Speedict Ebike - Anybody seen/tried this?

Trying to give feedback to the group, sent the speedict back in August when I wrote the last message. Absolutely no reply, no replacement and it is October 1st. Anyone else have positive or negative experiences to share with the group? Is this company still in business? Thanks in advance for any reply. Hope this continues to help.

Joe Mc.

energyi said:
Guess I will try to answer your question Ihatepedlling. My mars speedict became quite eradict (stored files were useless), and the calibration for live view was at least 5 volts too high. I sent mine back to Hong Kong last week, cost about $7 by USPostal with minimal packaging. Will try to let the endlesssphere group know about any results from this experience. Hope this helps.
I have a question/problem with my speedict mercury.
About 2 months ago i received it and today i tried to install it but port 4 is not working well.
I did see that there where more people with this problem but i didn't read a solution some where, so i hope somebody can help me.

The mercury got firmware 1.0.8
The android client is 1.1.0
The mercury is in road legal 2 mode (but i also tried different profiles)

Port 1: nothing
Port 2: Throttle in
Port 3: PAS v7
port 4: Throttle out (tried when it's connected and when it is not connected -> can read output on mobile) - +5v is not connected

Measured everything with multimeter and it looks like everything is working on port 2 and 3 there i can see the input change (also on the mobile)
But port 4 keeps on output value 100 and is never changing what ever i do.
When i override the throttle in the menu and i have to set low and high throttle then everything is working and the wheel spins.
So i think it has to be something in the software. Then i tried to do a new install of the firmware, reboot mobile, disconnect battery etc.

But know i ran out of options...
Already sent a port status report to speedict but they are on holiday this week.
The speedict is working know!!! :D

The problem was that i didn't connected the speedsensor.
If you do a throttle overwrite and setting the low and high wthout a speedsensor the throttle output was always 100 (in my case).
My speedict was received back from Hong Kong. Looks like the one I originally sent to them. It was by registered mail, so I had to go to the post office to get it, no paperwork or any communication with the device. Will install and keep the list posted. Hope this helps.

Joe Mc.

energyi said:
Trying to give feedback to the group, sent the speedict back in August when I wrote the last message. Absolutely no reply, no replacement and it is October 1st. Anyone else have positive or negative experiences to share with the group? Is this company still in business? Thanks in advance for any reply. Hope this continues to help.

Joe Mc.

energyi said:
Guess I will try to answer your question Ihatepedlling. My mars speedict became quite eradict (stored files were useless), and the calibration for live view was at least 5 volts too high. I sent mine back to Hong Kong last week, cost about $7 by USPostal with minimal packaging. Will try to let the endlesssphere group know about any results from this experience. Hope this helps.
I have had the Mercury version when it first was introduced!
Had a couple of issues but all solved by Danny.
Always wanted to link to PC via USB Port ( Mercury ver. this was not available) Blue tooth only ( cant even use PC Bluetooth as There in no Software ( Windows 8)Downloading logs takes Hours!
Now it wil lnot connect to S3 and I cant be bothered
need more information DANNY
Regards ROLAND
rroland said:
I have had the Mercury version when it first was introduced!
Had a couple of issues but all solved by Danny.
Always wanted to link to PC via USB Port ( Mercury ver. this was not available) Blue tooth only ( cant even use PC Bluetooth as There in no Software ( Windows 8)Downloading logs takes Hours!
Now it wil lnot connect to S3 and I cant be bothered
need more information DANNY
Regards ROLAND

as per the facebook conversation, it is likely the bluetooth module issues, please send it back for bluetooth module replace.
Hello everyone!
Does anyone knows if its possible to Pair the SPEEDICT and at the same with Bluetooth Stereo Headsets?
rroland said:
...Downloading logs takes Hours!
I've also found downloading data, something like a third of the time of the ride, to be a significant usability issue. As well, memory always fills up for me, because it records all day, every day.

The scenario I've adopted is:-
Delete all files before ride,
Start new file after ride,
Connect phone to charger (if download fails part way through, file is lost),
Start download,
Come back next day.

It's laborious, so I usually only use the live view but it mostly works.

Failure modes often seen are:-
Android app crashes. Fixed by restarting but annoying as it is frequent.
GPS data is intermittent, often there for parts of a ride but not other parts. I can't spot what causes it to work sometimes and not others and can't tell if there will be GPS data until after ride is downloaded.
Data files contain occasional values that are impossibly large for current. I have to edit these manually when analysing the data file.
If I run the battery until it is shut down by the Battery Management System, the Speedict often loses all but a minute or two of data for that ride. This can be avoided by starting a new file when you spot the battery fading but I usually forget. (See below, this may have been fixed.)
GPS speed data has errors that are caused by innaccurate GPS data and no smoothing. In an extreme example with the bike travelling at 33km/h GPS data remained constant for 48 seconds resulting in 0km/h GPS speed. Mostly the GPS speed is pretty random.

