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gas price thread

My experience with vehicles is different than most. Was raised around mechanics, went into the oil field and married a farmers daughter. Everyone was always working on stuff. So did not mind buying used or not working at all if I like it or seen value (get a few years for some low cost repairs -labor). I see automobiles as melting ice (the frozen stuff), ever year knocks thousands off a used vehicle (It's only new until you drive it off the lot). Last number seen to own a car is 10k a year. So no, most people who don't know anything about or do not maintain them can't afford them.

Watched my uncle try to sale an old Chev station wagon for $150 no one wanted it. Sold it to salvage for $300.
Would think insurance would be the biggest issue for most.

You could make a small affordable car but they want status so it won't sell. only to people like us.
I think soon an opportunity for a low-cost 3-wheeled electric micro-vehicle priced similarly to a moped, that offers weather protection and rudimentary crash protection, that is capable of sustaining highway speeds, ……..
……p. It gets you from work to back and around town for pennies, if something breaks it can be repaired by Bubba mechanic down the street with some hand tools in a few hours over a six pack of beer, ……
I doubt “Bubba mechanic down the street, will be able to repair any commercially produced , road compliant, electric vehicle, .. no matter how many wheels. !
It is hard enough to find a competant mech who understands current simple Ebikes let alone anything with highway cruise ability.
EVs are modern tech, and will need modern tech mechanics (certified probably) to fix them.
by Hillhater » Dec 18 2022 6:35pm

I think soon an opportunity for a low-cost 3-wheeled electric micro-vehicle priced similarly to a moped, that offers weather protection and rudimentary crash protection, that is capable of sustaining highway speeds, ……..
……p. It gets you from work to back and around town for pennies, if something breaks it can be repaired by Bubba mechanic down the street with some hand tools in a few hours over a six pack of beer, ……
I doubt “Bubba mechanic down the street, will be able to repair any commercially produced , road compliant, electric vehicle, .. no matter how many wheels. !
It iss hard enough to find a competant mech who understands current simple Ebikes let alone anything highway cruise ability.
EVs are modern tech, and will need modern tech mechanics (certified probably) to fix them.

My grandfather quit working on cars when it started going electronic ignition. My back gave out so i'm done. Only did it for myself mostly. 1987 rebuilt a automatic transmission in a four wheel drive truck for a farmer whos fence I ran down while drunk and his cows got out. did it for free. Had a friend at work rebuilt a ford 300ci 6 for $300. Mostly enjoyed doing it for myself. Now you need a computer to talk to them and track down bad sensors, wiring. Can do ebikes slowly and my leaf will go to the shop if major. Did put a new 12v in it last year. Deep cycle. At least I still mostly understand how they work.
If you want them to last only drive them when needed and take care of them.

Your right few competent mechanics and most can not even keep air in tires much less check the oil.
Theres mechanics then theres mobile mechanics these are the type of guys to not noticed the crank sensor loom is faulty spray easy start down the inlet then proceed to blow to inlet box clean off the top of the manifold making the engine look a right sorry state, this is what was done in my nephews car and they told him he had jumped a tooth on the timing belt :) needs a new engine, lmao its a none interference lump the vavles and pistons can not touch.

The local garage then quoted £1200 for the work when i sorted it for less than £150 in parts and 30 mins labour he was well impressed but like i said to him it shouldn't been like it to begin with a simple £30 loom was all it needed till the mobile mechanic used his wisdom rather than the obd reader and the clues it gives they work random like solving a murder by just picking people at random till no more people are dying.
by Ianhill » Dec 19 2022 9:12am

Theres mechanics then theres mobile mechanics these are the type of guys to not noticed the crank sensor loom is faulty spray easy start down the inlet then proceed to blow to inlet box clean off the top of the manifold making the engine look a right sorry state, this is what was done in my nephews car and they told him he had jumped a tooth on the timing belt :) needs a new engine, lmao its a none interference lump the vavles and pistons can not touch.

The local garage then quoted £1200 for the work when i sorted it for less than £150 in parts and 30 mins labour he was well impressed but like i said to him it shouldn't been like it to begin with a simple £30 loom was all it needed till the mobile mechanic used his wisdom rather than the obd reader and the clues it gives they work random like solving a murder by just picking people at random till no more people are dying.

Last time worked on a time chain was not a pleasant experience, Ford Aerostar 3.0, stopped for gasoline going to work, would not start, had it towed home. Was rainy, cold, replaced the timing myself and went to work, few hours late. Remember it well, hands cold would drop a nut or something and had to dig in a water puddle for it. No more for me!
The Toecutter said:
The batteries, control systems, motors, thermal management, were all "good enough" by the 1990s. The barriers of entry into the market were mostly political by that time.
I was working in that field back then and - no, they really couldn't. The one EV that managed to get to market, the EV1, had a stated range of 105 miles, with most drivers reporting 80 or so miles of range. That's not good enough to make significant inroads into the market.

