV160 up, you would have.
Hall sensors + servo tester= fail when not modified for it. I have purchased a replacement
HVBEC for 40 bucks, capable of operating off 60v at present i'm using a 4 x AA's to power the
serrvo tester as the DC-DC converter with the 7805 voltage regulators wasn't quite
upto the higher power draw, the HV160 cutting out around 5000watts when under
hard acceleration, i tried a couple of other voltage regulators a 78T05 which was
meant to supply 5v 3amp which should of been plenty, it wasn't a 7806 for 6v 1amp
also failed to power the servo tester under hard acceration. I think though this is
the fault of my dc-dc converter not being upto supplying the current required due
to some damage i did to it as initially when Danny made the first mod it worked
flawlessly, i had to play with it "neaten it up" and obviously have frocked it in the
process, still powers my actuators so not all lost...

Ypedal said:
Finally !!!.. i'd say " give it hell " .. but seriously.. baby that thing
for a while and put some real miles on it this time Mister! 8)

...if we go back to the start of this build log, i did mention this would be an onging
project i.e likely never finished but continually upgraded as new and improved products
surface. That said, i do want to put some miles on it but am under no illusions of it
lasting long between break downs or modifications. They will never see anywhere
near the miles your bikes do and or be treated as kindly.

I have soooo many pictures i have just randomly picked out a few and made some series
pics showing different stages of work done... i think they are pretty self explanatory if
you have any questions feel free to free away ;)

Firstly, the mods Mr Danny Mayes came up with late at night in an effort to get the servo
tester some juice...


I had the Astro servo tester powered by one of the
the DC-DC converters Edward Lyen sells, it failed
hence the above mods too my DC-DC converter of the Blue Crusier...


When the dc-dc converter shat itself, it took out the Astro servo tester also,
can't take a trick i swear...Thanks again to Danny, i have a Turnigy servo tester i
"borrowed" until i can replace it i.e buy Danny a new one thanks again pal ;)
Here's how i modded it


I have not been able to get any video there are a couple of mates scheduled to
drop by this arvo, if the rain holds off i shall get them too shoot some footage
of the waaaaaa :: clunk:: WAAAAAA at its best, i can't express how freakin cool
this 2 speed is and how much pull there is in both 1st and second...

back soon...

I love your 2spd.

Shifting on a bicycle is so badass.

My current bike setup with 100mph gearing wont wheelie.
This means I need a 2spd in my next build, so I can have a wheelie and stump-pulling gear that tops out around 35mph, and then a 2nd gear for cruising at 100mph.
CHeers Luke, as we know all the kudos for the
2 speed go to The ThudMieSTeR 8) I couldn't be
happier with how the 2 speed works, when i have the
tow hitch attached it will pull my wheelchair up
any hill here no problem.

My very good friend Mick dropped by this afternoon
i rang him this morning and suggested he get up
for a ride before i broke the bike again haha Mick
took it for a spin and came back very impressed with
the performance...

Interested to see what was happening with the controller
i downloaded the data log after i did a lap around the 'long' block
near home...

(not upping Micks Data log though, he his 8500 watts that bastard out doing my effort
keep in mind here fellas, the HV160 is set on THE LOWEST setting its meant to be current limited
to 160amp with soft cuttoff...doesn't seem to do alot of cutting off LoL)

Extremely impresed with the low voltage ripple, something
i have struggled to keep in check with the blue cruiser
having a high of 7v at times which from everything i have
heard should of killed the ESC but it lives and
is doing well, those temps fellas are in Celcius
too :mrgreen: its hard to heat the HV160
when only booting it out of corners then
cruising at a leisurely pace, doesn't seem to trouble it in
the slightest....
The motor also remains luke warm, the use
of the 2 gears obviously does wonders for the
health of both ESC and the motor, ThudSTeR 8)
you are a super star THANKYOU!

OH..almost forgot, heres a quick clip Mick took of me coming up the hill past my house.

gear change at 10 second mark of clip...
I'm trying to b VERY VERY gentle with the gear changing
not changing when there is any force on the sprockets etc
i want this box to outlast me getting another
might take some doing i believe the ThudSTeR is backed
up with orders already haha

Back with more soon chaps..

johnrobholmes said:
VERY respectable ripple there chap! Looks like a nice ride.

Indeedie it tiz John.. :wink: very happy bout dat after all my previous issues, looks like
the bus bars and 8GA wiring did the trick ;)

frock/rc baiting and all that other bs to one side - it is GREAT to see you riding again Kim, sounds like thuds box is doing the business superbly!!
More vids when you can pls mate :mrgreen:

AussieJester said:
I'm trying to b VERY VERY gentle with the gear changing
not changing when there is any force on the sprockets etc
In the video after turning the corner & as you approach & pass the sign on the right there is a very unusual "wobble rub" almost bird-like sound. It seems to occur just before you click-shifted to 2nd gear and then passed the camera turning your head "our" way.

What is that distinct "wobble noise" ? :?
eh? sounds like the bird in the background no?

The noise at 0:07 and 0:08 is definitely a bird.

edit: and great to see the bike running OK KIM. Well done, can't wait for the CF bling.
Sounds like a bird in the background to me :D

Good to see the Bike up and running :D . Is that a stock 80-100 v2 in there now? 8kw is very impressive if its is.