I just upgraded to the latest firmware successfully. Previously people have bricked the Speedict trying to do that which Danny explained as:-
speedict said:
we have identified the problem was caused by some custom rom and there were a loop hole allow android to inject some incorrect GPS data into speedict rom during firmware upgrade, and now been resolved by speedict android client 1.0.8.
In my view, upgrading is still risky, because there should be no way that the device can be bricked by an error in the Android app. Therefore, I was pleased when it succeeded.

In the email suggesting the upgrade, it said "we have discovered the current read and write methods or topologies might caused data flash bad block when power off while data is reading or writing" so perhaps the issue of losing data when the battery fails is fixed now.

speedict said:
rroland said:
...Now it wil lnot connect to S3 and I cant be bothered
as per the facebook conversation, it is likely the bluetooth module issues, please send it back for bluetooth module replace.
Yes. I had that too, on my second failure. I returned the module and it came back two months later with an explanation that "caused by data memory issue, therefore by simply replaced new component"

The first time mine failed, it was my fault. Danny kindly fixed it and advised:-
Ken Taylor said:
speedict said:
according to our engineers, your mercury was damage might caused by pin port voltage, not 5v from speed controller, it was higher voltage, that kind of damage we had experienced before, so please do make sure connect to port pin not more than 5v, i was told by customer who just for some reason (he didn't told me the detail) inside his controller contacted high voltage line to its throttle signal wire and the symptom look similar !

again ! i am still no saying your mercury was caused by that but as experienced it MIGHT ....
I can see it would fry if high voltage was connected to a signal pin. It didn't get a high voltage from the speed controller as the signal pin was not connected to the speed controller when it failed. If battery voltage came into contact with a signal pin, that would do it. I don't think that occurred but I can't be sure.
It took me a long time to discover how I'd done that, but I eventually figured out that I'd exceeded the allowable port voltage when one of the signal wires touched the frame see http://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=18505&hilit=aprilia&start=775#p813073

Some aspects of the design don't make sense to me. For example, if you use the speed control function you can set a pin code to lock the bike but any Android phone that comes by can connect to the Speedict. That means, if you haven't set a pin code, someone else can and you can't unlock it.

I regard the Speedict as in Alpha release which avoids the
rroland said:
...and I cant be bothered
sentiment but I also feel that the early adopters
rroland said:
need more information DANNY
shapebuster said:
Hello everyone!
Does anyone knows if its possible to Pair the SPEEDICT and at the same with Bluetooth Stereo Headsets?

yes you can pair as many as bluetooth device with your android phone, but only connect one at a time, this is android design e.g. you can not connect 2 bluetooth headset at the same time.
Ken Taylor said:
I just upgraded to the latest firmware successfully. Previously people have bricked the Speedict trying to do that which Danny explained as:-
speedict said:
we have identified the problem was caused by some custom rom and there were a loop hole allow android to inject some incorrect GPS data into speedict rom during firmware upgrade, and now been resolved by speedict android client 1.0.8.
In my view, upgrading is still risky, because there should be no way that the device can be bricked by an error in the Android app. Therefore, I was pleased when it succeeded.

i played with upgrade many time with different android phone and android rom (i want to learn the workflow and topology because my final year project need a similar features ha ha), i even remove my android's battery in the middle of firmware upgrade, as per my observation speedict didn't cover or replace its existing firmware until it confirmed the downloaded firmware is completed. i think they have experiences from early failure of android custom rom bluetooth unstable cause broken link during upgrade.
rosich said:
i played with upgrade many time with different android phone and android rom (i want to learn the workflow and topology because my final year project need a similar features ha ha), i even remove my android's battery in the middle of firmware upgrade, as per my observation speedict didn't cover or replace its existing firmware until it confirmed the downloaded firmware is completed.
Great to see you tried this test and published the results because it shows we don't have to be careful not too lose connectivity during an update. I wouldn't have the courage because, if it bricks, returning the Speedict is a pain.
rosich said:
i think they have experiences from early failure of android custom rom bluetooth unstable cause broken link during upgrade.
I suspect the underlying problem is still there, though. The downloaded file should be signed or checksummed and the signature checked before it overwrites the previous software. This can't be happening because Danny said the problem previously was corruption in the downloaded file.

File checking could be included in an updated boot loader but the boot loader should also not be updated over the air, though maybe it is. The way a phone deals with this is by having a bootloader that is never overwritten and will always allow upload of an operating system over the USB port, even if the over the air option has failed.

