casainho said:Send also the nrf52_recover command. Please report back if then you will be able to flash the firmware / bootloader.
Admiralrofl said:casainho said:Send also the nrf52_recover command. Please report back if then you will be able to flash the firmware / bootloader.
sent the command, this is the response back I get.
> init
> reset halt
> nrf52_recover
../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg:74: Error:
in procedure 'nrf52_recover'
at file "../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg", line 74
nrf52_recover works for me. I have to execute that command everytime after I power on the NRF52.Admiralrofl said:casainho said:Send also the nrf52_recover command. Please report back if then you will be able to flash the firmware / bootloader.
sent the command, this is the response back I get.
> init
> reset halt
> nrf52_recover
../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg:74: Error:
in procedure 'nrf52_recover'
at file "../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg", line 74
If you guys write some notes for Windows, I can add to the bootloadaer page.kaziq said:Later when I'm home I will try to reflash bootloader into my board and tell you the exact procedure that works for me.
That is a pity as I remember to flash perfectly this boards with STLinkV2. So maybe I should the notes and remove the refetemces to STLinkV2.kaziq said:I just checked the notes I have made when I flashed the bootloader, and they say I used the "mass_erase" command. So it looks like you somehow enabled the access port protection (AP) function, and stlink will not work for you (you need to use "nrf52_recover" command, which stlink does not support).
I don't know. For me it worked perfectly with stlink-v2.casainho said:That is a pity as I remember to flash perfectly this boards with STLinkV2. So maybe I should the notes and remove the refetemces to STLinkV2.
I am afraid the issue can be on more recent boards, because I had to do the nrf52_recover just on recent boards I bought.kaziq said:I don't know. For me it worked perfectly with stlink-v2.casainho said:That is a pity as I remember to flash perfectly this boards with STLinkV2. So maybe I should the notes and remove the refetemces to STLinkV2.
It's hard to tell what went wrong with the Admiralrofl's case.
I think you should add a warning, that in some cases the board may lock up, and an Olimex or Segger J-Link may be required.
I remember hearing a long time ago that stlink can be officially "upgraded" with a special software, that changes it into a j-link. Wonder if that would help in this case. I tried it once, but returned to stlink, because the j-link firmware didn't support the UART pins in Nucleo dongles. Don't know if the cheap stlink clones can do that too (theoretically they should, because they can be updated with the official stlink firmware).casainho said:Happens that I also started to use cheap JLink in favor of cheap STLinkV2 because of being more robust.
Admiralrofl said:Admiralrofl said:casainho said:Send also the nrf52_recover command. Please report back if then you will be able to flash the firmware / bootloader.
sent the command, this is the response back I get.
> init
> reset halt
> nrf52_recover
../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg:74: Error:
in procedure 'nrf52_recover'
at file "../share/openocd/scripts/target/nrf52.cfg", line 74
All the documentation I'm reading online says that you need a j-link to flash the bootloaders on these things. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm starting to think I might be kinda hosed on this whole deal. I'll look again at this tomorrow but I'm starting to lose hope I'll be able to get this display working.
Yes, I think I changed some pins because of Bafang version that also uses SPI for the CAN module.dodox said:I found a nasty trap.
There is different HW connection from the first version (SW release v0.10.0) and latest - with CAN (SW release v0.20.0).
I spent a whole day digging what's wrong with my SPI display...
Nice project anyway. :thumb:
No I didn't. Maybe even adding cycling power, as on TSDZ2 we have that information.dodox said:Did You think about adding possibility to acting like a ANT+ Bicycle Speed (and / or Cadence) sensor?
Admiralrofl said:All the documentation I'm reading online says that you need a j-link to flash the bootloaders on these things. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I'm starting to think I might be kinda hosed on this whole deal. I'll look again at this tomorrow but I'm starting to lose hope I'll be able to get this display working.