And the ones that didn't make it to market were worse. I drove one of Ford's attempts at this. It was early 1990s and it was very cool to feel what it was like to drive an EV. But it had to be on a track, because the inverter would 'trip' for no apparent reason and require a power cycle several times an hour.

And the electronics weren't in much better shape. We did a lot of work on EV chargers back then. We thought ours were pretty good but they were still huge and heavy compared to today's versions.
This becomes a lot less of an issue if we use more efficient vehicles that require smaller battery packs and less materials for the same performance and range. The problem is that the auto industry no longer wants to build cheap cars.
Super cheap cars get cheap by taking shortcuts that render them less efficient. Use of cheaper/heavier steel is one. Removing body pans is another. Thinner gauge power cabling, simpler treatment of tail aerodynamics, cheap (and flat) mirrors etc all reduce both cost and efficiency.

Sure, you could spend your money on efficiency instead of something else. But it's still money.
The wealth gap has become so obscene in the U.S. that most working people will never be able to afford even the cheapest new cars available
I see no pressing social reason for more than half the people in the US to be able to afford a new car, as opposed to a used one (or an ebike, or scooter, or public transportation.)
I think we will soon be seeing a glut of used cars on the market as more and more people can't make the payments and get their vehicles repossessed.
Perhaps. But that solves the "there's no affordable cars" problem pretty neatly.
What used to be a $500 beater has become the $5,000 beater
So I did a little research to see if this is true.

I started driving in 1983. If I had bought a $500 beater back then it would now cost $1500 due to inflation. And when I do a search on Truecar, the cheapest nearby beater (with 200K miles) is $1499. See below.
How does someone with less than $500 in the bank and ruined credit get an EV that they can be certain will get them back and forth to work without requiring a repair that costs more than the vehicle is worth before they can even finish paying it off?
Same way they do exactly the same thing now with a gas car.

I don't think the argument "no one can afford a car" can be made, since 286 million registered cars in the US right now - more than the number of licensed drivers.

I do agree that the widening income gap is a problem. The solution there does not involve making cars so cheap that even the poor can afford them. The solution there is to reduce the income gap.
For that matter, how does one keep a cheap used EV charged while living in a cheap apartment or even government housing? In my hood, cheap 49cc mopeds are a greatly more common solution to reduce vehicle expenses than used Nissan Leafs and Chevy Sparks, even if all of those vehicles are around.
Again, they don't. I do not claim that people who are driving cheap 49cc mopeds will rush out and buy EVs. I do claim that the people who can afford cars today will be able to afford EVs, should the oil supply crater.
If gas becomes so expensive that people can't afford to use gas cars, as is happening to the poor in America already, they don't switch to used EVs. They go without cars altogether. The rungs of the socioeconomic ladder that are priced out of automobile ownership outright will continue to move upward
If they cannot afford a car, they will not be able to afford an EV or a gas car.

If they can afford a car, then they will switch to an EV. The speed at which that happens is set largely by oil prices.
I think soon an opportunity for a low-cost 3-wheeled electric micro-vehicle priced similarly to a moped, that offers weather protection and rudimentary crash protection, that is capable of sustaining highway speeds, will present itself. It would be greatly preferable to taking the bus, or walking, be much more comfortable than a motorcycle, and making it accelerate and/or corner like a car that costs 100x as much would be very inexpensive to do, adding a lot of value to the proposition. Who cares if it doesn't have heated/cooled seats, bluetooth connectivity, leather upholstery, infotainment centers, and all this other crap.
Unfortunately "all this other crap" includes things like crash protection, acceleration, repairability and cornering. I assume you have seen the "EVs" from China that you can buy for $2000 new. Specifically:
-A 'Jeep' for $1700
-Two seater, three wheeler for $1760
-A 'VW microbus' for $2000
-4 door pickup for $4500

They are out there. Some of them are even three wheeler micro vehicles. None of them are remotely safe, but some are even street legal (on some streets at least, due to the three-wheeler exemption.)
It gets you from work to back and around town for pennies, if something breaks it can be repaired by Bubba mechanic down the street with some hand tools in a few hours over a six pack of beer, and you won't need to go into debt for nearly a decade to "afford" it.
Well, as always you get what you pay for. And those Bubbas are currently fixing gas cars, and are beginning to be able to fix EVs.


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Read and article that GM is making an electric trucks for $2000. Single seat cab with enclosed bed. Not sold in the USA.

Started driving a 1973 Impala in 1975 supposed to be with someone. My full license in 1976. Bought a VW beetle first car. Don't remember what Gas was but could not afford it at first so got a job.
Just a matter of time until these types start showing up. This one Listed @ $8K. Looks like we should start seeing EV cost parity with ICE in the next year or two. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/DD-Electric-car_1600533268842.html?spm=a2700.themePage.US.7.5c8516fcqwTPlK
Heres a fact ! the car market is broken, In uk the transit van was the best selling box for all segments thats unprecedented commercial beating private, goes to show why the adoption of ev is slow its total sales are terrible yet media spins this into electric cars outsold ice equivalents on a yearly base.

Bollocks the price of cars has sky rocketed and no one will pay it when second hand exists, and behold supply and demand at work the used car market jumps up in value helping reinforce the feed back loop of high priced cars and thats without added inflation.

The everything bubble is real bill clinton set the deregulation terms for banks and we seen speculative investment in all markets ever since to the point any country thats heavily financial services based has to play along or risk facing a tsunami of debt thats ever escalating while we keep setting the stage ever greater stacked against the next generation making the 1920 debt crisis look like an issue with sofa change.
by Ianhill » Dec 20 2022 9:29am

Heres a fact ! the car market is broken, In uk the transit van was the best selling box for all segments thats unprecedented commercial beating private, goes to show why the adoption of ev is slow its total sales are terrible yet media spins this into electric cars outsold ice equivalents on a yearly base.

Bollocks the price of cars has sky rocketed and no one will pay it when second hand exists, and behold supply and demand at work the used car market jumps up in value helping reinforce the feed back loop of high priced cars and thats without added inflation.

The everything bubble is real bill clinton set the deregulation terms for banks and we seen speculative investment in all markets ever since to the point any country thats heavily financial services based has to play along or risk facing a tsunami of debt thats ever escalating while we keep setting the stage ever greater stacked against the next generation making the 1920 debt crisis look like an issue with sofa change.
So your fuel prices are falling? Here gasoline is so cheap that General Motor is putting out a 1,004 horsepower Chevrolet COPO Camaro is the most powerful muscle car ever.
ZeroEm said:
by Ianhill » Dec 20 2022 9:29am

Heres a fact ! the car market is broken, In uk the transit van was the best selling box for all segments thats unprecedented commercial beating private, goes to show why the adoption of ev is slow its total sales are terrible yet media spins this into electric cars outsold ice equivalents on a yearly base.

Bollocks the price of cars has sky rocketed and no one will pay it when second hand exists, and behold supply and demand at work the used car market jumps up in value helping reinforce the feed back loop of high priced cars and thats without added inflation.

The everything bubble is real bill clinton set the deregulation terms for banks and we seen speculative investment in all markets ever since to the point any country thats heavily financial services based has to play along or risk facing a tsunami of debt thats ever escalating while we keep setting the stage ever greater stacked against the next generation making the 1920 debt crisis look like an issue with sofa change.
So your fuel prices are falling? Here gasoline is so cheap that General Motor is putting out a 1,004 horsepower Chevrolet COPO Camaro is the most powerful muscle car ever.

£1.80 a litre, did reach £2.00 either way it too darn expensive to live amongst with cost of living crisis, that 1004 bhp camero shows resosrting to all the bells and whistles to appeal to your heart not your soul.

I dont want to sound negative but i be shocked we sort this one out and keeo fair mobility for all.
by Ianhill » Dec 21 2022 7:37am

ZeroEm wrote: ↑Dec 20 2022 10:42am
by Ianhill » Dec 20 2022 9:29am

Heres a fact ! the car market is broken, In uk the transit van was the best selling box for all segments thats unprecedented commercial beating private, goes to show why the adoption of ev is slow its total sales are terrible yet media spins this into electric cars outsold ice equivalents on a yearly base.

Bollocks the price of cars has sky rocketed and no one will pay it when second hand exists, and behold supply and demand at work the used car market jumps up in value helping reinforce the feed back loop of high priced cars and thats without added inflation.

The everything bubble is real bill clinton set the deregulation terms for banks and we seen speculative investment in all markets ever since to the point any country thats heavily financial services based has to play along or risk facing a tsunami of debt thats ever escalating while we keep setting the stage ever greater stacked against the next generation making the 1920 debt crisis look like an issue with sofa change.
So your fuel prices are falling? Here gasoline is so cheap that General Motor is putting out a 1,004 horsepower Chevrolet COPO Camaro is the most powerful muscle car ever.
£1.80 a litre, did reach £2.00 either way it too darn expensive to live amongst with cost of living crisis, that 1004 bhp camero shows resosrting to all the bells and whistles to appeal to your heart not your soul.

I dont want to sound negative but i be shocked we sort this one out and keeo fair mobility for all.

Don't think you sound negative. Gasoline prices will go up and down, the trend will always be up. The oil companies are always testing the waters to see what they can get away with. They know what is coming, not that the use of gasoline will end but a vast reduction in volume. Companies are based on growth not shrinkage.

My last ICE cost me around $5 US every time it was driven, was really tired of it. Now I figure $0.12. It's getting colder here and everyone around my house are warming up before they drive. First chance will ask one of them how much more it's costing them for the cold weather.
My leaf can be warmed while plugged in, don't really use this, just turn on the seat and steering wheel warmers. Warm hands and back side, don't really need a heater. It's not cold here compared to where you are. Everyone here is tropical, thin blooded.