Makes me want to get mine going sooner.

deVries said:
In the video after turning the corner & as you approach & pass the sign on the right there is a very unusual "wobble rub" almost bird-like sound.
What is that distinct "wobble noise" ? :?
Yep, that's the western yellow breasted wobble rub, there's quite a population of them around where AJ lives


Incidently, that's the same colour he's going to paint the cruiser

Hyena said:
deVries said:
In the video after turning the corner & as you approach & pass the sign on the right there is a very unusual "wobble rub" almost bird-like sound.
What is that distinct "wobble noise" ? :?
Yep, that's the western yellow breasted wobble rub, there's quite a population of them around where AJ lives


Incidently, that's the same colour he's going to paint the cruiser

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No way a Thud 2 speed would do 'that' to AJ. :p

HAHA i have no idea what the sound is i hadn't even noticed/heard it till
it was bought up definately not coming from the bike though thats for sure...

I'm about to head out and start welding up the rear tow hit assembly, modify
the shock angle ever so slightly so we get a lil softer setup not sure if i posted the
new springs Mick picked up for me from spring works??? they were in a box out
front of the counter with other assorted size springs. Mick asked the price to get
some new springs made ($AU60 to set machine $AU20 per spring there after)
The bloke said 10 bucks for the springs Mick found in the box of springs
he asked if they had FPos machine (auto bank teller machine not sure what
they call them in USofA and elsewhere)
they didn't Mick had no cash on him so
the bloke said "take em" free springs ;)


Tilting the shoxk a lil forward will juuust about make them perfect, when my
115kilo friend sits on the seat they sag about 1/2 inch when i sit on it they
don't move now (i lost the weight of a HT35 frock motor in the last month and a 1/2)
when i bounce on the seat the springs compress and when i hit small bumps they do but still a tad hard for my likling
but 200% improvement on the standard springs which were rock solid an elephant
could of sat on the bike and they wouldnt have moved, why they sell them like this i don't know, i'm
guessing th averga bikie in USofA is over 350lbs?? LoL

back soonz chaps..

p.s @Kurt yes i am using the stock V2 Turnigy 80-100 130kv motor it has been rock
solid since buying it very tight winds on it i must have got a motor done by someone
who cared about QC hehe... The ThudSTeR wound motor
is all setup for sensored setup, i haven't lost hope a good small affordable controller
will become available that the motor wont tear up, i will be purchasing a couple more
Turnigy V2 80-100 130kv when they come in stock though, i want to wind a few myself
and terminate them in wye rather than delta so they are more controller friendly...Your
old video camera has been rock solid too Kurt, my Nokie N95 broke down
so have been using the video camera for all the still shots and video, the still
in low light is incredibly good better actually than my cannon did in low light
macro mode is the shizz ;)
AussieJester said:
i lost the weight of a HT35 frock motor in the last month and a 1/2
Good work, now you can fit the said frock motor and enjoy the reliablity without having to worry about the weight difference. And the centre of gravity is lower than the previous ballast too. I knew you'd eventually want a frock motor :mrgreen: :lol:

(go on, fire up you poof. hahaha )
Green Machine said:
Hey AJ,

That thing is sweet...

I had a question...

What is making all those decimals of sound? Is it gear box, chain drive, or gear reduction or motor?

Uhm...i guess combo of all 3 remembering this under acceleration, when i am just cruising at 40-50clicks the motor ticks over
and is surprisingly quiet IMHO seeing there are several chains spinning, anyone that came on the group ride
i'm sure would testify to that. Its not loud enough for my liking i don't like quiet bikies ERiC i'm ex-2 stroke
fan boi LOUDER the better when i can hear it i knows its working and how hard its working ;)

Hyena said:
AussieJester said:
i lost the weight of a HT35 frock motor in the last month and a 1/2
Good work, now you can fit the said frock motor and enjoy the reliablity without having to worry about the weight difference. And the centre of gravity is lower than the previous ballast too. I knew you'd eventually want a frock motor :mrgreen: :lol:

(go on, fire up you poof. hahaha )

hmpf...all been said before Jay but if yo insist... :lol: if you haven't
got it by now though, you never will pal. You keep playing with ya frocks and GoPro while
the likes of Thud, Recumpence, j3tch1u etc improve e-bike technology so
the true enthusists like myself have new compnents to build good handling lightweight e-bikes
instead of the unbalanced heavy rubbish as you settle for i.e outdated mediocrity of the frock motor
go on say it, the only comeback possibe.... "it hasnt broken yet" ... :roll: :mrgreen: HAHA
but it has hasn't it Jay, and i have seen a ALOT of threads of late with burnt up frocks, yup yup
super relible them shit kent frocks...So, Now i hear the likes of Knoxie and YPedal
ready to jump in with a "i haven't broken mine yet" post...well theres a shit load of rc setups that haven't broke yet
either bois, if you haven't broken it yet you just ain't pushing it very hard enough.. Hows that Jay? :mrgreen:
oops forgot... frock motors are for limp wristed girly types that are into other men...