There should be nothing an Android app could do that would brick the Speedict, in which case bricking the Speedict couldn't be fixed by fixing the Android app. Fixing the Android app was the reported solution so I suspect upgrades are still risky.
Why has the Mercury got a USB Port on it anyway? It is Bulky and of no use! Controllability should be direct from PC to Unit!
Imagine if you could connect to the unit via the Internet on a remote Basis and the Saving in time and postage delays? Lots of software defined Hardware issues are designed to handle this way.
Any Way It has been sent Back to Hong-Kong. With Christmas Mail I probably wont get it until the new Year?
Is 100V now officially supported?
By the looks of thios thread, product is still quite unreliable. Are there any positive user reviews about this? I really want this to work well, would be much stealthier than a CA on the handlebars.
I can't remember, when up to 100V wasn't supported.

A few friends of mine and I have been using speedicts for quite a while now.
For me, the key advantage is monitoring on a nice customizable display, that I'm bringing anyways, without having a CA on the handlebar permanently.

It's quite a neat little piece of tech, a friend has his bike right outside his window while charging and monitors the charging process from his livingroom over the phone, very cool.

The only problem I ever had, was me (idiot) swapping plus and minus from the battery. But Danny even fixed that for me without so much as ridiculing me even once for making such a beginner's mistake.
wannesd said:
Is 100V now officially supported?

top voltage support is still 80v

wannesd said:
By the looks of thios thread, product is still quite unreliable. Are there any positive user reviews about this? I really want this to work well, would be much stealthier than a CA on the handlebars.

we (our local club) have many speedict Mars and Mercury installed, up to this moment we are happy with it, as per our experiences the toughest time was on early this year (march-april) when discovered samsung rom with bluetooth instability, caused firmware upgrade risky, danny and his team spent quite some time to fixed it.

installing Mercury was a little bit painful because we have many different type / kind of speed controller to work with, the key point i can say now was the throttle range setup, without incorrect setup your throttle range delivery from speedict mercury to speed controller your controller e.g. my speed controller has arming feature for safety reason, therefore i need to make sure my throttle range setup - the lowest throttle point low enough to reach my speed controller's arming position ~0.9v

also i am happy with speedict still developing on Mercury such as their web service launch last week that allow us to upload logs to the internet and view from home or office (ha ha) big screen.

as per danny's information, last week one of their customers used his log (with GPS information) for over-speed contradict, that encourage us to draft a proposal to danny enhance the instant legal + log upload to the internet features for better in case of police investigation !
Hello there!

I have built a battery pack to use in my GNG450WMidDrive with 3x5000mah x 14.4V, they are connected with a Speedict Mercury, but for now its only connect between the Batteries and the controller.






In order to not ruin the batteries by over discharging, and because Speedict gives me the "Voltage Present" and "Current Present" in the batteries, what is your advice about the minimum values for this? How can i prevent ruining the batteries?

Best Regards
shapebuster said:
In order to not ruin the batteries by over discharging, and because Speedict gives me the "Voltage Present" and "Current Present" in the batteries, what is your advice about the minimum values for this? How can i prevent ruining the batteries?

Best Regards

page 46, governor feature - you can set the under voltage cut off, it is hard cut off, stop delivery throttle signal immediately when under voltage point reached, or you can set under voltage alarm !
shapebuster said:
In order to not ruin the batteries by over discharging, and because Speedict gives me the "Voltage Present" and "Current Present" in the batteries, what is your advice about the minimum values for this? How can i prevent ruining the batteries?

Best Regards

Get some proper BMS!
speedict said:
shapebuster said:
In order to not ruin the batteries by over discharging, and because Speedict gives me the "Voltage Present" and "Current Present" in the batteries, what is your advice about the minimum values for this? How can i prevent ruining the batteries?

Best Regards

page 46, governor feature - you can set the under voltage cut off, it is hard cut off, stop delivery throttle signal immediately when under voltage point reached, or you can set under voltage alarm !

Thank you.

Can you tell me what is the problem or why after a 43min Trip that is recorded, and that i can see on the Speedict Map the route i have done, why isnt it saved or exported?

Than you
shapebuster said:
speedict said:
shapebuster said:
Can you tell me what is the problem or why after a 43min Trip that is recorded, and that i can see on the Speedict Map the route i have done, why isnt it saved or exported?

Than you

you mean only record first 43mins ? you can see on speedict map the route mean live view while riding ?
speedict said:
Now you can upload your log(s) from Android client to the Internet server directly without PC Client, view on any Internet browser !
Hi Danny
Thanks Received the Mercury and had the chance to get it up and running.
How do i get a login for the Webb page
And Instructions
Merry Christmass


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