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GCinDC's Giant DH Comp

Great to be back on regular tires :) I could see patches of ice and could avoid them. The river is definitely melting. The canal ice looks quite thin.

I built up a Giant Anthem 3.5 with the 750 watt Bafang BBS-02 and the suspensio is so smooth :mrgreen:
dan974 said:
that's pretty big holes !! maybe you could use a grid with epoxy as I did, the trouble could be that with an inpact onto it, you got like a sand paper on the winding..
sand in the windings? i suppose it's possible, especially when riding in deep fluffy sand like this if you recall...:
i'm sure some sand got in there - i'll take some pics when i remove the sidecover of that hs3540 - and it's happened before but has not been a problem yet, knock, knock.

and i suspect your 'grid', or screen, will drastically reduce air flow (and also get clogged up w/ dirt). i've got nothing against it. and i've got no interest in a pissing contest about sidecover venting, which we know some members are passionate about. :mrgreen: to each their own!

my process was simply:
- remove sidecovers
- open box of drill bits
- check available sizes
- eliminate the dull ones
- of few remaining, eyeball how they'd line up near windings on sidecover
- draw circle and mark center points
- drill pilot holes, then fat holes, like so:
- then run to hardware store after that bit died and get a proper metal bit:

- drill the rest quickly and easily


so far, i'm very pleased with the results!

yesterday, on return commute, the motor was 170F at the bottom of my mile long hill. after drawing a constant 70A for several minutes going 35mph, the temp at the top of the hill was only 197F!

without holes, it would have been closer to 300F, even tho ambient temp was ~35F.

i am rather puzzled tho that my top speed with the h40 is only 45mph downhill, compared to 50mph with the hs3540. :|

i've got more torque off the line to be sure, but it doesn't seem to have the third gear the hs3540 does that helps me break away from traffic. maybe it needs more current?

now that i've got both wheels set up, i can do some better tests swapping them out...

in other news, i've been using the less busy garage entrance these days, since this:
"seriously, you want me to use the elevator? ok" .... NOT
dbaker said:
Did he say you were going to cause an accident?

No, he said that GC caused the accident! Ridiculous.
haha, yeah, i think he said 'you're going to cause an accident'...

some car sitting in line to get thru the gate must have complained that i skirted past him and that i was obviously have too much fun, and it just wasn't fair.. waaahh, waahh
you probably had a 3580 =) it make sens to me that if you got better torque (40mm magnets) you have a little less speed for the same power... the motor if heavier too...45mph wasn't when you were in 24s ? Yes plz give it like 90A max :p :p :p I wanna see you wheel in front of the guy next time :twisted: :twisted: , vented I've seen the about the same benefit as you...as you'll reach top speed faster you'll stop using amp and you have the full benefit of venting...so not that much more heating...my motor was air cooling faster @ 40kph than @ 15kph ...
Wow, seems like the sort of guy that would work for the TSA. I love how he had his blinkers on tying to pull you over like a cop. Too funny.

Always remember, fat people can't catch you (on bike or on foot). :)
trevc2 said:
Wow, seems like the sort of guy that would work for the TSA. I love how he had his blinkers on tying to pull you over like a cop. Too funny.
yeah, i mighta weaved through the concrete columns to pass him a time or two... i was looking at footage last night and recognized the car. :lol:

the speed limit is 5mph down there, and i don't mind slowing it down to 20 on the straight shots, and i don't mind a warning either. but the elevator? please... all the cyclist park down there! and i doubt they take the vator. TSA? lol. close... the building is full of these folks: CBP, ICE, and god knows who else.. :twisted:

anyway, found this little scene too; now that the snow's gone, i'm feeling all nostalgic. lol. that was the best powder we've gotten in a long time!
Looking at the 10 day forecast. Still some 14F lows coming....

