jrhnz said:
I can confirm what CiDi has posted. I have managed to change the parameters on my M600 with 46.2 firmware with Besst pro. My controller does have a serial No and I know of at least one other M600 owner with factory 46.2 firmware. Interestingly it is not possible to change this firmware to another version with Besst pro or the other 12.18. It would also not accept the parameter changes until the speed was changed back to a lower limit. But it was possible to change speed back afterwards using Besst 1.2.18
There are also other parameters that you can theoretically change, but you can't do it with BESSTPro.
I'm trying to do it via can analyzer, if anyone wants to try these are the messages to use.
First you perform a reading, then you write, modifying only those involved.
Read Parameter 6011 Send message 05116011 0
022D0000 8 30 12 3B D8 0E 68 10 10
0-Nominal voltage DCV 36/43/48
1-Maximum current limit when the battery is full A
2-Overvoltage DCV
3-undervoltage DCV
4-Dynamic driving undervoltage DCV
5-Undervoltage recovery voltage DCV
7-Battery capacity mAh (Byte low)
022D0001 8 27 05 0A 32 2C 00 00 0D
0-Battery capacity mAh (Byte hight)
1-Maximum current limit when battery is low A
2-Battery value threshold when the current begins to decrease %
3-Percentage coefficient of power when the current begins to decay %
4-Display of the complete mileage of the battery Km
5-Sensor type 0/1/2
6-Reverse brake function 0/1
7-Speed Code Disc Teeth
022D0002 8 01 08 01 05 01 02 C8 01
0-Number of speed signal channels 1/2
1-Anti-heel pair controls the number of teeth
2-Motor type 0/1/2
3-Number of pole pairs
4-Number of speed magnets
5-Temperature sensor signal 0/1/2
6-Reduction ratio (Byte low)
7-Reduction ratio (Byte hight)
022D0003 8 C8 00 50 46 80 BB 03 00
0-Maximum speed of rail movement RPM (Byte low)
1-Maximum speed of rail movement RPM (Byte hight)
2-Inductance of the D axis uH (Byte low)
3-Inductance of the D axis uH (Byte hight)
4-Inductance of the Q axis uH (Byte low)
5-Inductance of the Q axis uH (Byte hight)
6-Phase limit resistance mΩ (Byte low)
7-Phase limit resistance mΩ (Byte hight)
022D0004 8 60 00 0C 27 01 28 05 03
0-Rear EMF coefficient 0.001V/RPM (Byte low)
1-Rear EMF coefficient 0.001V/RPM (Byte hight)
2-Start voltage 0.1DCV
3-End voltage 0.1DCV
4-Speed limited
5-Dinamic current %
6-Current loading time 100ms
7-Current load shedding time 100ms
022D0005 8 05 0A 14 1E 28 32 3E 4B
0-Level 1-#-# - Current Limit %
1-Level 2-1-# - Current Limit %
2-Level 3-#-1 - Current Limit %
3-Level 4-2-# - Current Limit %
4-Level 5-#-2 - Current Limit %
5-Level 6-3-# - Current Limit %
6-Level 7-#-# - Current Limit %
7-Level 8-4-# - Current Limit %
022D0006 8 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
0-Level 9-5-3 - Current Limit %
1-Level 1-#-# - Speed Limit %
2-Level 2-1-# - Speed Limit %
3-Level 3-#-1 - Speed Limit %
4-Level 4-2-# - Speed Limit %
5-Level 5-#-2 - Speed Limit %
6-Level 6-3-# - Speed Limit %
7-Level 7-#-# - Speed Limit %
022E0007 8 64 64 00 00 14 00 FF B4
0-Level 8-4-# - Speed Limit %
1-Level 9-5-3 - Speed Limit %
2-With or without display 0/1
3-The headlights are always on 0/1
4-Boost speed (Byte low)
5-Boost speed (Byte hight)
Read Parameter 6012 Send message 05116012 0
022D0000 8 0D 04 02 01 01 01 0A 0A
0-Starting torque value - 0 Kg
1-Starting torque value - 1 Kg
2-Starting torque value - 2 Kg
3-Starting torque value - 3 Kg
4-Starting torque value - 4 Kg
5-Starting torque value - 5 Kg
6-Torque value at full load - 0 Kg
7-Torque value at full load - 1 Kg
022D0001 8 09 08 07 06 0D 04 02 01
0-Torque value at full load - 2 Kg
1-Torque value at full load - 3 Kg
2-Torque value at full load - 4 Kg
3-Torque value at full load - 5 Kg
4-Return torque value - 0 Kg
5-Return torque value - 1 Kg
6-Return torque value - 2 Kg
7-Return torque value - 3 Kg
022D0002 8 01 01 64 64 64 64 64 64
0-Return torque value - 4 Kg
1-Return torque value - 5 Kg
2-Maximum current - 0 %
3-Maximum current - 1 %
4-Maximum current - 2 %
5-Maximum current - 3 %
6-Maximum current - 4 %
7-Maximum current - 5 %
022D0003 8 04 04 04 04 04 04 08 08
0-Minimum current - 0 %
1-Minimum current - 1 %
2-Minimum current - 2 %
3-Minimum current - 3 %
4-Minimum current - 4 %
5-Minimum current - 5 %
6-Decay time of the torque - 0 10ms
7-Decay time of the torque - 1 10ms
022D0004 8 08 08 08 08 01 00 00 00
0-Decay time of the torque - 2 10ms
1-Decay time of the torque - 3 10ms
2-Decay time of the torque - 4 10ms
3-Decay time of the torque - 5 10ms
4-Start pulse number - 0
5-Start pulse number - 1
6-Start pulse number - 2
7-Start pulse number - 3
022D0005 8 00 00 02 02 02 02 02 02
0-Start pulse number - 4
1-Start pulse number - 5
2-Current decay time - 0 5ms
3-Current decay time - 1 5ms
4-Current decay time - 2 5ms
5-Current decay time - 3 5ms
6-Current decay time - 4 5ms
7-Current decay time - 5 5ms
022D0006 8 FA FA FA FA FA FA 07 FF
0-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 0 2ms
1-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 1 2ms
2-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 2 2ms
3-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 3 2ms
4-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 4 2ms
5-Maximum pulse Width of pedal speed - 5 2ms
6-Motor derating temperature °C
7-Motor overheating temperature °C
022E0007 8 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E6
Write Parameter 6011
05106011 1 40
022A6011 0
05146011 8 30 12 3B D8 0E 68 10 10
022A6011 0
05150000 8 27 05 0A 32 2C 00 00 0D
022A6011 0
05150001 8 01 08 01 05 01 02 C8 01
022A6011 0
05150002 8 C8 00 50 46 80 BB 03 00
022A6011 0
05150003 8 60 00 0C 27 01 28 05 03
022A6011 0
05150004 8 05 0A 14 1E 28 32 3E 4B
022A6011 0
05150005 8 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
022A6011 0
05160006 8 64 64 00 00 14 00 FF B4
022A6011 0
Write Parameter 6012
05106012 1 40
022A6012 0
05146012 8 0D 04 02 01 01 01 0A 0A
022A6012 0
05150000 8 09 08 07 06 0D 04 02 01
022A6012 0
05150001 8 01 01 64 64 64 64 64 64
022A6012 0
05150002 8 04 04 04 04 04 04 08 08
022A6012 0
05150003 8 08 08 08 08 01 00 00 00
022A6012 0
05150004 8 00 00 02 02 02 02 02 02
022A6012 0
05150005 8 FA FA FA FA FA FA 07 FF
022A6012 0
05160006 8 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF E6
022A6012 0