That was the Marathon winter with lots of missing studs :lol:
tired of getting drenched, esp in rear, i was about to buy some mucky nutz...

when i wondered what it was made of... and thought, heck, i could get some of that!

in searching around, i found something else that might even be stronger and stiffer...

a 24" x 48" sheet of 0.093" kydex!

seems like they're mostly used for knife sheaths... :lol: anyone passing by my cube when i was searching for images would have raised an eyebrow at the weapons...

seems very workable, though i might need a mold:

we shall see...
impressive durability:
GCinDC said:
"seriously, you want me to use the elevator? ok" .... NOT

OMG that is hilarious! The security guards in my building make fun of me the few times I drive in.
Hey Greg, im wondering how much the wh/m changes with the mc wheel? as im thinking of making a bmx with 3' dual sport tyres. also what happened to the origional digital gangsters pod casts? is that finished? i must admit i havent checked.
you must be loving the self balancing controller lipo set up.
OK . far between. Found the last one. I find these very entertaining
re the garage, i gotta be careful not to shit where i eat... hence my politeness to the guy. fact is that i've got a very lucky setup, with an extension cord that an hvac guy who no longer works there set up for me in an out of the way corner of the lot. if that goes away, i may just have to haul the beast up the work elevator. don't know. in the garage, there is an EV charge station, but no idea what i'd need to be able to use it...

pendragon8000 said:
Hey Greg, im wondering how much the wh/m changes with the mc wheel? as im thinking of making a bmx with 3' dual sport tyres.
mc wheels are awesome for commuting where the wheels need to stay on the ground. you'd have to add a ton of weight to your bmx to warrant a need for mc tires, imho. methinks there are some pretty tough bmx wheels out there... how fast do you want to go and whacha want to do w/ it? i'd be terrified on one at high speeds!

or were you thinking of slapping mc tires/tyres on bmx rims, cause that's possible i believe for 20" rims...

also what happened to the origional digital gangsters pod casts? is that finished?
not dead yet. just overwhelmed by life.

you must be loving the self balancing controller lipo set up.
can't even tell you. such a relief! i was digging for tools as usual in the garage and found a bc168 and psu and had a flashback. :shock: so glad i've not had to use one of those. anything but bulk charging is such a pia. and have the reassurance of the bms makes a huge diff.

i never leave the charger or kit on overnight, except very rarely, and often before falling asleep at night realize i've left it on and slog out to the garage or wherever to turn it off.

what i'd really need is a timer for the charger and an autoshut off for the adaptto. andrey, you hear that? some kinda switch or sleep mode?
GCinDC said:
andrey, you hear that? some kinda switch or sleep mode?
The adaptto controllers already have a sleep mode. Thats why there is no off switch. It goes into the mode after a few mins of inactivity. They are meant to consume as much power as a wristwatch in the standy by mode.
Falco said:
GCinDC said:
andrey, you hear that? some kinda switch or sleep mode?
The adaptto controllers already have a sleep mode. Thats why there is no off switch. It goes into the mode after a few mins of inactivity.
Not mine. Just reread manual and saw nothing about it. could be in newer kits.... i believe it hardly consumes any energy, but i've got the bms set to balance when the cells go above 5.15V, and that never seems to stop, so maybe that's keeping it awake? i don't want to leave it on all night if those guys are cooking..

re homebrew fenders, here's CAD option 1 (too long at bottom for sure):



probably would be too dang floppy w/o additional supports. i'm guessing it'd work well, but i'm not into the looks..

and option 2 (won't protect the shock much):

Hey Greg, where did you buy that kydex? How expensive was it? I did a little knife project a while back:
Found kydex too expensive to experiment with at the time so tried some vinyl rain gutter material at Home Depot to play with and made this sheath using standard kydex methods:

Found it pretty easy to work with and effective. Always wanted to try it with kydex though if I could lay hands on some cheap. You might try the vinyl for practice, it's dead cheap. In your case you may want to use a mold of some type to get a good consistent shape. Maybe use a segment of old metal fender as the mold. Most plastics including ABS, which this seems to be similar to, will respond well to edge polishing. Just sand the edges with fine grit sand paper to take out imperfections and then buff it with a polishing wheel loaded with green or white compound. Makes it look factory. Obiwan
Scott said:
How do hookworms do in the snow?
lol. what kinda snow? frozen crunchy? thin and slippery? packed?

i've got so much weight and traction at the rear wheel that i can let the front wheel act like a ski or plow. if i had my weight on top of it, i'd be scared, even though i'm sure it's better than anything thinner. even still, on slippery stuff, don't lean into turn and don't brake with the hookworm up front. dirt tire will be much better on snow (but probably no different or worse on sheer ice, imo)

some commuting from like thursday?

the muddy exploration ride and hose down:

and what i shoulda at least had on before the ride: